[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Dwarven Suggestions

Dwarven Balance Discussion

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Elendils Cousin 3. Grades:
The damage it does is adjusted to the building it hits - military buildings take more damage than economy buildings, for example. All buildings should fall below 50% health as long as the citadel stands, meaning that taking out the citadel (and removing the citadel bonus) can result in the total destruction of a fortress. I don't think increasing the damage to a point where you can oneshot economy buildings regardless of circumstance is a good change:

--- Zitat von: Elendil ---Instantly destroying resource structures is actually not that great in 4.5 because you they are going to be rebuilt at their old level anyway. Even against an Angmar player with seven Mills, that's only an investment for 2800, which really isn't much for a 10 pp spell, especially considering it can be rebuild within 30 seconds or so. Army killers like the AotD, Huorns or even the avalance can do much more damage than that. Against Dwarves or Rohan you might even catch only four resource buildings for 1600, which really isn't worth it.
--- Ende Zitat ---

If anything, I could see increasing the utility of the Earthquake by stunning units with each quake or reducing their movement speed for a while as options.


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