[en] - Modding Corner > Mapping

Stupid things on the Minas Twins


Greetings, companion of the Edain^^
I'm having two stupid bugs on both my Minas Tirith and Minas Ithil map, which prevents me from releasing them. Take into consideration that in both maps, the starting units and buildings belong to PlyrCivilian/Player_1_Inherit, and if Player1 is created, then all this stuff is transferred to him. This is meant to ensure the city is garrisoned even if no player is inside and to avoid the player to have access to powerful discounts from the beginning. So here's the bugs I'm having:
- On Minas Ithil, which is an Arnor map, when the player inside conquers a settlement/outpost by stepping close to it, the game will autonomously build a random building, as if it's controlled by the IA
- On Minas Tirith, things are even worse. After some seconds of gameplay, the player inside the city starts  to progressively lose its command points until they completely disappear
What could cause this?
Hope you can help me^^ (I'm sending the maps if you want, so you can actually see them)

I never heard about this issue before :/... For Minas Ithil, I'm not sure but I think the problem lies in the "IF Player1 is created script". Transfering something to a "Player" most likely triggers the AI of that "Player". I'm not very good at explaining this but can you try to just give all those stuff to the first player from the beginning without any transfering scripts?

Try the same thing for Minas Tirith. If this issue is still around then the problem doesn't lay in the scripts but something else. In that case I'd look at your maps for you.


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