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Dwarven Bugs

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Discord [BOT]:
When playing with allies as the Dwarves, if the other player leaves the game (giving control of all their structures etc to you), the Dwarven heroes of the other sub factions can be recruited from their hero recruitment structures.

Note: Engine bug
SamsaraNoMei (225354383955722243)

The Bastion of Ered Mithrin cannot receive runes ?
The City of Dale can (but it's hard to aim)

Edit : Another bug I just encountered : Two ram riders that I cannot evacuate from mines. Stuck in.

Edit 2: CTD against dwarves IA when I play Lothlorien
1) a) Map Crossroads, fresh start of the game, playing solo Lothlorien against dwarves of Ered Luin, I'm in the right corner him in the west. We fight for the outpost in the middle next to me he already captured with a Lake structure note quite ended. They didn't destroy the cave troll that rebuild again in the middle of their Dale structure, and I was fighting to not let the city end. The troll exited the building, met their pikemen stuck in the city (from another Lake I suppose) and died instantly.
Then, CTD without message.
b) Map Crossroads again, same configuration. Against Erebor this time. They just destroyed one of my Mallorn in the south, we fought, and the game crashed. Nothing else special.

c)" Druadan Forest, I'm in the north, they're in the south. Lothlorien against dwarves of Ered Luin. Another crash without CTD.

27/07/20 : d) The same bug occured on another map. For me it's only against the dwarves with Lothlorien, and I'm starting to think it's like the famous CTD after something like 5 minutes. But only with Lothlorien against dwarves.
Lothlorien vs Mordor, Isengard or Angmar is fine.
I should try isengard vs dwarves to see.

2) A bug I often see (did't think to note the maps), is that the dwarve's main building on outposts cannot be rebuild once destroyed if there are buildings around it.

Discord [BOT]:
When you cast Narin's "Ceaseway" power on a Troll or Hero you can't attack him; but that unit continues to attack. Maybe this can be a bug about AI too.
Talion (705812586184310794)

Only True Witchking:
Really minor thing, but Murin and a handful of other Dwarven units have "Side = Men" in their ini, which mainly makes it hard to find them in the worldbuilder.

Discord [BOT]:
Playing Erebor Dwarves on the Midgwater Marshes map starting in bottom right, I lost my Durin ring-hero just as he was in the process of entering a summoned mine, and dropped the Ring. When King Dain went to pick it up, he did not create a new Durin, carrying it overhead instead.
edhelluin (<@444249387494014986>)


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