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Autor Thema: Lothlórien and Mirkwood  (Gelesen 18288 mal)


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Lothlórien and Mirkwood
« am: 24. Dez 2015, 15:57 »
Greetings, companions of the Edain^^
I'd like to partially support the idea proposed by Arteaga on ModDB some days ago. He proposed to have Mirkwood to act for Lorien like Arnor does for Gondor. However, I don't think this is a good implementation, because while Arnor and Gondor are very similar, Lorien and Mirkwood complement each other. Mirkwood has that military power that Lorien is missing, while this one have access to powerful magic and support abilities. So, my idea is, rather than replacing one of them in certain maps, to just swap the order in which they can be accessed

As an example, when playing with Lothlorien on maps like Dol Guldur, the East Bight or even Mirkwood itself, I think it's inappropriate that we can access Mirkwood units and heroes only later. So, in certain maps, Mirkwood may be the starting faction, while Lorien may be limited to the outposts, adding a button to the Lorien Fortress to make it able to recruit Lorien heroes, while on the other hand keeping its choices as they are

This way, you will still be able to control both the realms and accessing both of their features, but in a different order (which also leads to a different gameplay style and, to a certain extent, to an unique system). The starting options for Mirkwood would be those:
- The Camp/Castle is the same as Lorien. However, rather than the Galadhrim Quarters, you may replace them with the Palace Guards Quarters, which has the same effects of the former, but allows the recruitment of Palace Guards in the citadel
- As for the standard units, having to start with the current armored Mirkwood units would be OP. So, I think they could build, from the citadel, the old Mirkwood swordsmen used in the 3.81, the Mirkwood Guards summoned by Tauriel and just a new spearmen batallion.
- Nothing changes on the Mirkwood Outpost. This way, if the player wants access to elite armored units, he still has to conquer an outpost
- The Lorien Fortress would be the same, except for a new button for the recruitment of Lorien heroes
- The scout hero of Mirkwood could be Tauriel, who can use this mechanic:
    - She has low values and the default three skills of the summoned version at first. However, she costs the same amount of resources as Rumil and Orophin
    - In a second moment, she can be upgraded, either through Gifts of Galadriel or another upgrade, to raise her values and refresh her skillset to a full arsenal, while also increasing her price
- Finally, the spellbook would be pretty the same, except of course for the Summon Mirkwood Guards. This can be replaced by Summon Galadhrim, which is similar to the Rohan version, but it differs since they have a the Galadhrim armor (rather than the blue cloak) and maybe, to balance them, they're just two batallions, and, if you can't find a good role for them, maybe Rumil and Orophin can spawn together with them, already armored with Galadriel's gifts

To me, this is a mix of both the Arnor/Gondor mechaninc and the Dwarven Realms
So, what do you think about it?^^


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Re: Mirkwood maps
« Antwort #1 am: 25. Dez 2015, 06:40 »
I was going to make a post about this, I'm glad someone already did start it, and is supporting the idea. But I have a different concept for it, which I would like to present here:

-DISCLAIMER- This whole proposal and discussion began from a couple of suggestions on ModDB's commenting section and with an overexcited nerd (me). The suggestions were to either make Mirkwood a realm option at the begining of the game, like the dwarven realms, or to make it a map faction like @DrHouse93 proposed above. Both suggestions implicate MASSIVE changes in the current Lothlórien faction, mainly require the creation of a Mirkwood castle and camp and quite a bit of balance tweaking. I chose to support the first suggestion in which the player would choose if he wants to begin with a Lothlórien (agressive) or Mirkwood (defensive) base. I really don't like the idea of map factions but I totally understand the Team's predicament with Arnor and the spellbook thing, and understand that there is no other way for it to be anything other than a map faction, I am not speaking against that resolution. I know my post and suggestions are HUGE and complex, but either one of these proposals are huge and complex and do require a through examination if they were to be seriously proposed. So I tried to cover every angle of everything that would change and how it could change if this proposal would be implemented. I think these ideas deserve to be discussed with the community and the Team, given that Mirkwood is as interesting and as great an elven realm as Lothlórien and (I believe) with as many fans, so it deserves to be discussed if it is possible occupy the same grand space in the faction as Lothlórien, instead of appearing ""only"" as an outpost (may this outpost be as awesome and as big as it is right now or not).

My MAIN POINT in this disclaimer is, as I mentioned before, that I know these ideas and suggestions are huge and complex and that they would demand an equally huge amount of work from the Team. And that knowing this I'm certainly not trying to demand anything from the Team upon discussing it or insisting on it. Corellon knows how they are blessed for already giving us this amazing mod- not mod, this amazing GAME, to us entirely for free, spending hours upon hours that probably amount for months when put together. So I, or anyone else not in the Team in this community, don't have the right to demand anything from them beyond of what they already present us with. And certainly not anything this huge that I'm proposing. Upon discussing and proposing this suggestions and ideas I'm just trying to geek out and improve the mod even further. I don't know whether I'm going right about it, or if it will result in anything, that's for you guys and, mainly, the Team to decide. If it actually really doesn't result in anything and technically I was wasting my time, well then, at least it was fun writing all my ideas down, because I almost never get to do that. But my expectation is that the community will like at least some of my ideas, and that maybe one day the Team may use some of them (even though this is all meant to work together as a system). -END-OF-DISCLAIMER-

Instead of having access to Mirkwood or to Lothlórien at early game as determined by map as @DrHouse93 suggested, the player would choose which faction he wants to begin playing with, and the corresponding castle or camp would then be built.
[insert initial castle ruins screenshot]

This would be a new and unique system for Edain because this new Lothlórien faction, henceforth dubbed the Elves or Elven faction, would cease to be an exclusively agressive faction to be what I will call a "situational" faction. In this concept the player would be able to choose if he wants to play an agressive faction (choosing Lothlórien castle at the begining of the game) or if he wants to play a defensive faction (choosing Mirkwood castle instead).

After choosing either of the two factions as his initial faction, the player would still have access to the other one through the outposts. The current Lothlórien castle and the two existing outposts would be the same as they are now, going largely unchanged. But the player would only have access to one of the outposts, the one that belongs to the faction he did not choose to start with.

If this were to be implemented, Mirkwood would need its own castle and camp rather than using the same castle and camp as Lothlórien with some different buildings. It needs to be unique, and Lothlórien and Mirkwood's architecture styles are too different to be integrated in the same castle or camp.

I want to adress this first, in the concept here proposed the spellbook would remain roughly the same. And I must make clear that the Team already said that it's not possible to make the spellbook change depending on the realm you choose. But in this case I strongly belive that this would not be necessary, even if it were possible to do.

This concept is taken from the fairy brughs of english folklore from which Tolkien himself took inspiration to create the elvish cavern complexes of the city of Menegroth and the Elvenking's Halls in Mirkwood. The idea is to create a castle base for Mirkwood like the old 3.8.1 dwarven citadel:
[insert 3.8.1 dwarven citadel screenshot]

That citadel had some problems in 3.8.1 that I think can be overcomed if a similar concept were to be used for Mirkwood. The main problem with it was that the hewn-rock-like wall objects used to create the citadel were pre-existing Worldbuilder objects, they were not created by the Team to compose the citadel, they were repurposed to create a round stone fortress and looked weird because that was not what they were created for originally (I may be wrong, but I think they were mountain walls part of the EA Ered Luin map, not meant to form a round shape when put together). I'm not speaking out against repurposing objects to create new mod designs, I'm just saying that this Mirkwood castle concept should need to use new wall objects modeled to fit each other evenly in order to create a cavern atmosphere and not to look off.

That being said, I know the Team tried to replicate this cavern feeling in the first version of the Mirkwood outpost, with its stone pillars, and were later forced to change it into a forest canopy, because it didn't look right. Well, creating a Mirkwood castle instead of an outpost gives the advantage of actually creating walls to compose the cavern.

As a defensive faction befitting Thranduil's reluctance to put his people in harm's way, Mirkwood castle, as I am envisioning it, would be a killbox. The base's walls would be modeled to look like natural stone in a round format surrounded by shrubs, and trees and all kinds of greens. It would be completely sealed, without garrisonable walls (at first, read below), and having only a front gate.

Mind that this is the concept for a castle base, not a camp. It may be weird and different at first for a defensive faction's castle in Edain not to have garrisonable walls, but I will talk more about that below when I get to the Wall Extensions section.

Mirkwood Castle Buildings
All the buildings inside the Mirkwood castle are connected to its central citadel by stone bridges harboring Mirkwood archers, there are five build plots inside the castle.

-The Throne Room: Mirkwood Castle's central building, its citadel, would be Thranduil's Throne Room and would look a bit like the current central building in Mirkwood's outpost. It would be a central stone dais befringed by four stone pillars, each at one corner, with Thranduil's throne at its center. Two small entrances at the sides of the stone dais would be the places where Mirkwood units recruited in the castle would be spawned from. So this concept establishes that Mirkwood castle will use the same recruitment system currently used in the Lothlórien faction, where only one unit can be made at a time. Moreover the Throne Room can be used to sit Thranduil into his throne, where he would have different army support abilities than he has while not in the throne (his out-of-the-throne skills would be the same as they are now), see the Heroes section below to know more about enthroned Thrandy, and other heroes that can be recruited in this building.

-Vault of the King: This building would look much like the current Vault of the King in Mirkwood's outpost. It gives access to the castle's upgrades, and it allows the training of Palace Guards at the citadel. Thranduil's Mobilisation Order is moved to enthroned Thranduil. Captain of the Guards posts two palace guards at the Throne Room (instead of around the vault itself like in the outpost) that climb down the stairs to attack nearby invaders. Protect the Borders adds +1 more archer to each of the stone bridges connecting all the buildings to the citadel, this is in addition to the maximun of two archers in each bridge when its building reaches level 3, in this way Mirkwood gets more archers than Lothlórien given its killbox concept. Wine from Dorwinion works as normal, I'm not gonna mention the old dorwinion units because I don't know when the Team intends on adding them or how.

-Troopchambers: The Troopchambers allow the training of all the regular Mirkwood units at the citadel. The player also must choose if he wants to buy recruit speed upgrades or command point upgrades at the recently built Troopchamber, once the choice is made it can't be changed, another Troopchamber must be built to buy the type of upgrade that wasn't chosen.

-Mirkwood Forges: Access to all the current Lothlórien upgrades.

-Feast Hall: The Feast Hall is a new two-story building, as all the other buildings of Mirkwood, it is formed by stone pillars connected through bridges, the building consists of the wine cellars at its base and a spiral stair leads from the cellars to a upper floor where there is an elven feast (reference to the Feast of Starlight), a strip of light from a crack in the cavern ceilling illuminates the feast (like the old 3.8.1 Lightbringer building). This building heals nearby allies and from a roleplaying perspective it would be where the Elvenking receives his honored guests. People would point out that one of the problems of this Mirkwood castle idea is that Mirkwood has too few heroes to be a faction, so my idea is that the Mirkwood faction would be able to research an upgrade in this building where they can recruit allied heroes from Lothlórien. It would further integrate the two realms and solve the lack of heroes problem.

Wall Extensions
As I wrote previously, Mirkwood's castle doesn't have garrisonable walls as other defensive factions do, but it can defend itself externally through its wall extensions upgrades. In this concept there are five wall extension plots around the castle's cavernous walls, each is positioned in the same direction the internal build plots are, as if five imaginary lines extended outward from Thranduil's Throne crossing the build plots inside the castle and then reaching the wall extension plots outside. There are two extension options, the Overlook and the Secret Path:

-Secret Path: This extension creates a small crack in the fortress' natural rock walls that allows allied units to pass through.

-Overlook:The Overlook is how the brugh (Mirkwood castle) defends itself, it's supposed to look like a cliff that sticks out of hole in the cavern wall, it should have an appearance resembling this:
In the same way that the internal buildings of Mirkwood castle are connected through stone bridges to the citadel, so is all the overlooks built connected to the internal buildings of Mirkwood that lie in the same direction or imaginary line as the overlook. You can only build an overlook in a wall extension build plot if you already have an internal Mirkwood structure built in the correponding internal build plot. From the moment you build an overlook an empty garrisonable slot appears in the corresponding internal structure. When you garrison it with a batallion of units those units enter the building and then walk out in the stone bridge that connects the building to the overlook, this uses an elevator system not unlike the one in Rohan, Gondor, and the Dwarves' castles. Units garrisoned in an overlook are subject to enemy fire as normal.
After building an overlook you can further upgrade it to have an ent at its tip hurling rocks, like the old Ent fortress upgrade for the elves in the original BfME II.

As of now in my idea Mirkwood camp has four build plots and no natural walls or extension build plots to speak of.

I think both the Ent Moot and the Beorninger Hut settlements are fitting to both Lothlórien and Mirkwood, but the Mallorn Tree is too specific and special to Lothlórien and I think Mirkwood deserves another resource settlement in place of the current Mallorn tree, given that Mirkwood is a special forest realm in its own right with different thematics to explore for its magical trees.

Border Guard Treehouse: This settlement is a green-leafed tree with a small elvish tree house attached to it, the bark of the model of this tree should have either a darker or more multicoloured appearance than the white Mallorn Tree to give the impression of a totally different forest, and also a more twisted trunk. I mentioned the multicoloured option because in the movies the trees in the set were wildly full of psychedelic colours to give exactly this feel to the actors, and were later darkened in post-production. So I don't know which you guys prefer, dark or coloured. This settlement would function more or less like a Mallorn Tree, but with different "melian" effects (doesn't need to be called melian):

*Forest of Illusions: A multicoloured fog (dark green, dark blue, purple, and pink) covers the area around the Border Guard Treehouse that slows enemy units' speed, doesn't affect monsters (including spiders).

*Eyes of the Elvenking: The Elvenking knows all the secret passages of Mirkwood and his eyes and presence are everywhere, augments the vision range of the tree and a elk appears grazing around it (Desolation of Smaug EE easter egg, the elk is a symbol of the Elvenking's presence in the woods).

*More ideas?

These are the heroes recruitable from Mirkwood castle/camp:

-Legolas: remains unchanged from his outpost version.

-Tauriel: becomes a permanent hero recruitable from Mirkwood castle, but is still non-recruitable from the outpost if the player chooses Lothlórien as his initial faction. In this concept she will no longer be present at the Spellbook, and instead be replaced by a third battalion Guards of Mirkwood in that spell (clarifying: this is a global change, and I'm not proposing for the spell to change depending on what the player chooses, because I know that's not possible).

-Thranduil: Thranduil remains unchanged... actually, sort of, he is indeed the same version as the one from the outpost, but in this concept he can sit at his throne in the same way Saruman can be put atop the Isengard's citadel after the Wizard's Tower upgrade is researched. While sat he obviously can't move and his abilities to change to army support skills, see below the Enthroned Thranduil:

-Enthroned Thranduil: The skills of Enthroned Thranduil conceptually follow the Fisher King trope in which a ruler's moods and health are reflected in his realm's appearance and health. That same trope was part of how actor Lee Pace thought of and concieved his character in the movies, and I think it's a very fitting concept for both Thranduil and a defensive faction like Mirkwood. Here's some ideas for Enthroned Thranduil's skills:

*Level 1: Passive ability. While sat on his throne Thranduil takes a small fraction of damage everytime one of Mirkwood's buildings outside the castle (the settlements) take damage. But Thranduil also gains a small amount of experience everytime enemy units are killed in close viscinity to one of Mirkwood's settlements. This experience and damage are only awarded and taken respectively while Thranduil is sat on his throne. (Variant feature to make this more balanced = the experience gained through this skill only advances Enthroned Thranduil's abilities, the army support abilities being presented here, not his regular combat hero abilities.)

*Level 3: Thranduil's Mobilization Order. Unchanged from its outpost upgrade version.

*Level 5: Silvan Revelry. Thranduil orders a great feast for his people, The Feast Hall stops producing resources and all units in the viscinity of any of Mirkwood's buildings are healed much faster for a time, but are also slowed. Elven heroes are also healed, but not slowed (that's because all elven heroes except Tauriel are either Sindar or Noldor, and thus can't get drunk as the lowly silvan elves lol).

*Level 7: Wrath of the Elvenking. All units in the viscinity of a Mirkwood building get +25% attack and damage.

*Level 10: Any ideas?

-Avari Scouts: Instead of a scout hero Mirkwood has access to the Avari scout units, these are the same Avari units from 3.8.1, but they are limited to three battalions of three soldiers each. I think they would make great scouts and it's a good opportunity to bring the Avari back, their design fits well with both the Mirkwood Border Guards from the spellbook and the Elkriders.

-Other Heroes: One of the few minuses of this whole turning-Mirkwood-into-a-realm concept is its few heroes. In this concept Mirkwood would only have three heroes of its own + the Avari scouts, one fewer than Iron Hills, the faction/realm with fewer heroes. My suggestion to this problem has already been mentioned in the Feast Hall building entry above, creating an upgrade that makes it possible to recruit Lothlórien hero allies through that building. The other solution would be adding at least one more noncanon hero to the mix, perhaps Elros, the horn guy:

The other minus of implementing this concept is how the units are currently built to work in the Lothlórien faction. As of now, the Lothlórien units and the Mirkwood units are meant to complement each other, in which you begin with the fast and weaker Lothlórien units to later get the access to the more tough Mirkwood units at the Outpost. If I remember well that's the same mechanic to be implemented in the future with the Misty Mountains faction, where you would begin with the weaker goblins of Moria to later get access to the more tough Gundabad orcs or the more specialized Goblin Town units at the outpost. I totally understand that it's a little difficult to  disturb that balance, but I think some balance tweaking should help the Team get this right so that players can begin with Mirkwood units if they choose the Woodland Realm castle and make that Lothlórien units are still useful at late game. It is not something new or impossible balance-wise in Edain for a faction to begin with tougher units and later get access to lighter ones, such is the dynamic of the current Ered Luin and Erebor realms where they begin with the more resistant dwarven units and later get access to the lighter Lake Town/Dale units.

Contrary to @DrHouse93 I don't think that begining with the current Mirkwood units would be necessarily OP, as I said it just needs a little balance tweaking. My suggestion to this matter is to keep the same Mirkwood outpost units in the castle if the player chooses Mirkwood as his initial faction, but nerf them a bit compared to the ones that can be recruited in the outpost (remember what I said at the begining of the post that, in this concept, if you choose a faction, you later don't have access to that same faction's outpost, only to the outpost of the faction you didn't choose initially). So the idea is that Mirkwood Swordsmen recruited in the castle would be a little less resistant than the ones you could recruit from the outpost (had you chosen Lothlórien as your initial faction) and they do not have their tower shields. Instead, the Tower Shield could be a special upgrade. A new unit could be created, the Mirkwood Spearmen, weaker than the elite Palace Guards and that could also benefit from the Tower Shield upgrade. Maybe the Mirkwood Archer (and that pains me a lot to propose, but I think is necessary given balance reasons) isn't so good as the Lothlórien archer, so getting the Lothlórien outpost at late game should be really useful for a player who chooses to begin as Mirkwood. Maybe Mirkwood should be the tougher faction and Lothlórien should specialize not only in speed, but also in greater damage than Mirkwood.

-Dorwinion Units: If the Team means to implement them, these could be Mirkwood's support units in the same way the Chanteuse is Lothlórien's.

P.S. I will not revise this huge text right now, I've spent my day elaborating it from ideas that I've been cooking up in my head and dreams the past two weeks (I think). I'll later edit both for revision's sake and for adding new concepts and ideas that come up later as the discussion in the thread evolves and becomes a 15 page monster. I really love this community and the Edain Team, happy holidays! (Great Corellon, I still have to write the whole Disclaimer section at the begining of the text.)

P.S.2 The [insert screenshot] things are here because currently I cannot take screenshots of the game, and couldn't find the described images on the web. It will be edited later.

P.S.3 Do I win "Biggest Proposal/Post of the Forums" or "Biggest Useless Human Being" LOL

P.S.4 Ignore the names I gave to buildings, abilities and such, while writing they were thought of to be completely provisory. I bet anyone here can come up with better names for these things than me.
« Letzte Änderung: 27. Jul 2016, 04:50 von NetoD20 »


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Re: Mirkwood maps
« Antwort #2 am: 25. Dez 2015, 10:34 »

Wow i like your ideas!
Its an awesome idea  8-)
Im in :D

I just dont like this resource settlement that you choose...
I think the Mirkwood gets his Money from trading resources

Thats why i think we need a Mirkwood-Outpost for trading things
(A little Outpost for resources) like a little marketplace
you know what i mean?

Mein englisch ist nicht so gut also ich meine statt dem Mallorn-Baum könnte man ja auch ein kleines Handelshaus einrichten nur halt für den Düsterwald
Falls diese Idee überhaupt übernommen wird.
Ich finde aber das es ja auch den Zwergen zusteht zwischen 3 Völkern zu wählen
deswegen könnte man ja auch den Elben dieses Recht zusprechen :-)


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Re: Mirkwood maps
« Antwort #3 am: 25. Dez 2015, 11:37 »
I will try to give my honest opinion on such a massive idea.
As a kind of disclaimer for myself, I'll just say that I'm currently happpy with the Lorien faction and the Mirkwood appearance in Edain, but I understand why some people want to see more of Thranduil's realm. I will only talk about Neto's ideas because, in my opinion, if and only if the team is willing to do such an important overhaul of Mirkwood (just like they did for the Dwarves after all :D), it would be a pity to work that much for a couple of maps. However I'm not saying DrHouse's ideas are bad. :)

That being said, let's get started:

  • The Spellbook
I agree with you: the current spellbook has been thought to fit both Lorien and Mirkwood, no important change needed.
  • Mirkwood Castle
The idea is good but personally, I hated 3.8.1 dwarven castle: it felt out of place, not very handy and ugly. Now, I don't understand what you said about the worldbuilder objects, but I think there is another way to recreate that cavernous and closed from the outside look.
To make it clear: Mirkwood castle should be a mix between Mirkwood current outpost (cavernous, closed from the oustide) and Lorien castle (all buildings connected to the central building) and I would completely trust our favorite team to make the best of it.
Just a final note: I really like the idea of "non garrisonable walls" and "walls extensions" ; especially the walls extensions: everything you said about the Overlook is so cool! (execpt the Ent throwing rocks: there is no Ent in Mirkwood)
  • Mirkwood castle buildings
The Feast hall is a nice idea for a fourth option, but you shouldn't be able to recruit Lorien heroes from there. Leave them in the corresponding outpost. Instead, give the Feast hall the command points option and give the Troopchambers the training speed (something like that is very important because from a competitive point of view, you need the command points and with your idea you would have no choice but building two Troopchambers: one for training speed and one for command points).
  • Mirkwood Camp
I'm having a hard time picturing Mirkwood camp given that I already barely see what the Castle would look like, so I'll just say I leave that one to you guys.
  • Settlements
The Entmoot and the Beorninger Hut should definitely stay and as you rightfully stated, some kind of new economic building should replace the Mallorn. I like your idea of another Tree because after all, Mirkwood is an impregnable forest just like Lothlorien.
  • Heroes
Here is unfortunately one of the point I disagree the most with you. I like Isengard system with Saruman and the Citadel but I like it unique and I don't think anyone else in the game, Thranduil included, should have access to this very interesting mechanics.
Legolas and Thranduil unchanged and Tauriel "taking" the role of Haldir is how I see things. On the settlements, you have access to Grimbeorn, Quickbeam and Treebeard. On the outpost, you have access to Galadriel and Celeborn. As for the scout hero, some kind of similar system to Iron Hills' ram riders, with some ideas I don't currently have, could be the place for Elkriders in Edain (I gotta admit I never use Elkriders in 4.2.1, I don't like the way they are implemented at the moment).
All in all, Mirkwood would offer just as many heroes as Lorien. If you start with Lorien, you can't play with Tauriel but if you start with Mirkwood, you can't play with Haldir and his brothers.
  • Units
That's the second point I disagree. I think a certain unit should have the same exact damage and armor no matter if you start with Mirkwood or Lorien. As you rightfully pointed out, Blue Mountains/Erebor begin with heavy units and have access later to cheaper but faster units in Laketown/Dale. Of course some units would have to be tweaked (I'm thinking about Palace guards who would have to make up a bit for CG guardians). Once again, I would completely trust the team to release a balanced faction.
Also, just like you, I won't mention Dorwinion units because I don't know if the team has plans for them.

In the end, I'm just gonna say that this proposal is very interesting and well-thought, but it would require a massive amount of time to do it right.

EDIT: I still think that whether or not you start with Mirkwood or Lorien, you should still be able to build the corresponding outpost. (what if you want to use only Lorien units? or only Mirkwood units?) Even though they are meant to complement each other, you might want to go full Lorien/Mirkwood depending on the game.
More generally, what if you hold several outposts?

EDIT2: I didn't see your post, @Celebrimbor. You are right that trading was an important aspect of Mirkwood in the Desolation of Smaug, but I would rather see it included as a building in the Castle/Camp.
« Letzte Änderung: 25. Dez 2015, 11:54 von Adrigabbro »

"That still only counts as one!"


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Re: Mirkwood maps
« Antwort #4 am: 25. Dez 2015, 12:16 »
This is not possible.
There can be only one base built at castles/camps for each factions. Therefore, there can't be completly different ones.


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Re: Mirkwood maps
« Antwort #5 am: 25. Dez 2015, 12:33 »
Ok, after having read both the answers, here's my opinion about Neto's idea:

  • Mirkwood castle/camp
I mainly agree with Adrigabbro on this point. I also hated the Dwarves' mountain in 3.81, and I hope not to see it again, both because I don't like it and also for one practical reason: the Halls of Thranduil were built INSIDE the Mirkwood Hills with the help of the Dwarves. So, I don't think the Elves would be so capable of replicating the Dwarves' work, as well as being nosense that random hills would spawn out of nowhere (similarly to what the team said to people who wanted rivers to be boundaries of the Elven castle/camp)
So, I think that the current design is fitting, and maybe just the building options can be changed
  • Buildings
I like the way you implemented Mirkwood's outpost buildings inside the main camp. However, I do believe that Troopchambers should grant the Commandpoints bonus (therefore replacing the Border Guards Quarters), while the Feast Halls should give the Recruitment Speed bonus (therefore replacing the Galadhrim Quarters)
The Vault of the King is the place where there would be the first main difference from Lothlorien. In the castle version of the Vault of the King, you can research not only its standard upgrades, but also the units upgrades. Also, building more Vaults of the King would reduce the cost of upgrades (I will explain later why this choice). The Wine cellars would then remain as they are: producing resources, lowering the price of heroes, healing nearby units and producing 50% more resources when the upgrade Wine from Dorwinion is researched.
  • Settlements
The options you proposed are pretty good^^ The only thing which I'm not conviced of, is the first upgrade proposed by Neto: "Forest of Illusions". I think the illusion and sickness feeling inside the forest was mainly because of Dol Guldur, and not Thranduil's job
  • Units
Now it comes a new idea. I stick with my opinion that having armored units from the beginning would be OP, for the Elves atleast. So, to my previous units options, I would like to add another concept: Heavy Armor. Why this?
- Because we saw that Mirkwood units can be both agile and fast as well as heavily armored with golden armors
- To mark another difference with Lothlorien
- To compensate the absence of the Lembas of Lorien units. So, Lorien units would have the Lembas, but not Heavy Armor, which would be an exclusive to Mirkwood units and would also change their design to the currently implemented models. So:

1. Mirkwood 3.81 swordsmen + Heavy Armor -> Mirkwood 4.2 swordsmen
2. Mirkwood 3.81 archers + Heavy Armor -> Mirkwood 4.2 archers
3. Mirkwood new spearmen + Heavy Armor -> Mirkwood Palace Guards
  • Heroes
Here, I like both Neto and Adrigabbro's proposals, with some modifications:
- Legolas is unchanged. Everyone is happy with him
- Thranduil is fine as it is now. However, if most people likes this idea, I think it could be some kind of Citadel upgrade like Denethor until the Mobilisation Order upgrade is purchased. Of course, this would cause a reduction of Thranduil's price (until the uprade is purchased) and an increasing of the Mobilisation Order's price. (I don't have any ideas though for Thranduil as Denethor, sorry^^). Also, he could get his armor through that upgrade, rather than through Galadriel (I didn't never like the fact that Thranduil will wear his armor only if Galadriel gives it to him, sorry)
- About Tauriel, I still think she should be scout at first, then, when the Mobilisation order is purchased (another reason to make it an expensive key feature) she would take on Haldir's role as Adrigabbro suggested
  • Outpost
Last, but not least, the outpost options would be pretty the same as those proposed by Neto, but with just some changes to the Lorien Fortress:

From here, you can recruit Galadriel, Celeborn, the Galadhrim, the Caras Galadhon Guards, the Singers and the Silverthorne Arrows. Why this? Because these ones are all key features of Lorien. Replacing them with some Mirkwood counterpart would diminish Lorien's role, importance and uniqueness[/list]
« Letzte Änderung: 25. Dez 2015, 12:37 von DrHouse93 »


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Re: Mirkwood maps
« Antwort #6 am: 25. Dez 2015, 15:59 »

    I understand, and I ask myself how couldn't I remember that Mirkwood uses a lot of commerce. Still, I personally don't have any concept for a trading outpost kind of building for Mirkwood resources, but if someone does, please do share :D Bear in mind that in my initial concept I wasn't proposing to change Lothlórien's resource gathering system or recruitment system, that's why there are only five build plots inside the Mirkwood castle in my proposal, and all the buildings should generate resources.
    Also, I don't quite understand how you meant that the Mallorn Tree could be a small trading post.

    Yes, I feel that same way about the old 3.8.1 dwarven castle, using it as an example was my only way of trying to explain how Mirkwood castle could be created. I couldn't imagine how Mirkwood castle could be with garrisonable walls, but it needed to be defensive, so I came up with that concept. I too completely trust the Team (if they ever want to implement any of this) to create Mirkwood castle the way they feel is right, that was just my cue at it. About the Ent thing, well I totally understand that you or anyone else don't like that, I it added because I felt that one archer battalion per overlook was small protection (remember that each overlook is kind of distant from each other as they extend into different directions from out of the castle like the points of a star, so most of the time only two archer batallions can get at one target where their overlooks are more close to each other), and as a defensive faction Mirkwood would need to defend itself properly agains siege. And the way I envisioned and explained overlooks above it isn't possible to put ents from the Ent Moot in it, so I tried to come up with something. Plus, I thought it was a good throwback to BfME II. Again, I trust the Team or the rest of the people in this thread to come with better ideas of how Mirkwood can defend from siege.

    About the Feast Hall, yes, I prefer your idea much better than what I wrote above. I felt I needed to adress the hero problem, so put that idea up about the Lothlórien heroes reinforcement, someone had already mentioned it on ModDB, I think. I could totally play Mirkwood with only three heroes at the castle and the Avari or Elk Rider scout units as you proposed, but I'm not sure that's going to be a populat notion amongst the other fans or the Team.

    About the units, yeah, most of the suggestions I did up there were for the sake of balance, and I'm not very confortable with them either. About the outposts, I don't know, but I think you're right, you should be able to be full Mirkwood or full Lórien if you want to, but as the outpost are supposed to have slightly different units than the castle (like shield swordsmen and non-shield swordsmen) I don't know how that would work, but it can be done.

    I don't wanna be the unpleasant guy who discusses with the Forum moderator, and I don't really understand much about modding. But... well I obviously didn't mean that there should be two castles built at the same time at the same spot, just clarifying that up, because the way you worded it gave the impression that that is what you thought I was proposing. Second, as the Dwarven realms work right now, the base is built and then you choose your desired realm. But I remember playing RJ mod back there and when you played the elves you started with that rock/castle ruins thing (the same one that exists in Edain from where you conquer new castles when there's too few players in a map with many player slots, the same one that appears at the begining of the game a few moments before your castle builds itself up) clicked on it and that chose Lothlórien or Rivendell, and the chosen base started to be build. I may be completely wrong, and I will search for a screenshot of the rock/ruins object I'm talking about, but I still think it's technically possible.


    I didn't know the dwarves helped build Mirkwood, wow o.o Did the dwarves helped with the creation of Menegroth too?
    About the castle's natural wall feeling replicating hills, yeah I knew this would be challenged. Well, one idea could be to remove the feeling of it having natural stone walls, but maintaining the non-garrisonable walls and overlooks, just make it feel it is elven mansory. Personally I think that creating a replica of Minas Morgul when playing Mordor is even worse than spwaning natural features likes hills, and rivers, because I would atribute that to elven magic. But that's just me, and I totally understand why people and the Team don't like it.
    I like your ideas on units, even though I don't exactly remember how Mirkwood units looked like in 3.8.1 and if that visual can be integrated with the golden armour. But I really like your heavy armor concept, it's similar in a way to my shielded swordsmen and non-shield swordsmen.
    On the heroes, I too don't like the idea that Thranduil only wears his armor when Galadriel gives it to him.


    • Galadhrim
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    Re: Mirkwood maps
    « Antwort #7 am: 25. Dez 2015, 16:56 »
    I'll share my thoughts as well.

    I mostly agree with Addrigabbro and FG15. The amount of work necessary for this overhaul for a certain maps is quite large and it is questionable if it is necessary. The thing is, most of these posts regarding Mirkwood arise because, somehow, the thought that Mirkwood is subjected to Lothlorien, because they are on the outpost, is present. I believe this to be the case, but the team made it quite clear that Three Elvish realms in their diminishing 3rd Age is overkill. Men are the most important.

    Also, I believe we can do same trick, by making a couple of simpler and easier adjustments instead. I am going to post a seperate thread about this; it will concern as many details as possible regarding the dynamics between the two.

    That said, I enjoy reading the suggestions made if they are fleshed out so nicely. Well done and keep posting!
    “For so sworn good or evil an oath may not be broken and it shall pursue oathkeeper and oathbreaker to the world's end.”


    • Galadhrim
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    Regarding The Mirkwood-Lothlorien Dynamic
    « Antwort #8 am: 25. Dez 2015, 18:50 »
    Good day people of Edain mod,

    Over the last couple of weeks, I have been noticing posts arguing that Mirkwood is just as significant as Lothlorien and that it should deserve a better place than the Outpost and that Mirkwood being ''subjected'' to Lothlorien is wrong. Personally, I both agree and disagree, but that is not exactly what I will suggest here.

    I would like to suggest a couple of things that can make both intertwined factions more unique towards each other, while still maintaining their ties and iconic game mechanics. My idea is to create a kind of feeling where you are basically playing 2 factions at the same time, but it would be the best to have both operate independently, unless you are in a dire situation. Since I am not suggesting some kind of massive overhaul, what do I suggest then?

    Well, this:

    Odysseus out.
    « Letzte Änderung: 25. Dez 2015, 22:43 von Odysseus »
    “For so sworn good or evil an oath may not be broken and it shall pursue oathkeeper and oathbreaker to the world's end.”


    • Bilbos Festgast
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    Re: Mirkwood maps
    « Antwort #9 am: 25. Dez 2015, 19:28 »
    I am sory but this may not happen because the map system is unique for arnor and other wise this wont be unique anymore and the beginning choice is unique for the dwarves and every faction needs to be unique so I am totally against this in every way posible


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    Re: Mirkwood maps
    « Antwort #10 am: 25. Dez 2015, 20:27 »
    I don't wanna be the unpleasant guy who discusses with the Forum moderator, and I don't really understand much about modding. But... well I obviously didn't mean that there should be two castles built at the same time at the same spot, just clarifying that up, because the way you worded it gave the impression that that is what you thought I was proposing. Second, as the Dwarven realms work right now, the base is built and then you choose your desired realm. But I remember playing RJ mod back there and when you played the elves you started with that rock/castle ruins thing (the same one that exists in Edain from where you conquer new castles when there's too few players in a map with many player slots, the same one that appears at the begining of the game a few moments before your castle builds itself up) clicked on it and that chose Lothlórien or Rivendell, and the chosen base started to be build. I may be completely wrong, and I will search for a screenshot of the rock/ruins object I'm talking about, but I still think it's technically possible.

    Trust me, if I tell you something is impossible, there is no way to implement it.

    It is technically not possible, that a faction uses two different bases for a castle/camp/outpost. That is the reason, why every faction has at a maximum 1 outpost, which has buildplots.
    If there would be a Lorien and a Mirkwood base to choose, that would be two bases and therefore not possible.

    If you look at RJ mod, you should notice, that they use a completly differtent system for starting buildings. Instead of a base, which is unpacking, every faction has their own starting object. That is a 100% different system from the BfME1 building system. Just because these two object look quite alike, does not mean they do anything similar.

    Firstly, even if the dwarves have a similar system, everything happening there is a small visual change, that the right subfaction flags are visible, as well as, that the building plots and the fortress changes the commandset. That is a giantic difference from a completly different base being generated. So, the Mirkwood base has to be basically the same as the Lorien one, with just some minor visual changes.

    Secondly, then it would be exactly the same system as for the dwarves.


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    Re: Regarding The Mirkwood-Lothlorien Dynamic
    « Antwort #11 am: 25. Dez 2015, 20:59 »
    Point by point:

    1. If you want Mirkwood to have a bigger importance inside the faction, I don't think increasing the price of the outpost is the right thing to do because you will obviously need more money and therefore more time before building the outpost. Take Minas Morgul or Dol Guldur that both cost 3000. They may be important to the expansion of the faction, a decent amount of games, if not most games, end before you are able to build them. That's my first note regarding your idea.
    Secondly, I'm afraid I didn't quite understand what you meant: do you mean Mirkwood outpost should basically be a second castle? If you do mean so, I'd say Mirkwood outpost is already a mimic of Lorien camp. If not, I apologize.

    2. I was gonna say that it is already the case but I checked first and it was the right move, you are correct. So, I can only agree with you. (beware of balance though, but from a theoretical point of view it looks very good)

    3. That's something I wanted to talk about!
    More generally, something I LOVE in Edain is how every single unit and hero has a purpose, from early to late game.
    Take Lothlorien faction and their archers : Lorien archers, Galadhrims, CG guardians and Mirkwood archers (I deliberately leave Elkriders aside, see below).
    Lorien archers excel at range and are fast, Galadhrims have a weapon switch and damage multipliers since the last patch (!God I love that buff!), CG guardians, if I'm not mistaking, are meant to destroy heavily armored enemies. Finally, Mirkwood archers are great mass slayers thanks to their attack speed steroid. See? Theoratically, no unit becomes obsolete from a point of the game and they all are different.

    Well, I'd like to reproduce that pattern with pikesmen, and for that Mirkwood regular pikesmen are a great idea, but contrary to your idea, I still think Palace guards have to be recruitable.
    As quickly as possible: Lorien pikesmen would have speed, Mirkwood pikesmen would have the defense aspect thanks to the formation you proposed and Palace guards would offer damage (porcupine formation? or a new one)

    4. Elkriders... I don't like this unit. :D At the moment their role is some kind of anti-armor unit, but it doesn't make sense, why them? Plus they are so in conflict with Mirkwood's current identity.
    So, I'm not really in favor of expanding on them (perhaps my vision of them will change with time, who knows).
    The only thing I can think of is to tie them with the 3 points power spell.

    5. No offense to your ideas but to be honest, I very much like current Mirkwood buildings and upgrades.

    6. (is that a 6. ? :D ) Damn right! Galadirel remains Galadriel, she is a source of inspiration for all : Lorien, Mirkwood, Fangorn and the Vales of Anduin.

    "That still only counts as one!"


    • Galadhrim
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    Re: Regarding The Mirkwood-Lothlorien Dynamic
    « Antwort #12 am: 25. Dez 2015, 22:40 »
    Woops. Dat 6 though.

    Damn, that's perhaps the longest reply I've had yet. Thank you so much mate :D.

    Well, personally, I don't like the Elk Riders/Archers too much either, but I believe it would be wiser to expand on them if they remain. I mean, it's quite strange that cavalry come out of a castle :P, especially Mirkwood.

    I rarely get them as well, but that's not because they aren't useful or anything like that. It's just that I seem to do fine without them so far. Oh, and a PP spell for the Elkriders sounds pretty nice, from an aesthetical point of view, but 2 cavalry with a hero for a 3PP spell, isn't that a bit too powerful?

    About the changes to the buildings, it's only to accomodate the prior changes. I doubt Lothlorien's Forge would make forged blades for Mirkwood, lest reduce their costs. See what I mean?

    I think the only issue having both spearmen will be that you will have overlap and a bit of confusion. If you can get Mirkwood Spearmen and Palace Guards, it's probably always better to get Palace Guards, since they have more health and damage. But, I simply feel this unit to be too Tower Guardish, just like how the Elk Riders are too Rohan Archerish, so I would not mind seeing that change.

    So, in short, I think my leadership arguments and the Mirkwood Spearmen are the most important for me, and partially the shared concern for Elk Riders. The rest is kind of as is haha.

    Thanks for the feedback, mon ami!
    “For so sworn good or evil an oath may not be broken and it shall pursue oathkeeper and oathbreaker to the world's end.”


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    Re: Regarding The Mirkwood-Lothlorien Dynamic
    « Antwort #13 am: 28. Dez 2015, 09:10 »
    This is a very interesting topic indeed, for you could maybe witness that the Lothlórien/Mirkwood 'issue' has been brought out many times both here and on ModDB; from not so detailed suggestions about minor changes, to proposals regarding Mirkwood as a possible independent faction on its own (a completely new faction, a separate faction working like the current Dwarven system or a change in the roles between Lothlórien and Mirkwood from the beginning of the game, at the player's choice).

    Needless to say, the topic inevitably involves further matters apart from the 'mere' technical ones, like the very role and uniqueness of each faction in the general hierarchy of the faction's system itself.

    However, before expressing my opinion, I will merge this thread with the one in this same section that deals with a very similar topic.
    Given that I wil change also the title of the new 'united' thread, I want to assure that the result won't thus be a simple assimilation of two threads that concern similar matters, but a completely new discussion, wider and without any fragmentation within (which could lead to unnecessary repetitions or divisions in a broad debate as this is).

    Ok, now let's talk a bit about it.

    As you can see along various threads of different sections, I always tended to object every proposal about Mirkwood getting a major role, or just more prominent, in the whole faction.

    Let alone the technical and gameplay-related issues that have already been considered and stated here (spellbook, heroes, originality, graphics...), which already mark a precise line as well, I would say, I would like to focus mainly on conceptual aspects.

    Agreeing more or less with Odysseus, the fact that I don't understand is how Mirkwood could ever be an independent faction on its own or have a more prominent role, as if (as someone has hinted at) it didn't already have it now, taking into consideration that we are talking about the Edain Mod, which necessarily has its own standards and boundaries regarding the gameplay and the structure of its own essence.

    That's why it wouldn't be very logical, I guess, not considering the diminishing power and importance of the Elves in the late (and I want to stress 'late') Third Age, talking about great and majestic realms (that share the same noble Sindarin bloodline of Doriath via their own rulers, Celeborn and Thranduil), but not at all comparable to the 'real' wide and expanded realms like Gondor and Rohan, that embody the characteristic traits of the dynamic realms that we commonly have knowledge of.

    Both Lothlórien and Mirkwood are of completely diverse standards, being realms indeed, with their own territories, armies and rulers, but of a significantly different Nature (mainly due to the involvement of Magic and a particular History in their own past and present).

    Just as, I think, it wouldn't be fair 'elevating' Thranduil to the level of Galadriel as a Ring Hero and, consequently, the most important hero of the entire faction (Lothlórien/Mirkwood).
    And the relative reasons, I take it for granted, have already been more than exposed in different occasions; if you miss some of them, I recommend you to visit the Prancing Pony and its relative lore discussions  ;)

    Therefore, I personally object any proposal of this kind.
    I believe that Mirkwood already has a very significant and valuable space in its own faction, the best one could probably expect within the boundaries of the Edain Mod (and arguably the best representation and rendition of Mirkwood, both conceptually and gameplay speaking, in a BFME Mod).

    Some of the suggestions of Odysseus, though, are really valuable.
    Small 'adjustments' that could concur to give Mirkwood a more unique role, if this is really necessary.


    • Elronds Berater
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    Re: Lothlórien and Mirkwood
    « Antwort #14 am: 28. Dez 2015, 11:25 »
    I agree with you, Walk, when you say that both the realms, beyond than different, are equally important and complement each other. That's why I proposed to just swap the starting realm depending on the map. It's just more logical to find Mirkwood as the starting faction in Mirkwood, than rather Lorien


    • Hobbit
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    Re: Lothlórien and Mirkwood
    « Antwort #15 am: 28. Dez 2015, 17:23 »
    Hi to all!
    I'm glad there are many people who wants to see the Mirkwood like a independent faction from Lothlorien, at least partially.
    I would desire Mirkwood like a complete independent faction, like Rivendell but I think there are problems to add a limited number of new factions, right?
    I like the idea to choose at the first the main faction (Lothlorien/Mirkwood) because it gives us liberty to play all maps :) although, as the Dwarven, the main problem with this option is if i play with Mordor and I want confront Lothlorien (for example) the cp can choose Mirkwood :S Would be nice the player can choose the enemy too, If I want as enemy Lothlorien, Mirkwood or the Iron Hills ;)
    Would be great have Mirkwood with his own castle :)))) But it seems it's impossible have the same faction with two difference castles :( But... could change the texture of the castle???? Lothlorien elves lives in alive trees and the Mirkwood live into the caves which are similar a forest but in stone. So , can be possible to Mirkwood add a stone texture to the Lothlorien castle?? It could be a solution for the castle problem? I hope it can :)


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    Re: Lothlórien and Mirkwood
    « Antwort #16 am: 6. Jan 2016, 22:29 »
    Seems I am late for the discussion. So correct if I am wrong, based on the team this whole "start by choosing which basement you want" stuff is impossible. right?
    Can we have two different choice of castle and camp when capturing a new site?

    Also, if there would ever be a Mirkwood faction, I mean if we could have a "2-fold" faction coexisting with Lorien, I would suggest to have Tauriel in place of Haldir, while adopt a similar system of scouting units as iron hills, just use single elk rider as  scouting units and allow them to be upgraded to full hordes of mounted archer after Thranduil recruited. Bring back Mirkwood ranger as hero units in place of Caras Galadhon Guardians.

    Melkor Bauglir

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    Re: Lothlórien and Mirkwood
    « Antwort #17 am: 6. Jan 2016, 22:54 »
    Can we have two different choice of castle and camp when capturing a new site?
    No. The problem is that you can't assign two castles to the same building plot. "Castle" in this case are all buildings which spawn additional build plots after being completed, for the rest of this post this word has the trivial meaning. ;)
    This of course applies to every 3-build-plot-outpost, castle and camp and is of course also the reason why things like the Thal market place, Laketown or the Lothlorien citadel (on the outpost) work this way -it's just not possible any other way.
    Hope you understand what I am talking about because this matter is a little abstract and I don't fully know how to explain. ;)

    Melkor Bauglir


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    Re: Lothlórien and Mirkwood
    « Antwort #18 am: 6. Jan 2016, 22:59 »
    Map features will be the last chance for Mirkwood fans, then.


    • Bilbos Festgast
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    Re: Lothlórien and Mirkwood
    « Antwort #19 am: 11. Mär 2018, 18:06 »
    Hi, I have a suggestion about Mirkwood archers:
    I think it would be more logical to switch the ability of Mirkwood bowman and Carn Dum bowman for a logical reason:
    Angmar archers shoots arrows ice, and ice can paralyze enemies and slowed them down. Mirkwood archers are extremely fast and accurate in movies, Lothlorien should have the fastest archers, not Angmar. (sorry for my english).


    • Galadhrim
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    Re: Lothlórien and Mirkwood
    « Antwort #20 am: 11. Mär 2018, 18:59 »
    I agree with this.
    “For so sworn good or evil an oath may not be broken and it shall pursue oathkeeper and oathbreaker to the world's end.”


    • Edain Unterstützer
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    Re: Lothlórien and Mirkwood
    « Antwort #21 am: 11. Mär 2018, 21:07 »
    Conceptually, it might be a sound choice. Speed will be an interesting theme in the forthcoming patch, along with other aspects. And the bows of woodland Elves are really the fastest and swiftest weapon at their disposal, dreaded and terribly feared.


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    Re: Lothlórien and Mirkwood
    « Antwort #22 am: 11. Mär 2018, 21:10 »
    That seems completely logical, I agree with it.


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    Re: Lothlórien and Mirkwood
    « Antwort #23 am: 11. Mär 2018, 22:03 »
    I like this idea as well.


    • Elronds Berater
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    Re: Lothlórien and Mirkwood
    « Antwort #24 am: 11. Mär 2018, 23:26 »
    I agree too :) but guys it's me or in a previous version (I mean before 4.4.1) it was like Todd is proposing?  Maybe I'm wrong. 


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    Re: Lothlórien and Mirkwood
    « Antwort #25 am: 27. Mär 2018, 00:27 »
    I agree too :) but guys it's me or in a previous version (I mean before 4.4.1) it was like Todd is proposing?  Maybe I'm wrong. 

    No, you're correct. I remember reading a heated discussion on this in the German forum preceding the change to the situation as we know it. I also thought it was a strange choice prior to that discussion, but after reading it was quite convinced it is better this way. I strongly doubt the Team would undo their change here.

    Essentially it helps the Mirkwood tactic incorporated within wide Lothlorien that Mirkwood archers slow down units. It makes these units more vulnerable to ranged damage as they lose mobility. This corresponds to the function of the Mirkwood Soldiers; their defensive focus forces the enemy to stand and fight these units because they cannot be outrun or broken through. Moreover, don't forget Angmar has plenty of options to slow down the enemy. The Frozen Land spell in particular is a much cheaper option than battalions of Carn Dum Archers to immobilise units.


    • Elronds Berater
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    Re: Lothlórien and Mirkwood
    « Antwort #26 am: 27. Mär 2018, 10:18 »

    No, you're correct. I remember reading a heated discussion on this in the German forum preceding the change to the situation as we know it. I also thought it was a strange choice prior to that discussion, but after reading it was quite convinced it is better this way. I strongly doubt the Team would undo their change here.

    I should definely start to study German (i wanted to in the past but the problem is i've no time [ugly], i just know few words right know). Ok there is the translator but it lose efficiency when it comes to complex reasonings, in my opinion. Having the possibility to follow both the sides you can understand more about some apparently mystery changes :D
    But, yes Garlodur as always you are a master of tactic and you raised a good point. For sure the capability of slowing down army is just a central theme in the faction. The fact is if we want to stress this point more or leaving the current situation unchanged. As a last remark, we don't know exactly if they will keep Frozen Land spell in the new spellbook, because i remember they don't want too much terrain spells in game.