[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Mordor Suggestions

Mordor Balance Discussion

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Seleukos I.:
Generally I agree with Elendil. If you invest this much in defensive structures they are supposed to kick some ass.

The only thing I'm not sure about is the fire arrows you mentioned: As far as I know Mordor towers are supposed to "only" get increased arrow damage with the influence of Sauron, but no longer fire arrows (just like most other faction's towers). At least that's the case for the "normal" defensive towers. So maybe it would make sense to no longer let the barricades gain fire arrows but "only" increased normal arrow damage through the influence of Sauron?

Le Sournois:
My point that I didn't develop enough in my first post is that compared to other defensive towers for castle that cost also 700, Mordor barricades combine 3 unique advantages even without fire arrows :

awesome damage (they are better than other defensive towers I think)/
incredible range (they can defend almost every corner of the castle every time)/
great defensive position (as they are in the centre so more difficult for an ennemy catapult to attain and they have a very good resistance also)

To compensate that, there is only the fact that we can't target with them, but's even that in my opinion doesn't really compensate the rest.

One other thing is that they can combine with cheap towers in the surrounding of the castle, something that other faction cannot do.

In my opinion, their range is fine, it's just their standard damage that is quite too impressive in view of their other advantages.

To also confirm what Seleukos said, it is true than when confronting some challenging Brutal AI with a castle start, it's quite GG when we put Influence of Sauron on a battle tower.

If Barricade damage were nerfed in the first place, increasing their damage through Influence of Sauron would be still a nice touch.

Elendils Cousin 3. Grades:
Gating some of the power behind Influence of Sauron would be something I'm okay with, but I'll have to double check the damage values first.


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