[en] The Prancing Pony > The Lord of the Rings

The LOTR Trilogy

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--- Zitat ---Everything had to be designed. There were no shortcuts...
--- Ende Zitat ---


Were you aware of this extended scene's existence? I had not been, until I was casually watching the LOTR trilogy again and I bumped into it. I myself have been always very fond of the great bond existing between Merry and Éowyn, and I believe it was portrayed very much accurately in the films, stressing the fact that both characters eventually end up being authors of the bravest deeds in battle, despite them not being supposed to participate in such cruel war. Specifically, this bit tells a lot about the Hobbit's pure and kind character, alien to any vain flaw, and the Shield-maiden just nodding and smiling reveals a lot in equal terms, for words are sometimes not necessary to convey certain emotions. That is, she doesn't have to express her profound admiration via speech or other akin manners.

Given the upcoming contest, much anxious anticipation pervades the scene and seals the two characters' friendship, as they're ready to ride and risk death. Truly, an amazing scene and ever-reminding of why the entire trilogy was worthy of such enormous success.


I never had the curiosity of searching a translation of this passage of the movie. Saruman and Gandalf literally "speak" to the mountain like if it was alive. Saruman try to turn the fury of Redhorn against the fellowship speaking in Quenya, while Gandalf try to contain the natural elements spelling in Sindarin. An epic scene that I guess inspire thunderbolt related abilities of Saruman both in vanilla and Edain mod  :)

Saruman: Cuiva nwalca Carnirassë; nai yarvaxëa rasselya!
"Wake up cruel Redhorn! May your horn be bloodstained!"

Gandalf: Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho i ’ruith!
"Sleep Caradhras, be still, lie still, hold your wrath!"

Saruman: Cuiva nwalca Carnirassë Nai yarvaxëa rasselya; taltuva ñotto-carinnar!
"Wake up cruel Redhorn! May your bloodstained horn fall upon enemy heads!"


That is one of the most significant representations of Tolkien's own conception of magic, exemplified by the two Istari challenging each other from afar by means of spoken spells, and their very words sound like imperative orders, asking that the mountain either be calm or burst with rage. Furthermore, it might probably have to do with the archetype of spells in medieval tales (but also from older sagas), in which poems or sung incantations may cast powerful blessings or curses; and, again, the theme of songs (musicality) and rhymes play a prime role. Just consider the historical figure of minstrels in medieval courts or of ancient bards/poets, who would be even requested to memorise entire epic cycles and to recite them in form of melody.

Tolkien offers numerous examples: the tenson between Finrod and Sauron, Lúthien singing and undoing the spell keeping Sauron's fortress together, the chanting of Yavanna that gave shape and life to the Two Trees and many other cases. There is so much to explore, if one delves into the deep lore of Arda!


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