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Autor Thema: Angmar Bugs  (Gelesen 18244 mal)

Ealendril der Dunkle

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Angmar Bugs
« am: 3. Apr 2016, 11:55 »
Post any Angmar bugs here.


Text and Voice bugs
« Letzte Änderung: 25. Jan 2020, 16:11 von FG15 »

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Re: Angmar Bugs
« Antwort #1 am: 13. Jul 2020, 00:15 »
Gulzar will stop to attack enemies in range when passing through a postern gate causing him to end up on top of the wall.

Necro (241942232867799040)
« Letzte Änderung: 28. Okt 2023, 23:22 von The_Necromancer0 »
What is this? This is an automated account used to allow users on Discord to post on Modding-Union. Allowing them to make posts such as bug reports without having to have a Modding-Union account. The posts made by this account are not written by this account, instead, they are written by the Discord users whose signature you can see at the bottom.

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Only True Witchking

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Re: Angmar Bugs
« Antwort #2 am: 24. Okt 2021, 21:49 »
This is going to be a very long post.

I have tested Gulzar's level 10 ability against virtually every recruitable hero in the game (and then some) and will report my findings here.

Reference: This is the English description of the ability:

I tested if he gains any ability at all, if the ability can be used, if it has any effect and if the effect seems to be the one advertised by the description of the button.

Heroes that just have "works" are ones where all the questions above can be answered with "yes", though I have also commented further on some heroes that "test positive" [ugly] on all questions but that I find odd for other, somewhat arbitrary, reasons.
This list does not claim to be complete; some abilities listed as working have wonky descriptions, incorrect hotkeys (a lot of those, as far as I noticed) or no FX, for example. Balance was mostly no consideration.
Finally, I often looked into the game files (or let my brother do it) to find out why an ability may be bugged, if I found a reason, it is reported here.

The heroes will be sorted by factions, those in turn do not have any particular order besides the one I tested them in.

Aaaaand done.

The Only True Witchking

PS: Any feedback/questions/corrections are welcome. I can conduct a large number of tests on this ability fairly quickly now, so if you want info that isn't here already, ask away.

PSS: I would love to see this ability used to its fullest potential, which currently just isn't the case. Beyond the bugs, it feels very unpolished and has some major balance issues & inconsistencies, but the concept is awesome so I'd hate to see it go. I'm currently thinking about opening a discussion about this in the Balance section.

PSSS: Healing abilities are weird, especially Athelas. However! There is a far better way to include an ability that heals heroes exactly like Athelas without actually using an AutoHealBehavior (and possibly tinkering with Lua scripts, disgusting :P).

I present to you: The PlayerHealSpecialPower! Just make sure to set "HealAsPercent" to False and you can achieve the exact same effect Athelas has. I'll just post an example of code below:

   Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_BeShorterDammit
       SpecialPowerTemplate                = SpecialAbilityAragornAthelas
       TriggeredBy                         = Upgrade_Level_5

    Behavior = PlayerHealSpecialPower ModuleTag_CreateAHeroHealingPower_Level2
       SpecialPowerTemplate                = SpecialAbilityAragornAthelas
       UpdateModuleStartsAttack            = Yes
       StartsPaused                                 = Yes
       HealAffects                                    = HERO
       HealAmount                                  = 2000
       HealAsPercent             = No
       HealRadius                                    = 150
       HealFX                                            = FX_StreicherAthelas
       InitiateSound                                 = AragornAthelesEffect
       TriggerFX                                       = FX_StreicherAthelas

    Behavior = SpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_CreateAHeroHealingUpdate_Level2
       SpecialPowerTemplate                = SpecialAbilityAragornAthelas
       UnpackTime                                 = 1
       PreparationTime                          = 1
       PackTime                                      = 3000
       UnpackingVariation                  = 5

If you know this already, sorry for rambling, but I think Gulzar could very much use this :)

That's it from me, this abomination of a post has grown to insane lengths already.

PSSSS: Quotation marks galore.

Edit 24.10.2021 - Forgot to write "Works" for most of Mordor's heroes.
« Letzte Änderung: 3. Aug 2023, 11:54 von Elendils Cousin 3. Grades »
“In rode the Lord of the Nazgûl. A great black shape against the fires beyond he loomed up, grown to a vast menace of despair. In rode the Lord of the Nazgûl, under the archway that no enemy ever yet had passed, and all fled before his face."

Le Sournois

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Re: Angmar Bugs
« Antwort #3 am: 29. Sep 2023, 23:52 »
Hello Edain team,

It seems wolves regenerate near wolf dens on settlements but not near wolf kennels in the base when they get Favor of the Witch King unlike the description read.

Thanks for this amazing remasterisation of Angmar by the way
« Letzte Änderung: 28. Okt 2023, 23:24 von The_Necromancer0 »

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Re: Angmar Bugs
« Antwort #4 am: 9. Okt 2023, 20:07 »

1.The Wall Catapult is called Anórien Schleuder
2.On the Wall there Spawn 2 sidegates and the uprgrade for them is called Missing : Controlbar: Postern Gate Upgrade Angmar

theshark9599 (<@270341251008561153>)
« Letzte Änderung: 28. Okt 2023, 23:24 von The_Necromancer0 »
What is this? This is an automated account used to allow users on Discord to post on Modding-Union. Allowing them to make posts such as bug reports without having to have a Modding-Union account. The posts made by this account are not written by this account, instead, they are written by the Discord users whose signature you can see at the bottom.

How do I use it? This system can be used only from a discord server. In order to do so, you will have to join this discord server: https://discord.gg/5GhZezy. This server is also used to provide feedback for the bot.


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Re: Angmar Bugs
« Antwort #5 am: 25. Okt 2023, 01:35 »
When playing as Angmar, the game crashes at any time. It does not happen immediately, but it happens after some time. It always happens. It shows no error message after it crashes, it just close the game. It only happens when playing as Angmar. Other than Angmar I have only played as dwarves in 4.7. I even tried to save game and If I try to load the game, it still crashes after some time.
« Letzte Änderung: 28. Okt 2023, 23:21 von The_Necromancer0 »

Elendils Cousin 3. Grades

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Re: Angmar Bugs
« Antwort #6 am: 25. Okt 2023, 08:43 »
There's currently a bug related to the new Postern Gates that can cause a gamecrash. Did you purchase their upgrade and use them to move units in and out of the castle?


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Re: Angmar Bugs
« Antwort #7 am: 25. Okt 2023, 23:37 »
Yes that should be the problem. I was always upgrading them. Last battle I did not upgrade them, and for the first time I was able to finish and win the battle (without crash).


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Re: Angmar Bugs
« Antwort #8 am: 20. Nov 2023, 10:14 »
Don't know if they are Angmar bugs, Arnor bugs, or Map bugs, but anyway:

- In the maps 'Arnor: Rhudaur' and 'Arnor: North Downs', playing Angmar vs Brutal Arnor, the game crashed without error messages as soon as I completely destroyed their camp (it was their second/third camp, though, not their starting one). Happened twice in North Downs, and once in Rhudaur, but it didn't happen in the map Arnor: Forochel: as soon as I destroyed their camp (their only one) the game ended normally in victory. Maybe the issue is with additional camps?

- Again in the maps Rhudaur and North Downs, Angmar's outposts bugged out when taking them from Arnor. This is what happened: I destroyed their outpost (either normal or Imladris Stronghold), then I tried to build my outpost. It spawned with buildplots only, no floor and no citadel as well. As such, as soon as it finished unpacking, it disappeared, as if it has been just destroyed. Didn't happen all the time, though, some outposts were just fine and working (I noticed it seems to happen after I build my outpost, upgrade it with Garrison Tower, then they take it. As soon as I retake it, it's bugged)


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Re: Angmar Bugs
« Antwort #9 am: 20. Nov 2023, 10:24 »
Thanks for the report. We have fixed the issue with crashing Gondor/Arnor camps for the next version.

The other bug will have to be investigated
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Le Sournois

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Re: Angmar Bugs
« Antwort #10 am: 3. Apr 2024, 00:04 »
The ability Harbinger of Winter for the Witch king after having chosen the Favor for Sorcerers doesn't work at all.

I see clearly that ennemies around the Witch king are not slowed and allied units are not any more protected against arrows, I tested it with Werewolves, with barrow wights and finally with units like carn Dûm swordsmen or Shadow Knights, and there was no difference at all when I activated the ability and when I didn't. They died at the same pace against archers.

I tested it with my units around the Witch King, then with the Witch King going forward to the ennemy archers... always the same.

I think normally in addition to the visual effect of the whirlwind around the Witch King, we should normally see another visual effect, one of a learship with every allied units who enter the whirlwind, and one of debuff for every ennemy units that enters it also.

This ability doesn't work for any of its specified effects. The first test I did was with the units summoned by the Hidden One, and then I tested it against Galathrim in a standard game to be sure of the validity of this bug.

Le Sournois

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Re: Angmar Bugs
« Antwort #11 am: 3. Apr 2024, 00:35 »
I'm sorry, I just have to amend slighlty my last post about Harbinger of Winter.

It is very strange. the first time we use the ability, there is a visual effect as described above (a leadership and a debuff) but it only work the first time we use the ability. the second time all visual effects disappear.

Any way, the ability even the first time deosn't affect Werewolves and it doesn't also affect barrow wights because they are not counted as "allies" when I remember in the post for Edain 4.7 that they were intended to be protected by this spell against arrows.

They are not.

And this ability works only the first time.

Elendils Cousin 3. Grades

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Re: Angmar Bugs
« Antwort #12 am: 3. Apr 2024, 14:03 »
Very interesting. Thank you for the detailed report, I'll look into it.

Le Sournois

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Re: Angmar Bugs
« Antwort #13 am: 25. Jul 2024, 23:07 »
When the Witch King get the ring with the Favor of the Witch king on the men of Carn Dûm, we can build Ore mines that reduce the cost of Men of Carn Dûm.

The concept is great, however, the tribute of the Iron Crown which makes builder apppear to be send to an internal building doesn't work on these Ore mines, so that the money we save when recruiting men of Carn Dûm, we will lose it by the absence of the revenues linked with those builders.

It would by the way, while I'm talking about it, make sense for these Ore mines to produce the same builders as the outpost builders which are twice as strong.
« Letzte Änderung: 26. Jul 2024, 11:28 von Elendils Cousin 3. Grades »