[en] - Modding Corner > Mapping

Caras Galadhon - A Elven City Map

(1/3) > >>

Hello there companions of Edain!

To celebrate Patch 4.2, ive been working on a map for Lothlorien. Something i really miss on Lorien maps is a representation of Caras Galadhon as a cliff, and a natural fortress in its terrain. With that in mind, ive started playing with the worldbuilder a bit, and using the current Edain map *Woods of Lorien*, i tried to recreate the feeling of a elven city. This my first time mapping BFME2, so im looking for some guidelines of how to improve it ^^

Basically this map is a elven fortress style using Edain mechanics. ^^

Edain Fortress-type Map (Stable) > https://goo.gl/Yp7ZwL

Lothlorien Tree Fortress (Testing) > https://goo.gl/zNbh1K


Edain Castle Map Update 0.3

- Many QoL improvements
- First balance pass
- Some props and decoration
- Garrisonable Treehouses!
- Day/night cycle
- AI waypoints updated
- Rivers reworked
________________________ _____

Edain Castle Map Update 0.1
- Fixed some weird behavior on the bridge / gate.

More to come! :)

The cool things about the map:
- Natural fortress castle
- Garrisonable buildings around
- Texturing

The bad thing atm...
- Not everything is done
- Tree clipping riot
Thanks all! Im looking forward for some feedback and impressions :)

Great map but you should post this in the showcase part of the forum will get many more views and you will get more feedback :D

I agree with calsash, the map is awesome^^
But you should make it a fortress map  (there's a tutorial written by hoho96 in the appropriate section about how to do it)

I suddenly feel such a Joy inside me  (**)

Great map, worthy of what it represents (a holy and edenic Shelter)  ;)

Ealendril der Dunkle:
Oha, interesting. I am pleased to be able to test this.


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