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Autor Thema: Galadriel, Queen of Caras Galadhon  (Gelesen 3090 mal)


  • Bilbos Festgast
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Galadriel, Queen of Caras Galadhon
« am: 24. Jul 2018, 18:49 »
Mae Govannen fellow Edain & Middle Earth fans,

I wanted to present an idea for discussion, introducing the concept of adding an upgrade to the Fortress of Lorien enabling Galadriel to stand on top, like how the Wizard Tower operates for Saruman in Isengard. I propose while Galadriel stands ontop of the fortress, she can only conduct her regular ranged attack, but offers a unique leadership that increases the defence of the fortress while slowly healing the buildings, and offering a defensive bonus to Lorien troops.

My reason for this proposal is based on how Galadriel & Lorien defend against three large assults from Dol Guldur during the War of the Ring, and prevailing all three times. I recall reading that while Galadriel defends Lorien, none but Sauron himself with the Ring can breach Lorien's borders.

I love how Saruman is able to climb his Wizard's Tower, and thought if an upgrade was made available for Lorien, perhaps Caras Galadhon Palace? Some sort of physical upgrade perhaps similar to where the fellowship meeting Galadriel. Galadriel could then enter the fortress and be physically seen standing on top of this platform and able to auto attack with her ranged attack, while also offering a leadership buff to the fortress and Lorien troops in close proximity to the fortress.

I feel that this would be a great defensive buff for Lorien, which feels to be naturally a very defensive civilisation and is very lore friendly. It makes more sense to me for Galadriel to be in Caras Galadhon, being the Queen and looking after her Kingdom opposed to running around the wild, and Lorien's main weakness is loosing the main fortress stops all unit production, so having her there to strengthen it would certainly assist.

Following this concept, and with the reveal of Imladris being able to upgrade their Library to reveal the whole map - I was entertaining the idea of adding a spellbook power called 'Mirror of Galadriel' - 'While Galadriel is in the fortress, she is able to foresee events that shape Middle Earth' thus enabling Lorien to reveal the entire map, but again only while Galadriel is in the fortress. The reason for this is through reading that Galadriel is able to see into the mind of Sauron, and block him from seeing into her mind. Makes sense that she can therefore see the enemies plans. Galadriel also helps Frodo during his time of need near Shelob's lair, so she is obviously able to 'see' him from such a distance away. Just a thought.

Keen to see other's thoughts and opinions :-)
« Letzte Änderung: 24. Jul 2018, 18:59 von kainan358@gmail.com »


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Re: Galadriel, Queen of Caras Galadhon
« Antwort #1 am: 25. Jul 2018, 00:24 »
Good evening! It's always a pleasure to see some activity within the own Lothlórien board, and more so if that concerns the Lady of Light ;)

Proposing additions to her concept has rarely been a very easy of a task; not as challenging as suggesting new abilities for Gandalf, but we're not really that far, I reckon. In your case, however, the idea appears to be quite interesting and smart. Not a totally new ability, but rather another possibility for her, tied to every citadel of the faction.

The lore basis behind the main premise is absolutely unexceptionable: Tolkien himself stated that none but the Dark Lord with the One Ring on his finger could have breached Lórien's defence. The very magic of Galadriel (combined with and enhanced by the special properties of Nenya) imbued anything growing and anyone dwelling inside her enchanted realm. She both shielded her domain from evil and even halted the passing of time within the borders of the Golden Wood, ending up with beautifying Lothlórien beyond measure, without any akin example in Middle-earth but the sole Rivendell. In doing so, Elves were able to defy the ineluctable destiny of decay of Arda and therefore flourish in their beloved woodland kingdom, where everything they were to craft was permitted to remain unaltered during centuries.
It's very brilliant of you to have recalled such themes. People often underestimate the actual powers of Galadriel or simply imagine her as the typical sorceress of tales. While it's certainly true that her abilities can go very direct and impactful, she's also an authoritative leader/strategist; no wonder why she was capable of keeping Sauron at bay and preserving the lands in her government from the encroaching shadows spreading all over the place! As you justly pointed out, it was her clairvoyance which allowed her to pierce Sauron's schemes and guess his true intentions, whereas he could not violate her impenetrable mind. What I really fancy of her wonderful character are exactly the many hues/sides of her personality and stature. A leader, an acclaimed Elven Queen, a legend for mortal folks and an extremely mighty sorceress by herself. All at once 8-)

Now, let us get back to the actual game: I don't think that your concept is bad or flawed by itself. The issue lies, instead, in the general context.
Getting on top of the citadel is a special feature that belongs to Saruman and will be made even more relevant in the next patch. On the other hand, the Edain Mod is widely known for its great efforts in the pursuing of uniqueness among all factions; simply said, every one of them must retain some special characteristics that others do not boast. Henceforth, too much similar systems don't sound very good under this light, lest they disrupt the mentioned pillars of the game.

Nevertheless, this doesn't obviously equal to saying that her design is doomed to not undergo any possible change whatsoever. If you take time to browse this thread, you will see that the heroine has been a major catalyst for a plethora of discussions, since the dawn of the English forum. Tons of posts and worthy proposals. The sole result of significant note was a comprehensive concept for Galadriel, widening her role and stressing on her formidable magical skills. You're more than welcome to leave your thoughts on the matter; it's called Ancient Might.
Beside that, as you referred to siege and defence, you may be glad to know that the overhauled version of Lórien's spellbook has not been showcased yet. I can't tell you much, nor give away internal information, but one could anyway be hopeful enough to think that, in tune with the principles of the upcoming update, she might be given more chances to protect her people from foes and influence her realm in a more physical way, staying thus true to the books. Because, at the end of the day, if most of the factions need walls or barriers, the shield of the Golden Wood has always been represented by incredible prowess of the Mistress of Magic.


  • Bilbos Festgast
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  • Beiträge: 23
Re: Galadriel, Queen of Caras Galadhon
« Antwort #2 am: 2. Aug 2018, 17:33 »
Thank-you for your reply Walküre, I have always enjoyed reading your posts - you show such high passion and knowledge so it is always an absolute pleasure to read.

Understandable, each faction being unique is of high importance. I just felt that an aspect of Galadriel's character was missing that I wanted to portray. Lorien with Galadriel is my favourite faction/character to play in Edain, so am perhaps biased in wanting more hehe.

Thanks again for your reply, I will continue to enjoy reading through the fourms :-)


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Re: Galadriel, Queen of Caras Galadhon
« Antwort #3 am: 3. Aug 2018, 18:05 »
Thank you again for the kind words of praise. It's also great to know that she's the favourite character of other ones throughout this forum: it means that I'm by no means alone, here xD

Of course, in case you had other points to add or other ideas to bring to the general attention, don't hesitate to voice your mind about it. I will even link the concept I have referred to in my previous reply, if you're interested in it.


Besides, may you know that, whenever there is something, even the seemingly least detail, which I believe could be perfected or added to her grandiose design, any fan of her shall always find in me the most faithful and ardent paladin of the cause. Forget it not! ;)


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Re: Galadriel, Queen of Caras Galadhon
« Antwort #4 am: 5. Aug 2018, 00:26 »
Besides, I don't think there is much point left in keeping this thread open. It's better if all further suggestions in relation to Galadriel were gathered in one single place, which is the exact Galadriel thread in this board. This will make it far easier for other users to follow the own progression of the topic, and so having a clearer portrait in mind as to why some ideas have been rejected or accepted.
Thank you for your meaningful contribution :)

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