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Autor Thema: The Hobbit Trilogy  (Gelesen 137027 mal)

Gandalf The Gray

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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #150 am: 27. Aug 2015, 04:52 »
i think the dwarfs can achieve that kind of balisstas


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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #151 am: 27. Aug 2015, 08:04 »
I'm more concerned about where those ballista bolts will land ^^
Do they hit the elven army? That would decimate hundreds. Resulting in... quite a difficult situation. If the dwarfves have just killed many of his soldiers, how is Thranduils still suddenly OK with allying with them?
It's these sort of things that make scenes like this really seem like they were added simply because "it would look cool", and the creators did not really think them through. As others have pointed out, bringing those ballistas would have slowed Dáin's army down quite alot. I agree with many of you that bringing them makes him seem very prepared for fighting off the arrow-heavy elven army, which makes sense.

But I also think the movies do not really do justice to the relation between elves and dwarves in the third age, in my opinion they were alot less resentful towards each other. In the books, Dáin attacks the combined army of elves and Lake-men because he's trying to get the Arkenstone back for Thorin. He did not care what sort of army was holding the stone. I daresay, if the army besieging Erebor would have been a dwarven army (as outrageous as that may seem), Dáin would still have attacked if they refused to return the Arkenstone to Thorin. There are no mentions of conflict between dwarves and elves in the Second and Third Age (iirc), they actually had rather friendly Relations (see Eregion and Khazad-dûm).

Watching the trailer does make me exited for the Extended Cut but I am still sort of disappointed that most new scenes are simply "It looks cool, let's add that!" kind of scenes. But I am very very glad they gave Beorn some more screen time which is great.


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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #152 am: 27. Aug 2015, 09:02 »
Well I think it is obvious that Thranduil willuse his Staff to create a Defensive Magical Field around his Army and will vaporize those Ballsit Arrows :D :D :D
Joking aside I too am very curious what happens do those Arrow land which I doubt it will most likely be not presnt in te EE or I think Gandalf could have blowed them away soemhow with his Powers! :)
And I think that we might get a new Entrance scene for Dain or this here is ust for Trailer purposses like it was in the orignal :D :D
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."


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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #153 am: 27. Aug 2015, 09:13 »
And send some regards to korner when you see him on german part of forum.
Cheers bro
You can talk to me here as well, no need to go to german section...

The next question about this ballista is:

Do the dwarves actually need this "anti-arrow-ammunition" (no matter if you believe it works or not)??

- bringing those ballistas slows down the army
- dwarves have heavy plate armour
- dwarves have heavy/ big/ thick shields
- dwarves are obviuosly capable of performing a shieldwall, so they´d also be capable of putting their shields over their head like the Romans did
- so there is absolutely NO superiority for the elves with their bows. They can fire a thousand arrows and maybe they´d hit 2-3 dwarves
- even if that anti-arrow-ammunition would work, reloading the ballista would take at least 5 times longer than the elves reloading their arrows, which makes it useless
- IF the dwarves brought those ballistas to battle, wouldn´t it be tactically more efficient to just shoot bolts/ fire bolts on the elven army, to actually have any advantage from the ballista? It´s defensive use is pointless, but offensive it would be usefull...

Like others said: the only use of this ballista is "it looks cool, so we add it - no matter if logical or necessary". And that´s what I personally don´t like, that the movies focus too much on special effects and "cool" features instead of focussing on the plot, the characters, the story.

or I think Gandalf could have blowed them away soemhow with his Powers! :)

I hope this won´t happen... another thing where you´d ask yourself why he doesn´t protect Gondorians from orkish arrows in Minas Tirith or the Fellowship from Goblin arrows in Khazad Dum and so on...


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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #154 am: 27. Aug 2015, 09:36 »
So from "It is stupid" and "It is not possible" we have gone to "It is inconvinient" !
For Christ sake just dealt with the fact that it is a MOVIE and some things are made just to look cool and be liekd by the audiance!The same goes t othe Evles jumping infront the Dwarven Shield Wall,was it tacticaly wise no,but was it dramatic and cool looking yes!It is a Movie after all!
And I do not see a problem in bringing those Ballistasas and extra asset to asure victory after al lDain couln't have been sure in against what he will fight when mmeting the Elves and Man,so let's say he took measures to not be taken by surpirse and didn't take any chances,and those Ballistas probably have diffrent type of Ammunitions like oridnary Arrow and Anti-Arrow Net and who knows may be something else! :)
And I am almost 100% that those Ballistas were pulled by Ram pulled War Chariots andnot by Dwarves on foot so they won't be so slowing down this way! :)

P.S. I too hope that it is will not be Gandalf who stops the Arrows! :)
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."


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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #155 am: 27. Aug 2015, 09:44 »
it is a MOVIE and some things are made just to look cool and be liekd by the audiance!The same goes t othe Evles jumping infront the Dwarven Shield Wall,was it tacticaly wise no,but was it dramatic and cool looking yes!It is a Movie after all!


And everyone has the right to like that or not.
And everyone in this forum has the right to express if he likes it or not.

I don´t like it, you like it. That´s ok. What is the problem about it?


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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #156 am: 27. Aug 2015, 09:51 »
Exactly you are absolutely right!The point is that the fact that you do not like it doesnt make it unbelieveable,inconviniet or impossible! :)
You can just say "I do not like it,it doesnt suit my taste and imagination of the battle" Thats all,not going all "It is stupid" ,"It is not possible from physics aspect,from Magical aspect" and next " It is not convinient" ! :)
Just express you opinion and say you don't like it,but dont try to convince other poeple not to like it too by saying that it is not possible and etc.! :)
Have a nice day! :) See you around mate! :) Greeting from the Lord of the Iron Hills! :)
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."


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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #157 am: 27. Aug 2015, 09:58 »
Exactly you are absolutely right!The point is that the fact that you do not like it doesnt make it unbelieveable,inconviniet or impossible! :)
You can just say "I do not like it,it doesnt suit my taste and imagination of the battle" Thats all,not going all "It is stupid" ,"It is not possible from physics aspect,from Magical aspect" and next " It is not convinient" ! :)
Just express you opinion and say you don't like it,but dont try to convince other poeple not to like it too by saying that it is not possible and etc.! :)
Have a nice day! :) See you around mate! :) Greeting from the Lord of the Iron Hills! :)

And you are not trying to convince other people ;)? come on...

You may say you like the ballista and that in your opinion it works in Middle Earth and you like seeing more battle scenes in the EE.

I may say that I find it stupid and for me it does not work in Middle Earth and that I´d prefer to see more character development instead of more battle scenes in the EE.

That´s how it started, then came the big argument (not started by me).


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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #158 am: 27. Aug 2015, 10:10 »
Dwarves didnt use a little magic there! :-)
As far as I know it's stated in the silmarillion that dwarves were really skilled and many thought that it would be magic, but the dwarves always hated the elves for being able to use magic, while they weren't themselves.
Concerning the gates of Moria:
Narvi created the doors and hide them, as dwarves were able to create gates you can't see.
Celebrimbor added the moon-glyphes and the password, so that the doors only open when you said the right words.^^

@ Gandalf the gray:
yeah, THEY are no smiths... but I wanted to make the point that there are still elves from the first age - nowhere is stated that all elven smiths from the first age are gone, some of them could still be alive.

@ DieWalküre:
I agree with you. Meant exactly that.^^ I know that tolkien's magic is a bit more subtil and the magic aren't harry potter like fireballs, but more things we would call skills, talents and so on.

I just personally think that, though interesting these discussions could ever be, at the end of the day, speaking about the Tolkien's Universe, it could be really pointless and counterproductive having this kind of approach to these themes, mainly related to pure logic and scientific methods.
Well, for me this is the most interesting part about lord of the rings. There is nearly nothing illogical in it and this is the thing which makes lotr different to most of nowerdays fantasy stories.
If you look at the maps: Everything fits perfectly and if you look at the time they use for wandering through middleearth:
It's realistic. (not like the 'teleport to Gundabad and back' of the third movie)
Additionally all the names of rivery, mountains and so on are also always fitting.

F.e. the Carnen, sindarin for redwaters:
Its spring was in the iron hills. When are rivers called something with red in real world?
They need to have a red touch. When do they have it? When they run through or their spring is in an area with a lot of iron. (same for white with chalk)
He always used our own world for every single part of his story and therefore  everything seems really fitting and realistic.(the only part which is truely anrealistic is shelob, as such spiders can't exist, at least if she's built up like a normal spider. But that's something the older folks, who created mythology weren't aware of)
Additionally there are many absracts from biologists and geologists about middleearth, where they've proven things "realistic".^^
And the elven languages are even used in universities to show students how languages changes over time.
So everything he did can be applied in our own world. Perhaps only in an abstract way, but it can and the same way back.
That's why I think that it's important and why I can't enjoy Jackson's movies as much, as he doesn't look at it in the same way.

But on the other hand... perhaps it's just that we germans are unfunny and can't just enjoy such things without thinking about engineering... :D

@ Fine:
Agree with that.

@ LordDainIronfoot:
Yes, it's a movie. But that doesn't mean that you're correct. :P
I ersonally don't like the movie because of many of those scenes. I know that some people like it, but nearly all of my friends don't like the movies because of those scenes.
Just because you 'can' do some things doesn't mean you should. Of course there could be a battleship landing in middleearth and kill everything. It would look really cool. But should they do it? Definitely know.
Everyone has his own boarder what should be done and what not. Those things are definitely beyond my boarder. You still like it, as you have different boarders.
I also disliked the elves jumping over the dwarves because of the same reason:
It was stupid, illogical and just added to look cool. Imo without this scene the movie would be better.
I know that it's a movie, but I think the movie would be better without those scenes. That's why I'm talking about them. ;) I don't want a boring, but realistic movie. You can see in the lord of the rings that there are many really cool scenes and that jackson can create fantastic non-fighting and fighting scenes without such things. (of course they were also a bit unrealistic, but the scenes didn't scream: "LOOK! I'M UNREALISTIC, BUT I'M COOL. I'M SO COOOOOL AND THAT'S WHY I'M HERE"
Similar to the magic of tolkien I like it much more when those scenes are a bit more subtile and you can think of yourself: "Hey, those scenes were cool", without them saying it themselves.

It's just that everyone has a different taste. I just wanted to explain why I don't like them, as we "Hobbit-haters" are always told to be "so hateful, just because it's something new and without a real reason".
Wel, I have my reasons and I wanted to explain them. I like the lotr movies more, because they weren't so overloaded with special effects and those "cool" scenes and because they were more down-to-earth.
And I don't like the hobbit-movies because of the same reasons. :P I can understand that people don't have a problem with that, but I have. If I want to see such things I play warcraft or watch similar movies. But mostly I prefer "realistic" stories like lotr (or if we talk about games: Gothic, Dragon Age, Dead Space...)

I think I have already made the comparison:
The hobbit and lotr movies are as different as warcraft and gothic. One is more or less realistic, the other one is pure fantasy. Both things can be really good on it's own way, but you don't have to like both. As the lotr books were more similar to the lotr-movies (and gothic) I would have liked a similar approach in the movies and hoped that the style would be similar to the lotr movies.
Sadly it wasn't like that.

I will stop now talking about it, as I don't want to force anyone to dislike the movies. If you can enjoy the movies: Do it! I'm happy for you :)
But I will always enjoy the lotr-triology MUCH more. I just wanted you to undrstand why I personally don't like them (you can still like them, but understand why someone don't like them). I hope at least some understood my point. As many of the other team members share many of my points this was also to prevent some of the possible suggestions. :P

By saing "It's not possible" I also don't want to force enemies to dislike the movies. You can always like the movies even though there are unrealistic parts in it. But there are just MANY parts in it which are unrealistic and noone can tell me that those parts are realistic and they weren't added just to look cool. :P I jus wanted to point out that those scenes are the reason why I don't like it. And LordDainIronfoot:
You aren't better than us. :D If korner and me are trying to convince people that the movies are bad (note again: this was NOT my goal), then you're trying the opposite all the time.


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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #159 am: 27. Aug 2015, 10:38 »
Yes I am trying!have I said that I don't try!?But the reason I try is that you and some other people said it is not possible by physics and such things!And deiced to explain it and prove that it is possible,thats all,but I never said "It is possible so you must like it!"
Please make a difference between proving something and trying to force opinion on others!
And Gnomi I know you all hate the Movies and ME too but that doesnt make it bad Movie!I dislike many Plot changes that PJ did I really do and do dislike how Legolas is like some kind of Superman!
So a Battleship could land and destroy everything!?WOW!I agree but I do not see how adding actually a pracical weapon like Ballista with somewhow theoretical ammunition makes it bad or something similar to a battleship!?Thats not a valid point at all!And what is so unrealistic about a Ballistas!!I think we were abel to prove that is quite posible,hard but possible to some degree! I agree a lot of scenes were not needed but I do not think those Ballistas are one of them!
I too find the over use of CGI too much,and some exxagarated things too but those Ballistas are not one of them to me!
You never triyed to convince them that they are bad Gnomi but you just let your dislikenes of the Movie lead your actions!Just say you dislike it and doesnt suit you but do not involve physics and all possible matter in it!!You can think whatever you want of me good or bad,my opinion is my opinon and I am not the only one who stood against you and korner so stop putting all the blame on me as always!I really had different opinion of Edain Team and it Fans,now I am not so sure of it!
Have a nice day and feel free to dislike me as much as you pleaese just because I have different opinion than you stand for my believes! :)
I agree with it!The LOTR was better in those aspects but what can we do times change and tastes change!Now Cinema is all about cool CGI effects and sadly in The Hobbit they overused!But still Movies were quite good in some parts and especialyl the Visuals(I mean Cotusme,Armors,Cast and such)
I just want to remind that the main topic here was about the Ballista and were they possible to create and use,not about what we do not like in the Movies and why we hate them,thats going to far off topic I tihnk at least! :)
« Letzte Änderung: 27. Aug 2015, 10:53 von LordDainIronfoot »
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."

Gandalf The Gray

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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #160 am: 27. Aug 2015, 10:50 »
i think the big Goats can do the trick of draging those ballistas around xD


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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #161 am: 27. Aug 2015, 10:55 »
Yes I am trying!have I said that I don't try!?

When you tell others not to try convincing other people, you express that you don´t try to convince others - no matter if you write it down or not.

No one says the ballista is unrealistic. It´s the anti-arrow-ammo which is unrealistic... The ballista itself looks really cool, I´d only prefer it shooting "realistic" normal bolts on the enemy.

I think we were abel to prove that is quite posible,hard but possible to some degree!
This is again YOUR opinion, not common opinion. Nothing was proved neither that it´s possible, nor that it´s 100% impossible.
It won´t ever be proved untill someone build that ballista in real to test it  :D (would be an awesome job!).

You can think whatever you want of me good or bad,my opinion is my opinon and I am not the only one who stood against you and korner so stop putting all the blame on me as always!I really had different opinion of Edain Team and it Fans,no I am not so sure of it!
No one puts any blame on you. Don´t be insulted only because some else is different opinion than you.
How could we ever discuss any matter if no one could have different opinions without others feeling insulted?

Gnomi just told you: Don´t tell others not to do something that you do yourself. That´s it.
« Letzte Änderung: 27. Aug 2015, 10:58 von korner »


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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #162 am: 27. Aug 2015, 11:00 »
Okay, one last comment from me:
Please make a difference between proving something and trying to force opinion on others!
Well... I did it. But  just wanted to show you that we're doing the same as you. We were never trying to force an opinion, just trying to prove something. I have also given many points why (similarities of middleearth and the edda) and just wnated to prove something - not force an opinion.^^

you all hate the Movies and ME too
I don't hate the movies - I just don't like them, that's still a difference. I also like many parts of the first hobbit movie.

WOW!I agree but I do not see how adding actually a pracical weapon like Ballista with somewhow theoretical ammunition makes it bad or something similar to a battleship!?Thats not a valid point at all!
Just go bac to my comment above. Everyone sees things different. I just wanted to show you that some people perhaps would have no problem with that - but you have. In the same way we have problems with this curios ballista thing, while you don't have. Everyone sees things different. Everyone has different boarders. Just imagine that for me the ballista is as the spaceship for you. I have wrote everything else already in previous comments, especially the first one. People can like them, but I don't like them.

You never triyed to convince them that they are bad Gnomi but you just let your dislikenes of the Movie lead your actions!Just say you dislike it and doesnt suit you but do not involve physics and all possible matter in it

As written by CragLord it is possible - but not in the way it is integrated in the movies and that's what I also said. I don't like the movies. But there are great scenes, but sadly only very few. Probably you're correct. But I can tell you: You're also doing the samething. Everyone does this. You let your love for dwarvs lead your actions. Believe me or not, but you're doing this. So we're basically doing exactly the same, but have different point of views.

We're all humen, we're all doing mistakes. I think that those ballistas don't fit and that (if you look at it from a realistic point of vew) wouldn't really be possible this way. (I don't say not possible at all - just that there are too many reasons against it)Many people have made multiplepoints - you're saying that they are wrong, we're saying that they're right. I think that it's not possible to be sure who's right and that's the great thing: We can have completely different opinions and none will ever be able to tell us who's right and wrong. :D
I know that it always causes problems when two different opinions clash and both sides have valid points. I'm a big fan of the edda and Tolkien was also a fan of the edda and made middleearth very similar to it. Therefore I think that we can make many comparisons between the edda and middleearth. And such things wouldn't be possible there without magic.

You can think whatever you want of me good or bad,my opinion is my opinon and I am not the only one who stood against you and korner so stop putting all the blame on me as always!
Read my comment again. I never put all the blame on you. I just said that you're not better than us. I never said that you're doing things wrong - just that you're saying "You should stop doing this" or "You do this and it's bad!", but you do it the same way.
Does this mean I put the whole blame on you?
No. It just means that you should start looking at yourself. I know what I wrote and I know what you wrote and we both tried similar things, just from different points. If you read my previous comments carefully you'll notice that I never wrote: "You did everything wrong", but "everything you blame us for doing wrong are things you're also doing wrong", so I'm just telling you that we're on the same level and that's why I never wrote something like that in the beginning, but after you blaming us I wanted to show you that we're no worse than you. That's all.


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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #163 am: 27. Aug 2015, 11:01 »
I tried to prove that the Ballsita and thier Ammo are possible to some degree and not so unrealistic!I tried to exaplin it and prove it not Covnince them to like the Movie or the Scene!!
There is a difference in those you know!Proving and tryig to convince! :) Something may be proven that is possible but that doesnt make you to like it more! :)
Yes to be absolutely proven it has to be build in real life but I think WETA wouldn't have inlucded those Arrow if they 100% not possible at least I think that way and as I and CragLord said few times above it is quite possible in theory and physical aspects! :)
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."

Gandalf The Gray

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Re: The Hobbit Trilogy
« Antwort #164 am: 27. Aug 2015, 11:02 »
i think dain has a point  the fact that you do not like it doesnt make it unbelieveable,inconviniet or impossible and you were trying to convince poeple that this is stupid and not lorish