[en] The Prancing Pony > Other


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Ealendril der Dunkle:
If you want to discuse whatever you want, do it here!

So, i have to show you some interesting informations: Edain hype is real!  xD

When and Where? :D

Ealendril der Dunkle:
Last saturday in a mystical place near Valinor!

Der Leviathan:

--- Zitat von: Ealendril am 28. Sep 2015, 20:57 ---Last saturday in a mystical place near Valinor!

--- Ende Zitat ---
Your house? [ugly]


--- Zitat von: Der Leviathan am 28. Sep 2015, 20:59 ---Your house? [ugly]

--- Ende Zitat ---
You've been faster. ...  :D


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