[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Strategy

Strategy against fortress players?


There is a strategy for defeat an enemy, as a AI playing as a Gondor AI inside Minas Tirth, without have to block the city's exit with tons and tons of orc warriors, with a starting of 3000 resources, for avoid the sudden endless wave of soldier with rams that will get from it EITHER in easy?


--- Zitat von: d0m0a am 22. Mär 2016, 20:15 ---There is a strategy for defeat an enemy, as a AI playing as a Gondor AI inside Minas Tirth, without have to block the city's exit with tons and tons of orc warriors, with a starting of 3000 resources, for avoid the sudden endless wave of soldier with rams that will get from it EITHER in easy?

--- Ende Zitat ---

This topic belongs to the proper Edain Strategy board.
I will thus move it there.


Really? Nobody has a strategy against a Fortress AI? Only with excess of luck for avoid the assaulted without warning with heavy weapons?

Well, I'm not a pro but I'll give it my best shot. AI is not very smart, a normal player would barricade themselves in with the occasional gondor knights harassment. But all the AI knows to do is spam the living hell out of its units. The only way I see is to set up an effective system of unit killing, pile up a couple of barricades and add Morgul and Dol-Guldur Archers to slow down and kill the units. If you want a real fortress battle you'll have to either play online or play on a scripted map. You can also add catapults on bombard mod and the occasional human skull during massive spams.


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