[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Gondor Suggestions

Change of Aragorn's roles during his path


I have been thinking about Aragorn's role in Gondor faction for some time and already have some enlightening discussions with other players. We know in the movie when Elrond give Aragorn Anduril, he asked Aragorn to "put aside the ranger, become who you are born to be". This marks that Aragorn ends his journey of fighting alone and start to pick up the role of leader. In the game, edain team already give Aragorn this uniqueness to change form during his journey, if we also assign different roles for different stage of form,we could add more variety to this character and make him more worthwhile and fun to use.
We could change his role from effective hero killer(first and second form) to half tank and unit supporter(Gondor form, enabled since lv 7). He will lose ability of Athelas and Elendil, instead he get

Hands of healer(in place of Athelas,get directly): passive, cure all nearby units slowly when they are out of battle, nearby units immune to poison
Last stand/For Frodo(lv 9): Only available on foot, for 15 seconds all nearby friendly heroes are invulnerable and gain faster recharge, all nearby units are fearless and gain 50% defense bonus. He will lose this ability once crowned king, and this ability will be replaced by a permanent leadership, fearless+hero and unit defense bonus.

Another ability maybe interesting,
Decapitation: Only available when mounted, replace the slot of Anduril, cause huge damage to a single unit, can only be performed in very close distance. I get this idea from the scene Aragorn kill Mouth of Sauron in the movie, but that may not be very appropriate for the game, ignore it if you don't like it

Some random thought:
Maybe you should bring the power "Anduril" back as a two point power in the place of "volley", and make "volley" an ability of the second form of Aragorn(Hado i philinn!)

I understand in 3.8.1 the power "Anduril" will cause bug and make Aragorn's damage very high, you could just make it as a prerequisite for Aragorn's third form(Aragorn, the heir) with no other bonus. Volley as a two point power is a little bit weak(compared to Mordor).


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