[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Gondor Suggestions



OK, I think someone else may have already mention that.
Since the idea of good faction is to preserve your units during fight(unlike mordor just send your expendable orcs spams), sometimes it is hard to train advanced units such as tower guard or Citadel guard, maybe you should give regular Gondor soldiers a promotion ability when they reach level 5, so the spearman could be upgrade to towerguard, something like that.
Also, has anyone built Gondor cavalvy in the game? They are too expensive in my opinions. I understand Numenoreans are not good at riding, but we should make all the units designed in the game useful in some way. My suggestion is to give regular Gondor soldiers (with sword and shield) a "purchase horse" ability when they reach level 3 and near a stable, maybe cost 200 or something, just so we could at least make Gondor rider appear in the game.
Since the original edition of BFME, I have been confused about the fact that tower guards(which have the appearance of fountain guard in the movie) are regular units, I heard their helmets are made by Mithril and their gear only passed between father and sons. On the contrary, "Citadel guard" which is just the guard of upper levels are elite units. Let's say, tower guards only answer to king and they protect the relics of deceased kings in the history, while Citadel guards answer to the steward. Maybe we should make Towerguard the elite units(produced by Citadel ) while make Citadel guard with spear and sword a regular veteran unit for level2 barracks? Any idea about that?


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