[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Bug Reports

War of the Ring Bugs

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Discord [BOT]:
Bug Good Campaign mission defend the grey havens : after i won the mission saruman from the evil campaign do the outro ( played in german ).
theshark9599 (<@270341251008561153>)

Le Sournois:
Angmar campaign

Mission 2 with Rogash: the mission doesn't end even after all ennemies has been killed.

Mission 5 in North Down :
The camera don't allo us to see the entire map and force us to find peaces of palantir in places we don't see.

Also a lot of saves got corrupted in my games, saves tend to be buggy.

Discord [BOT]:
I'm not sure if this has ever been reported but here are several issues i had with the good campaign in Edain Mod

1. Campaign 1 (Rivendell):
Elrond's House does not retrain fallen heroes
2. Campaign 2 (high pass and Goblin King)
No issues besides a small pet peeve of the 2 Lothlorien Archer reinforcement with Haldir only one of them is fully upgraded
3. Campaign 3 (Drogoth/dragon mission)
Drogoth will sometimes attack the middle space with the signal fire but will freeze out and cannot be damaged until the final encounter in the throne room
4. Campaign 4 (Gray Havens)
The dwarven builder can only build one building before it is rendered unavailable (alternative provide an outpost slot with a dwarven buildpots coded in or make it into the old vanilla builder). Also Lindon Guardians dont have a limit and the library in gray havens only have the first upgrade tier. 
5. Campaign 5 (laketown)
6. Campaign 6  (Dale and Erebor) same builder problems with Campaign 4
7. Campaign 7 (Dol Guldur)
If you go with Imladris outpost the Library only has the first tier upgrades. The Hall of Warriors and Dwarven Siege Workshop built by the Dwarven builders does not build any units (also have the same builder one building limit problem), Mirkwood Builder does not build any buildings, the Mordor counterattack was bugged (no Mordor army come after the timer was up)
sirpottsiii (<@1045594629623533630>)

Discord [BOT]:
last i played using edain in the isenguard map on war of the ring lothlorien was broken as they couldnt train any units from the main structure if you are the one defending. has that been fixed? it seems maybe there was a bug where the building plots didnt apply correctly to the main structure?
bentalton (<@238509850781286401>)


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