[en] - Modding Corner > Mapping


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How can I make dialogues in worldbuilder :)

What exactly do you mean?
The written sentences on the top?
Just use scripts and timers.

(it should look something like that:

--- Code: ---Script 1:
then Show Message 'blabla' for 8 seconds AND
set timer 'dialogue2' to 8 seconds

Script 2:
If timer 'dialogue2' has expired
then Shoe Message 'blabla2' for 8 seconds and
set timer 'dialogue3' to 8 seconds

and so on

--- Ende Code ---

Show Message is in "Interface".

Oh yeah. Of course you need a map.str as Fredius said. :P

You mean dialogues as in speeches (that you can hear) or written messages? Speeches can be found in the audio section of scripts. Written messages require a different procedure. Here is a tutorial about the map.str, which you need for written messages: http://bfme2.heavengames.com/worldbuilder/displaying_text

Edit: Didn't see that gnomi already replied xD.

I want that "guy A" go somewhere and then a dialogue appears in the top if the screen :)

Then do exactly like we have told you, just add another "move unit to waypoint" in front of it.^^


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