[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Gondor Suggestions

Gondor beacon


Could be better if you make the summon of south reinforcement as a "power" as Mordor's(or functions of beacon, number of beacon determines the recharge time), so the player could decide when to use them, for now sometimes they just take all the command points.

It would also be nice if we could choose which reinforcement we need, like regular reinforcement at the beginning, after get the passive power southern reinforcement the player could choose to summon Dol Amroth troops, after "grey company" player could choose to summon northern ranger, after getting the 10pp Rohan power player could choose to summon rohirrim(require more beacons)(once summon one type all the choice needs to recharge again)

Also, I really hope you could put all the faction hero in the Citadel, some heroes are just not accessible in the battle

It would be nice, I think that simply having the summon on command is all that's needed. I like the reinforcements, but sometimes you just want a giant army of elite units.


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