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The Road to Edain Patch 4.1: Khazad-âi-mênu


Ealendril der Dunkle:
Greetings, companions of Edain!

With the patch 4.02 we have fixed some mistakes and adjusted a lot of problems in terms of balance. But not only that, also the gameplay has been enhanced by various improved concepts and the increase of settlements on many maps. After you've had some time to test the patch, we're still looking forward to receiving any positive or negative feedback from you. If you want to, you can post it in this Thread.

Our journey progresses and leads us to the next stage of a new faction that is waiting for you in the next patch. We believe that it is now time to make another reworked faction available, and look forward to present the fruits of our labor to our community.
In keeping with this matter, we opened a poll some time ago, with the topic which faction should be included next. The result of the poll was very clear and also coincides with our intentions. For this reason we are proud to announce that you can expect the Dwarves in the next major content Patch 4.1!

The dwarves already consist of three different dwarf realms: Ered Luin, Erebor and the Iron Hills. For this reason, we will only publish one new faction in Patch 4.1 and depending on the feedback we'll decide how to proceed from there. We're considering whether to release the remaining factions in bundles of two or just one at a time.

To give a proper welcome to the dwarves we present our rework of Dain Ironfoot, who receives a new design and new skills. So the Lord of the Iron Hills now has the possibility to mount his boar to plunge agilely into fights. Dain Ironfoot is therefore the only dwarf hero within the modification who has a mount.

The represented Erebor-King Dain is also undergoing a design revision, but at this time it is not completed yet.

Patch 4.1 is waiting for you soon!

We look forward to your feedback!

Your Edain-Team


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