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Autor Thema: Forum Improvements and Suggestions  (Gelesen 33539 mal)


  • Gast
Re: Forums improvement
« Antwort #30 am: 16. Aug 2015, 20:26 »
translations of the words on top of your photo kinda like this one Elronds Berater
Yes, it would be very nice. :)


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Re: Forums improvement
« Antwort #31 am: 7. Jan 2016, 12:32 »
First of all, great forum guys, well done, bravo. I have a couple suggestions to make, first there is a category in the forum profile that I feel doesn't have much use, all the ICQ, AIM or MSN usernames/numbers, I don't think anyone uses those but correct me if i'm wrong. Instead I suggest that it be replaced with Tunngle/Gameranger usernames or Moddb usernames. Since Edain is very widespread i think it would be nice for players to be able to identify each other throughout all the websites.
Also i think this has been requested before but could we get an english equivalent of the ranks just under our usernames.
There that's all otherwise goodjob on the website really a key part of expanding the mod and a generoues gesture from your guys to let us users take a part in the building up of the mod.
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Re: Forums improvement
« Antwort #32 am: 7. Jan 2016, 12:54 »
Also i think this has been requested before but could we get an english equivalent of the ranks just under our usernames.

Yes, it has already been requested somewhere, I think.

If it's possible, it would be really great  :)

Ealendril der Dunkle

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Re: Forums improvement
« Antwort #33 am: 7. Jan 2016, 12:56 »
Currently, we are working on some things concerning the forum. But these are some great suggestions. If it's possible, we will think about it.

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Re: Forums improvement
« Antwort #34 am: 7. Jan 2016, 18:08 »
I for one, would like to see my rank in English. I've never been involved in a forum in my life before, in fact I always avoided them and treated them as snake pits. So it would be nice to have the one forum rank that actually matters to me be intelligible by me :P
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Elendils Cousin 3. Grades

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Re: Forums improvement
« Antwort #35 am: 7. Jan 2016, 20:31 »
first there is a category in the forum profile that I feel doesn't have much use, all the ICQ, AIM or MSN usernames/numbers, I don't think anyone uses those but correct me if i'm wrong. Instead I suggest that it be replaced with Tunngle/Gameranger usernames or Moddb usernames. Since Edain is very widespread i think it would be nice for players to be able to identify each other throughout all the websites.
That's a great suggestion, actually. Not sure if it's possible to implement, but I love the idea.


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Re: Forums improvement
« Antwort #36 am: 8. Jan 2016, 15:30 »
Here's my old post on this topic that for some reason I didn't post on this topic  [ugly]
I've been planing to write this for quite a long time, but you know, life happens  xD

The forum is all simple, clear, and right to the point.
Anyway, to add my two cents, I think there's plenty of room for improvements. Literally.
There's quite some empty space to either sides of the margins which can be filled with many cool stuff.
You've probably have thought of it, but how about a shoutbox? yeah, it might be a little complicated specially with german, english, and god-knows what else people speak nowadays [ugly] but on the bright side, I believe it could create more bonds in between the community.
Other thing I think can be improved is "Latest Posts"; currently is shows only the single latest post. However, with an average of about 150 post per day, you can see how rapidly that section can change. So what I suggest is something like a side column which shows about 5 or 6 last posts and threads. This could very well help spreading topics that might not get a lot of attention normally.

Moreover, there's plenty of room for fixed direct links to important parts of the community, like a link to download the latest Edain version, a link to MODDB gallery, a link to the support boards, YouTube channels, and so on..

That's it for now I guess. What do you think?  xD


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Re: Forums improvement
« Antwort #37 am: 8. Jan 2016, 17:52 »
sounds like a good idea, filling up those empty columns could really bring more interactivity to forum

could the English forum get a small "EN" by the "Support" section. It's the same word in German so I thought that would help people a bit when they see it on the unread thread list.

Would it be possible to add the Ringbearer Medium Font to the Font list?
« Letzte Änderung: 26. Feb 2016, 11:21 von The_Necromancer0 »
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Re: Forum Improvements and Suggestions
« Antwort #38 am: 18. Mai 2016, 01:16 »
Spoilers now also work in the mobile version.

Gliding o’er all, through all,   
Through Nature, Time, and Space,   
As a ship on the waters advancing,   
The voyage of the soul—not life alone,   
Death, many deaths I’ll sing.

 - Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass


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Re: Forum Improvements and Suggestions
« Antwort #39 am: 23. Sep 2016, 09:42 »
Could it be possible to change the link on you get on the email  that notifies you about new PMs from reply to view. I don't know if anybody ever replies by quoting the previous message and I think it would be nicer to first be able to read  the message normally and then reply to it.
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Re: Forum Improvements and Suggestions
« Antwort #40 am: 13. Mär 2018, 18:21 »
I think a character count should be implemented on the usernames when creating a new account, beyond a certain number (mine for example) they start to overlap severly on the posts' titles.
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Elendils Cousin 3. Grades

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Re: Forum Improvements and Suggestions
« Antwort #41 am: 14. Mär 2018, 01:14 »
That's more of an issue with single words that are too long, see my nick as an example compared with yours, so I doubt it's even possible to implement such a thing. You could always change your username a bit (add a blank space) if it annoys you.


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Re: Forum Improvements and Suggestions
« Antwort #42 am: 14. Mär 2018, 10:35 »
I think a character count should be implemented on the usernames when creating a new account, beyond a certain number (mine for example) they start to overlap severly on the posts' titles.

I agree with Elendil and, in your case, I would simply choose Necro as a new username. Pretty much everyone knows you with that name, both here and on Discord. Additionally, I personally think that shorter words (one-word usernames, in particular) are far more recognisable by people. I did the very same thing, recently, when I did without that Die in my own name; grammatically speaking, it is a German article, but it would often be mistaken as the verb 'to die' in English.

You may forward such requests in an own thread, established for the exact purpose.


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Re: Forum Improvements and Suggestions
« Antwort #43 am: 14. Aug 2018, 13:32 »
Something broke for me on the mobile site, only the main page works. Whenever I click on a board or a thread it goes back to the desktop version.
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Re: Forum Improvements and Suggestions
« Antwort #44 am: 14. Aug 2018, 13:46 »
We had to change a lot of things because of new laws concerning privacy in germany. That's why the mobile version doesn't work atm.