[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Mordor Suggestions

Mordor trolls - different armor for different upgrade

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Azog The Defiler:
Now in this idea i want to give the trolls a different armor based on which upgrade you choose. The different armors give different bonus relevant to your upgrade.

This would massively improve the use of trolls. Currently its a little too complicated to get the trolls to their full potential. Now you first have to use influence, then upgrade them once and then again.
The way this usually plays out is that you upgrade them once and then you have alot of other stuff to focus on and often you forget which trolls are upgraded with what. (ofc you can see their weapon, but sometimes it doesnt even show it that well.)
If there was only one upgrade and the trolls would look different, it would not only improve the gameplay alot, but also the ecxperience of the game.

The idea
Now instead of first upgrading the troll with armor and then the weapon, the trolls get armor based on which weapon they choose, and get different bonuses from each armor. The upgrades now become more expensive and take longer to upgrade but the trolls get more useful in the game.
Armor and weapons
Hammer (Minas Morgul)
-Armor: Minas Tirith breach armor
-Bonus: Higher durability against arrows

Mace - Changed to the wooden mace (Dol Guldur)
-Armor: BOTFA
-Bonus: Higher durability against spears

Sword (Morannon)
-Armor: Mollocks armor
-Bonus: Higher durability against heroes and other single targets
Now Mollock is actually a non canon hero, and Mordor already has tons of heroes, so maybe just another mass slayer, or just buff Sauron a little to make him more fun to make up for it. Or this buff of trolls would make up for him.

I... actually find this a pretty good idea. I agree that the trolls are kinda too complicated right now, and are imo not really worth the money and time during a match.

Definitely an interesting idea, however I do not agree that their weapon should make them have a different armor bonus.  Also, I do not think Mollock should be removed from the game.  He just needs to be improved. 

As for the visuals, I wouldn't mind seeing them in the game, but I don't think the trolls stats should be affected by these visuals. 

Again, if Misty Mountains do get a Dul Guldur unit summon, I'd love to see some of the BOTFA trolls in there.

Azog The Defiler:
Its one of the main points to further improve their use, i mean different armor bonus for each upgrade.
And i dont think MM will be getting such a summon, according to lore they didnt have anything to do with DG, so theres that:/
But i think this would be the best way to include the epic botfa trolls, a way that actually makes sense improving the gameplay.

But to make the point clearer.

Hammer with Morgul armor bonus vs arrows, cause they are used most when breaching a fortress and destroying buildings, and there will be alot of archers on the wall

Wooden mace with DG armor bonus vs spears, cause they are used in the open, where people often use spearmen to counter you.

Sword with Morannon armor, so you can fight single targets and heroes better.

Melkor Bauglir:
Great idea, for the majority!
The concept actually solves a fair number of (unnecessary) problems trolls have atm, so this is a decent improvement. Granted that we don't know if the BotFA-armor will be included and if at all, for Mordor, but even without it, I like your proposal. (I had actually thought about something like that myself. :D)
The only part I don't like that much is a separation between mountain trolls and Olog-Hai, because that would again make the matter more complicated, and also Mollok should definitely stay -he his kind of semi-canon, since he appears in the movie.

Melkor Bauglir


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