[en] - Modding Corner > Mapping

[ROTWK]Make maps for edain 4.0

<< < (2/5) > >>

I mean if, with new pcs, limits such as 400 trees can be ignored now :D

Nope, that has nothing to do with the pcs, it's a problem with the hardcoded engine and this can't be fixed by us or by using newer computers. But on larger maps you can also use >1200 trees and >2000 shrubs before having any problems. It depends on the size of the map and the amount of trees/shrubs you're seeing at the same time.^^

I've only had a VERY limited experience with the Warcraft 3 editor... would that help?

A bit, bit not very much. The worldbuilder of Bfme is completely different to the warcraft 3 editor.

no tilesets :D


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