[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Dwarven Suggestions

Compromis for dwarves from Iron Hills

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Dain had in the book a five hundred elite dwarves veterans from the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. As it is written in the book:
The hobbit book Chapter 16, A Thief in the Night:
"I thought as much. i see I have some information you have not got. Dain, I may tell you, is now less than two days march off, and has at least five hundred grim dwarves with him - a good many of them have had experience in the dreadful dwarf and goblin wars, of which you have no doubt heard. When they arrive there my be serious trouble."
I love your elite unit for Iron Hills from book. But all dwarves from Iron Hills looks like a elite veterans from book? Dwarven in the movie looks more like regular army. I think it would be nice if Iron Hills have a bigger difference between the regular army and the elite.
I think that would be a nice compromise like this:
1) Three basic units with design from movie

2) elite unit with design from book

So, everyone will be satisfied. What do you think about this idea?  :D

I absolutely agree with you!!The Iron Hills Slayer from Edain is a perfect interpratation of te Books Elite Veterans that Dain brought and they must stay at any cost,but I doo agree that teh Movie Army looks more like the Regular Army of Iron Hills an it will be nice and suitable for them to take the place of teh Regular Army in the Mod while the Slayers will keep the role as an Elite Veteran Unit with some minor Armor Changes may be!! :) I really hope that the Team will consider this!And add those Ram Cavalry and Ballistas and Chariots :D :D

Glad to see you again around here Dain! :P
Finally you've received Edain news regarding your favourite character. :D

I also really hope they find a way to implement tge Iron Hills army from the last Hobbit movie  :)
And also, I don't know what they have in mind for King Dain (for the Erebor faction), but I hope he at least gets the Raven Crown, if they make him look more like in the movies, too  xD


--- Zitat von: TiberiusOgden am 31. Mai 2015, 19:05 ---Glad to see you again around here Dain! :P
Finally you've received Edain news regarding your favourite character. :D

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HAhaha thank you!!I ahve been away cuz I got a lot of work and so less time but now I wll be around again for some time :D :D I am glad you support the Idea for Iron Hills Army!!

--- Zitat von: ThorinsNemesis am 31. Mai 2015, 19:43 ---I also really hope they find a way to implement tge Iron Hills army from the last Hobbit movie  :)
And also, I don't know what they have in mind for King Dain (for the Erebor faction), but I hope he at least gets the Raven Crown, if they make him look more like in the movies, too  xD

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Like I ahve said multiple times I think like you too and have made a suggestion for Him to wear te Raven Armor,Crown and Shield with his Red Axe after all the Raven Armor is like trade mark for teh King Under the Mountain!! :D


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