Hey guys, not sure where to put this, but I just wanted to post up a warning about a really rude player on gameranger. His nickname is currently Durin, his account ID is 1853136. We were playing a 2v2 match, and me and my teammate were losing. At this point Durin started lagging horribly for a minute, but it eventually fixed itself. He then preceded to accuse us of trying to lag the game out cus we were losing, even after me, my teammate AND his teammate told him that he was the one lagging, and started insulting me and telling me I had no skill. We exchanged a few choice words and I proceeded to inform him he was permanently banned from all my future games, and then left the game and blocked him on GR. Just wanted to let people know so they can block him beforehand if they wish, because most of the people in this community are really cool and fun to play with, so I want to help weed out the rude people

I'm going to lock this topic so that it doesn't become a hot spot for people to come and put false accusations against other players, this is just a warning for this 1 player.