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[en] Support Edain Demo 4.0

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Turin Turumbar:
Those "labels" show up when your launcher could not yet download any news.
Which files couldn't be uninstalled? And jeah, the uninstaller stays, the uninstaller can't delete itself in the system we are using.

I'll try it what Black Numenór said.

Found the solution. My notebook can't play the game in 720p as 1280*720, i don't know why, but in the other resolution starts...I could play 720p yesterday. I think nothing happened after that. :D


nothing happened :/ always minimizes it :/
EDIT: I have to wait when it's been minized :D run perfectly, but i don't know why does the games have to minimize it...
REEDIT: nothing...it doesn't work anymore :/

Edit by Turin: Merged the posts.

Turin Turumbar:
Maybe your monitor does not fit with this resolution since it has lower dimensions in one of those two.
So you can play now?

By the way: Please use the edit function instead of double posting. Edited Posts will also listed as new ones for users so no need to double post. ;)

Yeah it works now. And I keep the editing thing in my mind :P

I have tried using the option to fix startup but I'm still getting a crash at startup.  Also, I didn't have this problem with 3.8.

I have tried to attach the error message, which I could only screenshot, but you have to rename the file to .jpg instead of .txt.  Any ideas? 

something about expected signed integer value with command points in the gamedata.ini file


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