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Tips for Isengard

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Greetings, companions of the Edain^^

I bumped my old post and changed his title to make it a more general topic about some tips for Isengard.
I must say I've become a better player since the last time I've post on this thread, and actually I'm able to defeat the friend of mine above mentioned with my beloved Isengard. Except for a single faction, which I can't defeat in any way: Mordor

I don't know if this is because I still suck, or because Orcs are too strong (other than free and timewasters)
Btw, the tactic I use (which works 70% of the time) is this:
- Send the starting units to the closest settlement and building a Lumbermill/Mine Shaft (depending on how many trees there are). Meanwhile, recruiting Bill Ferny
- Leveling Bill to level 10 and using his last skill on creeps. While he fights the enemies, the Uruks go to build another Lumbermill/Mine Shaft on settlements
- When the enemies of the creep are gone, I send the Uruks to destroy the creep, while I build one or two Furnaces (I prefer them to Mine Shafts because they give a stronger discount, and with just 3/4 furnaces you may have a 30/40% discount on upgrades, which are one of the strong points of Isengard)
- When the creep is destroyed, I build the Clan Steading, and while Bill's ability recharges I start recruiting some Dunlendings, and then the Uruk-Pit (this is usually when the first stupid Orcses attack me, making me waste time to defend the building, cause in aggressive stance they deal too much damage to it)
- Shortly after, while the Dunlendings and Bill Ferny keep pressure on the enemy, occasionally attacking his buildings (I say occasionally because few times I have the occasion to actually reach them, being intercepted by Orcs), I recruit two more Uruk-Scouts and, together with the two starting units, I send them to the closest outpost/camp/castle in a key location to keep it safe and preventing my friend to build on it very soon (which is something he's terribly good at)
- The game then proceeds with me spamming Dunlendings to try to counter his Orcs (usually at this time he already has a Nazgul and Gothmog) while I use Devastation to purchase War Machine on level 2 and Burning Forges (at this point, I have atleast two furnaces already on level 2, going to upgrade them to level 3. If I've played well, I have four furnaces at level 2 (three on camp maps))
- He manages to overcome me in the same moment when the Clan Steading is destroyed (the Orcs are too many!) and the Uruks (even Uruk Warriors upgraded with Heavy Armor and supported by Crossbowmen with Steel Bolts, the former in shield-wall formation and defensive stance, the latter in battle formation and aggressive stance) aren't able to hold their position, and all because the Orcs are (as I said) - too fucking many

So sorry for my huge post, but I had to explain the situation (I think I should have the replay of that match, in that case I will post it). I think my main problem is I can't simultaneously upgrade my buildings/units and expanding on the map as fast as he does, getting too many resources and too many units in a ridiculous amount of time, and simply overwhelming me by convulsively clickling the mouse button to vomit an endless wave of stupid orcs.

What can I do to defeat him? I tried once with Wargs, but the problem is the same: they're too weak (or too few) to counter the huge armies of Mordor

Captain Jin:
From my limited experience I can say cavalry harassment is my recommended way to go against Mordor early game. Get a couple of Wargs to harass their army while Wildmen harass their economy. Because orcs are free, you're wasting units, resources, and time trying to hold them back in battle. Keep a Warg or two hot-keyed and micromanage the crap out of them any chance you get. Cavalry crush damage is a great way to circumvent that net-loss more often than not, at least until they get Cirith Ungol Halberdiers. As you get closer to mid-game, Nazgul will rapidly become an issue. However, Lurtz should have Cripple Shot by then, which works very well against them in conjunction with archers/pikemen.

My recommendation does come with limited Isengard experience, so take it with a grain of salt.


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