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I really like the quotation at the beginning. Absolutely significant and meaningful. Progress is indeed achieved in time, step by step unto the reaching of success. In the words of old sayings, Necro, it is said that not even Rome was built in a day ;)

May you accept this as a testimony of gratitude.

The Path to Success

Along untrodden ways and stormy seas thou may have voyaged,
Unclear the path and thy toil great,
Yet each day an unceasing effort was,
Until wonders are finally made and at thy labour thou eventually rejoicest.

I thank you for those kind words. It is indeed that old saying that has accompanied me on the road of this project, it was vital for such a massive task to be taken on step at a time.

That saying is totally apt for the context, for sure. The poem I conceived refers exactly to what I regard as a fundamental pillar of this forum: endeavour and constant progress. It gets more evident each day passing, if we just consider how much any of us has changed for the better. Well, some have taken a course downwards, but this is another tale :D

Wow this wiki has definitely grew since last time I've checked  (**)

Well done Necro & Co.


--- Zitat von: hoho96 am 29. Jul 2017, 13:16 ---Wow this wiki has definitely grew since last time I've checked  (**)

Well done Necro & Co.

--- Ende Zitat ---


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