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Autor Thema: Forum Signatures  (Gelesen 6298 mal)


  • Verteidiger Morias
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Forum Signatures
« am: 21. Apr 2015, 09:29 »
Here's a collection of signatures that are made to suit practically any forum ;)






Just copy the code to your signature field.

Cheers  xD
« Letzte Änderung: 21. Apr 2015, 09:42 von hoho96 »


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Re: Forum Signatures
« Antwort #1 am: 17. Okt 2015, 03:37 »
Where do I find those "faction X player/fan" signatures?
I really like my own Gay Elf Pride signature, but those signatures are also very awesome. Who creates them? Is there one for Imladris? Or are they for certain forum members only?
I'm sorry for asking in here where you are showing your own signatures @hoho96. But I didn't want to to create a whole new topic just for asking that, and I figured my questions would be relevant for any other people coming to this topic interested in signatures.


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Re: Forum Signatures
« Antwort #2 am: 17. Okt 2015, 05:20 »
Those banners were created by CMG and are available for everyone. You can find them here

I guess an Imladris signature will be added when Imladris is released, so you'll have to wait for that one :)

A Túrin Turambar turún' ambartanen!
Túrin, master of doom, by doom mastered!


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Re: Forum Signatures
« Antwort #3 am: 17. Okt 2015, 05:33 »
Those banners were created by CMG and are available for everyone. You can find them here

I guess an Imladris signature will be added when Imladris is released, so you'll have to wait for that one :)

Good, so I can enjoy my current one until there, and then switch ^^
Thanks, Lord Mandos :)