[en] The Prancing Pony > The Lord of the Rings

The History of Middle Earth book – Availability and Cost

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Are there any copies out there that aren't ridiculously expensive?



I honestly don't really know.

Though, keep in mind that this section is aimed to be a space in which people can discuss together about books and films; but, it's quite taken for granted that a lore-oriented and theoretical/speculative approach is generally how we are supposed to deal with this section's themes  :)

Questions of this kind can easily be managed in the wide and wild lands of the Internet.

Saruman der Bunte:
The History of Middle Earth is published in twelve books, and (usually) 10 Pound/Dollars/Euros per book on Amazon isn't exactly "ridiculously expensive".

The compilation I came up with is around $200.

Saruman der Bunte:
For twelve books it's not that much. Also; you don't have to buy them all at once, and if you do there is a complete set for 170$ on Amazon.com and for 140 pounds/euros on Amazon Uk/Germany. So you won't have to pay 200$! ;)


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