[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Mordor Suggestions

Mollock,"King" of the Trolls

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It has come to my attention that Mollock is quite a problem for any Mordor player as he seems unable to do anything without the player being constantly zoomed on him. I had an extended playtime yesterday with him and became quite acquainted with several of the issues that make him this weak. I believe that Mollock weakness comes not from his stats but mostly how he handles enemy troops and how they handle him.

Once you set Mollock on an attack path towards a unit or hero he will charge straight at them, sword raised in the air and rush in. Upon contact he will trample the enemy for an instant, stop and then begin the attack. I believe that the team was aiming at Mollock creating small bumps in the enemy formations, pushing all the troops back in a small radius, but the truth is that Mollock simply jumps in the middle of fray. He knocks over a couple units but does not create a brief empty space around him. Because of this, once he has finished with the trampling he is surrounded by enemies on all sides and because he is treated like cavalry taking him out of the battle is very slow. So suggestion number one: No more trample capabilities. Instead Mollock should come up to the front of the enemy line and start attacking like any other hero. Other people have suggested a much higher resistance to trample revenge but I think that will unbalance the game if Mollock is able to trample through masses of pikemen without taking damage.

The second issue I have encountered was with his sword attack, many time I noticed that he would interrupt his attack once the unit he was attacking was killed, this might seem logical but the problem is that his attack is slow enough that he will constantly be interrupted if he is attacking the same units as other heroes. He should finish his attacks no matter what, like this he will hit the other units around him and it won't affect him if there are not units around him. Second suggestion: Non-discontinue-able attack.

I think that both the suggestions above fix how he handles enemy troops and will allow him to be better equipped to fight other units. There is still an issue on how units  handle him. Because of his size he is easily spotted among the masses of orcs and even among trolls, whereas other heroes have a certain degree of camouflage among units of the same class.

I don't have any ideas for a solid proposal on how we can change that but I imagine that it relies on how fast he can get away from the fight. In the battle of the Black Gate it is clear that Mollock is an agile warrior which can smell danger and run away quickly. Even before the tower of Sauron falls he smells the danger and makes his escape, probably surviving in the wild until his final days.

Other minor issues include his little quarrel with other trolls, although he is much more  skilled he is easily taken to the glimpse of an HP, I think the answer lies in passive abilities. This can either mean a slight buff against trolls or a attack speed/ attack strength/ armor debuff that lowers their power simply against Mollok

I believe that this will a better solution then buffing him, and this won't upset the balance simply re-equalize it.

The Necromancer

i like your ideas , especially the first one . In my opinion, Mollock is a very difficult hero to play that's why i never use him and i think many other players

The Witch-King of Angmar:
i use mollock alot every time i play as mordor and i find him actually very good as a siege hero and troops slayer , in my opinion he is not weak at all , you just have to get used to him , but about your second idea "Non-discontinue-able attack" i think you are right , this problem is annoying .

I was going to make my own thread on Ideas to improve Mollock, but I'll post them here.

I agree with all 3 suggestions made by Necromancer, though the team has said in the past that they didn't want to take away the trolls ability to trample, so I'd assume the same would be for Mollock.  So a higher trample revenge resistance would be the next best choice, and I don't think that would make Mollock too strong because he will still be taking damage from the pikes, was well as everything else that is attacking him.

However, there are many other problems that I think need to be addressed. 

1.  Mollock is always focused down first when 2 armies fight.  His size makes him very easy to focus down, so every archer and hero will instantly focus him down, making him die within seconds.  Now I understand there is only so much you can do about this with out making Mollock practically invincible.  So I think the damage he takes from heroes is fine.  But he still takes extremely high damage from upgraded arrows.  So my suggestion would be to have him take less damage from Upgraded Arrows, because he is already an easy target to hit.

2.  The damage Mollock does to single targets.  There are 2 reasons why Mollock has a problem with single targets such as heroes and cave trolls.  The first is, well, the amount of damage he does :P.  It is low compared to most heroes, and yes, I know this is because he can hit multiple people at once.  So, to make sure he doesn't do too much damage to a lot of people, I think that the person that Mollock is targeting should take more damage from Mollock's attack, while everyone else hit takes the damage they would normally take.  If that is possible, I think that would be a perfect solution to that problem. 

The second, which is not as much of a problem, but still exists is that Mollock's attack speed is slow.  Even other Trolls attack faster then Mollock does.  So it might need to be increased slightly, but maybe not if his single target damage increases.

3.  Does anyone else find it weird that Mollock, who is a mass slayer, has a Building Destroying skill as his 3rd ability?  I do like the ability, but it feels kinda out of place when Mollock is using his sword.  What if he kept that ability, but you must have the hammer equip to use it?  This would allow him to have another ability when he has his sword out. 

I'm fine with the team coming up with another ability for Mollock.  But I'd thought I would come up with one myself.

Shattering Blade:  Mollock strikes a single target with a lethal force, causing high damage to that target, and knocking down anyone around Mollock in a short radius.  All foes who are knocked down by this attack are now 25% slower.

Well that's my thought on the matter.  I would really like to see at least some of these improvements on Mollock.  I think that Mollock needs some buffs to become worth buying in a competitive game.

I hope some of those improvments by Necro and Haman will see daylight and make to the game. This thread is nearly year old and i still waiting for some improvments for Mollok.

--- Zitat ---3.  Does anyone else find it weird that Mollock, who is a mass slayer, has a Building Destroying skill as his 3rd ability?  I do like the ability, but it feels kinda out of place when Mollock is using his sword.  What if he kept that ability, but you must have the hammer equip to use it?  This would allow him to have another ability when he has his sword out. 

I'm fine with the team coming up with another ability for Mollock.  But I'd thought I would come up with one myself.

Shattering Blade:  Mollock strikes a single target with a lethal force, causing high damage to that target, and knocking down anyone around Mollock in a short radius.  All foes who are knocked down by this attack are now 25% slower.

--- Ende Zitat ---

This idea sounds good but to make this even better  Mollok use two-handed troll animation to do this ability .


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