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Amon sul

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alright heres a new map recreated amon sul better than ever it has a lot of special features patrolling guards that defend the fort when the enemy breaks the main gate,hidden ambush units which well is pretty straight forward they ambush haha, reinforcements which aren't properly fixed yet  :D rainy weather, you play as arnor and the sky gets darkened when the enemy makes it to certain points in the fort to add effect  ;) .there are 2 versions 1 with 2 main gates the other with 1. i don't know what one i should use though any advice would be great  :P here are some pics http://imgur.com/a/VZtl1

EDIT: so im coming up blank on what to do maybe the maps done but there are a few fixes also if anyone knows how to make things like the rivendell walkways destructible that would be great

Looks sweet^^
I would add one more settlement outside. And take out a couple of those civilian buildings and make them build plots instead because honestly there aren't many plots for a fortress  (6 is barely the same as on camps). I would try to fit maybe 9 plots in total considering how crowded the fortress is.

there is actually 8 build plots and a expansion plot thing in the other part of the fort thanks for replying hoho you are a great map maker amazing even all up 11 build plots though

The walls look pretty bulky, yet kinda cool. If anything, it really looks like a sturdy bastion. ^^

 :D haha yes. im trying to make it so when you break the walls you can go through it but the rivendell walkway is A ) unbreakable/untargetable and B ) cant go underneath a raised one so im trying to think of a alternative


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