[en] - Modding Corner > Mapping

Edain 4.0 Mapping - Multiple starting camps/outposts

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For anyone trying this. Through the map editor if you create a new script under the corresponding player under bases either of the unpack_base ones (one is instant, one is slower to unpack like starting bases).  The camp/castle/outpost/farm flag must be named but it works on any of these.  If you want special buildings on the plots you can use the build_on_plot scripts under the same bases group of scripts.

This is not perfect however. There are two problems...

1. If you unpack 2 or more bases (including the starting one) the AI players will not build any buildings. Just heroes. Don't know why.

2. If you build the special bases (like dol guldur) using scripts on the outposts, they work perfectly for the AI but for players they seem to become inactive when you don't have troops right next to them. If you move trips next to them they work as expected.  Weird.

So yeah I managed to get it partly working. Perhaps these bugs aren't fixable using only world editor.  So I thought I'd share for everyone who might be interested including the Edain team.  Just incase they weren't aware.

Then again,  I could be doing it all wrong. Hopefully an Edain member can shed some light :-3


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