[en] The Prancing Pony > Other

The mystery of the user name

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I started thread concerning our usernames (we can say nickname or simply nick, too).

Some nicks are very short, some nicks are longer. Someone uses two names. We can see combination of the letters with numbers.

Some nicknames are quite logical. The name of the famous person or character. Numbers as well - for example the year of the birth or current age.

But exists many nicknames, where is problem find out ... What does your nick mean?  8-) And why have you chosen such nick?

I hope that it will be funny thread  :D, and on the other hand quite interesting thread. Such nick may reveal some information about user.  ;)

Well... when i started on that site in 2009 i wanted a LotR name... was pretty uncreative (and still am in regards of Usernames :D)... wanted a bad guy... without numbers... Shagrat was available... took it^^

then for my others... that'll be fun... (only those that i didn't use only for Christmas... well maybe besides one and btw user names not necessarily in chronological order)

CM Punk - Straight Edge Savior: I am a Wrestling fan and straight edge myself

Blackbeard: when i joined the FdK (PotC) Mod i wanted a fitting Avatar.. and Blackbeard was an interesting Pirate.. he got used under value in the movie but still... unfortunatly the mod died since we lost our skinner and then also Souls-of-Blacks (Mod leader) PC broke down and he still has no Windows on it again

The Joker: one of my favourite Villains... he's crazy... he was voiced by mARK HAMill... nuff said (can't spell Mark Hamill without Arkham)

Alexander Andersen/Anderson in the english: i'm a Hellsing Fan and Andersen imho is an interesting Character and i didn't want to use Alucard since he is used by Reshef and the Major is not really fit for the MU i think... not yet...

The Norwegian Blue/Der Norwegische Blauling: i like the Monty Python Sketch
Grand Admiral Thrawn: Star Wars Fan and Fan of the Old EU (RIP :( i still wish for games in the "Legends universe"... e.g Strategy (EaW was great) and RPG... but EA...)

Undertaker - Lord of Darkness: see CM Punk and imho the Undertaker is the greatest Wrestler of all time... REST IN PEACE!

and then the Christmas Nickname (but also in my Avatar list) the Reichtangle/Das Reichteck (a joke that works in german and english... Rechteck/reichtangle): I like Polandball and especially those with the Reichtangle (http://i.imgur.com/58Ah8M2.png)

and then as a little extra: ModdB... the Major... Hellsing villain... totaly insane... not your standart "blabla4. ReichblablablaForTheFühr erblabla" run of the mill Nazi-Villain... great speaker

and i guess i'm done for the moment

After I read The Hobbit I was pretty exited about Smaug and got into this whole Dragon thing (and Fantasy literature in general... before I just knew Harry Potter :D ). I read everything about Dragons and Tolkien that I could find and once I discovered a bit of Sindarin, I created the name "Lócendil", which means "Dragonfriend". This preference for Dragons isn't very unique and quite common for fantasy fans, but otherwise I would have searched way to long for a nice name... and I did not want to just took a name from a random figure, which were created by another.
Several times I thought about changing my name, but I think it's senseless and really annoying for the other users (isn't it Shag? :D ). Everyone here knows me for four years with that name and I don't think I could find another one that is worth the change now ;)

Somewhere we had such a thread in german, but I think it's lost in the depths of the OffTopic Forum :D


--- Zitat ---standart "blabla4. ReichblablablaForTheFühr erblabla" run of the mill Nazi-Villain...
--- Ende Zitat ---
I don't know shit about animes, but I always had exactly that impression of the major :D

Edit 2:
Shag, and don't forget the one who had to create the shitload of banners for every of your identities :D


--- Zitat ---I don't know shit about animes, but I always had exactly that impression of the major :D

--- Ende Zitat ---
no he's just about war

--- Zitat ---Shag, and don't forget the one who had to create the shitload of banners for every of your identities :D
--- Ende Zitat ---
i doubt that i have to feed your ego at the moment :P

Lord of Mordor:
When I first entered the modding scene in the Elvenstar forums way back in the day, I just wanted to call myself "Sauron" because he's obviously the coolest character in the story :P Turns out that username was already taken though, so I tried tons of different variations like "The Dark Lord" before finally arriving at "Lord of Mordor", which thankfully nobody had claimed yet. That was before the release of The Battle for Middle-Earth II, but it's stuck with me ever since. Even though here on Modding Union, I was the third user to register an account and could have chosen whatever I wanted [ugly]


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