[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Rohan Suggestions

Concerning Eomer

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Greetings people of the Edain

I'd like to propose a different role for Eomer, as he is one of my fav characters in the story of lotr, but most importantly because I think that he is lacking his role as given to us by J.R.R Tolkien (you people are doing a fine job keeping close to the lore so I hope we can see eye to eye in that topic), he was one of the best warriors of his time in Middle- Earth second only to Aragorn.
So I whould much like to see him as a mass slayer (I think that Rohan has not got an effective mass slayer so Eomer whould fit in for the role) and a good hero killer, although Eowyn is here for Rohan, so maybe the latter should be just a secondary role for him...
His spear ability must be buffed destroying enemy heroes and either stunning units around the attacked hero, or doing some damage to them escalading respectively with his levels.
Instead of the spike with the uruk head what about having a slayer ability which will be granting him some defense power and a great amount of attack power and attack speed?
His lvl 10 ability should be either a more powerfull version of what it is already, or a banner summoned on the battlefield giving him and his allies in a moderate radius around the banner the buffs (not as strong but enough to turn the tide of a close battle) of his slayer ability (this won't stack with the slayer)
The mount/dismount ability and his leadership are just fine
Any form of improvement in my suggestion whould help, go easy on me (1st post)

Welcome Saeros.

Well, Eomer's role is indeed a mass slayer, but almost everyone can agree that he is the weakest mass slayer in the game right now.
Back to your post. I have to say that i don't find you proposals about him as a secondary hero killer very good. IMO, i would like to see change in power of his spear throw as he levels up and some visual change in his last ability ( murin + elrond have the same mechanism and visual aswell).

PS. About a buff to his attack and speed, theodred has similar ability and i fell that he deserves it more ( lore-wise)

Is Eomer your favourite character because of the movies or from reading the books? If so, could you quote some specific or iconic book scenes that could be used for mass slayer abilities?

if I understood correctly you agree with me about the spear throw, but not about the slayer ability?
What about the banner suggestion I made for his lvl 10 ability?
Also I have to agree with you about Eomer being weak so that is the reason I made these proposals.
I think Rohan needs a powerful hero except Theoden while he has the ring, otherwise Rohan has decent all around heroes but none too good or feared (like Aragorn, Saruman, Celeborn etc)

Eomer is my favourite character basically from both the books and the movies.
I like Carl Urban's acting very much in almost every movie I have seen him, but in the books Eomer is shown as a great leader and a powerful warrior.
I haven't read the books in a long time, but if I recall correctly it is said that his fighting abilities were bested only by Aragorn, he is able to kill all alone one of the best uruk- hai fighters, Ugluk (that is why I would like to see him having slayer or something of the like) and in the Battle of the Pellenor fields after his uncle death and his sister potential doom "a cold fury" caught him that affected all those around him and made a great attack against the lines of the Easterlings holding the banner of Rohan and killing almost everyone with the aid of his followers (that is why I wanted to see the lvl 10 ability with the banner)

P.S I hope I am correct in my sayings cause as I told you I haven't read the books in a long time


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