[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Dwarven Suggestions

Old design for Veterans of Khazad Dum


I think it will be weird in new version if Iron Hills or Ered Luin send an expedition to Moria and come back soldiers from Erebor. Also, It is a pity that Erebor must send an expedition to Moria to gain Erebor soldiers from film.  [ugly]

I like more old design for Veterans of Khazad Dum. This design is is more appropriate for all dwarves sub-factions:
I think they should get a new shield:

New movie design for Veterans of Khazad Dum belongs to Erebor. I think that Erebor will be more attractive with this movie unit.  8-)
I really don't like old Erebor elite unit from 3.8.1, this units looks to much like clones of Gimli. Other Erebor units are not so bad.  ;)
I think that Erebor will be better if you add Erebor soldiers from An Unexpected Journey as elite units in third level of the Erebor barracks. So, Clone army of Gimli disappear from Erebor. 8-)

What do you think about this idea?

I agree with you. Let's just keep The Clone Wars a star wars thing  :D
and btw i think that shield is already present in the new dwarven CaH, and yh it's much better than the other one in the picture.

Ealendril der Dunkle:
As we have already stated out: No. We dont like everything from the movies, we like our own current design of the dwarves. The movie-design of the khazad veterans fits perfectly to them.


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