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Autor Thema: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions  (Gelesen 129422 mal)

Ealendril der Dunkle

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Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« am: 9. Nov 2015, 10:57 »
In this thread, you can post small Lothlorien suggestions. There are no fixed rules for whether a suggestion should be posted as its own thread in the suggestions forums or in this collective thread, you may decide yourself whether you think your idea needs its own thread. As a general guideline, though, an idea that can be presented in just a couple of sentences may not need its own thread and could be discussed here, preventing the forum from getting too cluttered. On the other hand, if you want to discuss an aspect of the game in great depth or propose something like an entirely new hero with a full new set of abilities, a new thread might be more appropriate.
« Letzte Änderung: 9. Nov 2015, 12:57 von Ealendril »


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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #1 am: 9. Nov 2015, 12:14 »
Does anybody think that Lorien Camp (not castle), is too simple ... Maybe you can add a few Battle Tower ? Castles are too irresistible, and camps are not good enough .
Is there is any opportunity, that in future you will make a Mirkwood faction? I know that Lorien and Mirkwood are both wood elves kingdoms, but they are too different. Maybe it will be difficult because of heroes, but Mirkwood has unique buildings and units ... Rivendell, Mirkwood and Lothlorien - just like Iron Hills, Erebor and Ered Luin. 3 faction, and player can choose one of them. There are many concept arts about Mirkwood kingdom from new Weta art books. There are no problems with troops. Mirkwood faction heroes (for example) are: Thranduil, Tauriel, Legolas, Galion and Elros(not Elrond brother).
After the release of patch 4.2, you can see very well how expertly all worked out. Lorien we have seen before, it is very updated, but Mirkwood is more interesting because of the novelty. Model of units, heroes and Mirkwood outpost are impressive and I would like to see more Mirkwood in your mod.


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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #2 am: 9. Nov 2015, 12:28 »
About Mirkwood and Lorien my friend,you see the 3 Dwarven Kingdoms share the same Spell Book there is no other way and for Mirkwood and Lorien there can't be Same Spell Book of they are separated! :-)
Greetings and best regards from the Lord of the Iron Hills! :-)
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."


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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #3 am: 9. Nov 2015, 15:36 »

There are definitely not the right and needed premises for Mirkwood being an independent faction, if we deeply take into consideration technical and gameplay matters (uniqueness, number of units, heroes, balance, Spellbook,...) and the holistic role of the Elves as a race in the late Third Age (fading and bound to sail to the West to escape the decay and disenchantment of the World), which objectively suggests us that it wouldn't really be so wise and lore accurate adding another brand new faction for an Elven realm, less greater and influential than Lothlórien in the 'geopolitics' of Middle Earth (the Mirkwood's status as a very significant Outpost is thus more than enough, in my opinion).

Furthermore, as Dáin already pointed out, an option that includes Rivendell, Lothlórien and Mirkwood all together in an only one Elven faction like the Dwarves is even less likely.
They would necessarily share a common Spellbook that couldn't fit at all their too significant differences.


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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #4 am: 9. Nov 2015, 16:35 »
Now I want to make my first Mirkwood Brief Suggestion! :)

First I want to say that Mirkwood is simply epic,the Movie Models and the Movie Feeling are really great and it is so much fun to play Lorien! :)

Now I know ET used valaquenta10/NewErr Models and polished them to make them even better! :) But I know NewErr and he hates making Weapons and Sword Sheaths :D :D

It is a rater small and almost insignificant Visual Addition,but I am a man who enjoy even the smallest details and to me withoout this the Model is jsut not fnished! Sorry I am just that kind of person and do not want to  bother the Team too much! :)

What I mean is to add to te Mirkwood Soldiers a Sword Sheath to make the Model Complete,plus Mirkwood has one of th most awesome and good looking Sword Sheaths I ahve ever seen,really unique and cool desgin,here it is on a Mirkwood Leutenant Armor! :)

It jsut need to be Yeallow Color! :) If in the Future the Team likes the idea I will be more than happy to see it in game,hope they will like it! :)

Thank you for the attention and for the good work ET! :)

Greetings and best regard from the Lord of the Iron Hills! :)
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."

Crimson King

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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #5 am: 12. Nov 2015, 01:53 »
Hey guys, great job with the new patch and faction, really enjoying it so far :)

I'd have only some small suggestions for the Ents, my favourite race in Middle-Earth.

1.New sound effect of Treebeard when he activates his Ent summoning ability. From the Last March of the Ents scene from the Two Towers, from second 46 to 54:


Also, in my opinion the Entmoot could use some flavorful additions to its defense and aesthetics, so I'd propose two upgrades to this facility:

[upgrade]Huorn Sentry
750 gold
Places two Huorn sentries that patrol the periphery of the Entmoot. Huorns are able to damage nearby enemy units but cannot stray too far from their roots. Huorns are able to stealth automatically when not engaging in combat.
[reasoning]Huorns are an interesting and often overlooked "community" in Fangorn. Their violent nature contrasts with their daily tree-like behaviour. They are the "sentries" of Fangorn, killing any that dare trespass with the Ents' approval. It is said they are able to cloak in shadow, which I thought would be a neat addition in the form of stealth. If they are killed the respawning time should be unusually long as well.

Huorn lore

[activated ability]Ent-draught stream
1000 gold
A small stream of fangorn's water rushes through the Entmoot. Upon activation, friendly nearby units are fully healed and battalions are replenished by 1.
[reasoning]The water in Fangorn possesses eerie properties, such as being able to both refresh and nourish all who drink from it. As Elves don't have a healing spell, and this would come as a handy defense oriented support tool for the Entmoot, and boost the faction's outpost durability and maintainability.

Ent-draughts lore

Both these ideas would need finer tuning, but they seem interesting to me nonetheless. Would like to know what you guys think.

Finally, does anyone think that Old Man Willow could ever be implemented in this game? I mean, he is a very prominent Huorn/Ent and would make for an interesting addition to the lore. I am just not sure in which faction he should appear, or if he should be a map specific creature, restrained to the the regions nearby the Old Forest.


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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #6 am: 12. Nov 2015, 19:58 »
I like the idea of making the entmoot more useful, although a passive heal might be too strong. Maybe make it have a timer, or make the huorns a creep, so they could hurt non ent allies?


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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #7 am: 13. Nov 2015, 17:02 »
Hello ET! :) As many other before me said and think I too agree about the fact that Galadhrim should have better Range especialyl after the Longbow Upgrade! After al lthey are the Elite Archers and Warriors of Lorien and it is logical for them to ahve equal the Reagular Archers Range!! :) The yare expensive so I thin kthey desrve the greater Range considering their status as Elite Units and Archers! :)

Greetings and best regards from the Lord of the Iron Hills! :)
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."


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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #8 am: 13. Nov 2015, 17:08 »
This wohle Topic is already intensively discussed in the geman part of the MU as well by the way  ;)
And currently it seems that the issue is more fundamental than it has been expected.
MfG Raschi

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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #9 am: 13. Nov 2015, 19:49 »
I am pleased to hear it and I hope the ET will change that! :)

Galadhrim are the Elite of Lorien and they need to represent that in Game!I think they should ahve one ofthe best Ranges in Game! :)
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."

Melkor Bauglir

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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #10 am: 13. Nov 2015, 20:38 »
Just as a small remark which might explain certain properties of these units: The team's goal is to not make more advanced units replacing units of lower tier. Therefore the Galadhrim need a glaring weakness compared to the normal archers, because they have the potential to completely replace both Lorien swordsmen and archers, apart from being Lorien's tankiest unit.
Their current weakness is their bad range which is compensated by higher DPS and health / armor and their ability to switch weapons. This can of course be changed to another weakness, but you have to make sure, this is results in a real reason to keep building normal archers (e.g. a minor inconvience, like less speed or no stealth would just result in Galadhrim completely replacing archers as soon as the player has the ressources).

Melkor Bauglir


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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #11 am: 13. Nov 2015, 22:00 »
+1 to Melkor

I think they are mighty fine. Once they get Silverthorn arrows and start gaining levels, the range doesn't even matter that much anymore. They need to have some form of risk, some kind of trade-off, otherwise there is little point to go for the other units. In this, case it is the range, it has to be shorter to compensate their high potential.
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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #12 am: 14. Nov 2015, 16:18 »
I really like the idea of implementing the Huaorns in order to expand the usability of the entmoot. I think the wood himself would  be worth one or an other addition.
"Doch vom Glück und vom frohen Leben gibt es wenig zu sagen, bevor es ein Ende hat; so sind große und herrliche Werke ihr eigener Nachruhm, solange sie dauern und Augen sie sehen können, und erst wenn sie in Gefahr sind oder für immer zerbrochen, gehen sie in die Lieder ein."

Silmarillion: X Von den Sindar


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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #13 am: 15. Nov 2015, 00:37 »
Just wanted to say I fully support the idea of Entmoot being more interesting by upgrades and abilities! I really deserves it since all other Lórien settlements have interesting upgrades.


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Re: Brief Lothlórien Suggestions
« Antwort #14 am: 15. Nov 2015, 00:41 »
I also like idea about huorns, but we need to suggest how they will look, also to take into consideration animation for this unit etc. It is interesting idea, but we need much more to develop in concept terms if we want to take this serious. I think it is the best to move those entmoot/huorns suggestions/comments into Ent topic. Simply because in that situation we will have everything ent related in one place.
What do you think about this? :)
(We should wait for moderator answer about this :) )

« Letzte Änderung: 15. Nov 2015, 17:36 von CragLord »