[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Rohan Suggestions

Theodred's voice...

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Theodred's voice is the only thing that I dislike about Rohan currently. Obviously, it is used from Braveheart but it completely takes me out of the immersion of the Mod, to the point where I don't even recruit him anymore.

Is there any plans to use something less recognizable or cut from the movies dialogue? I understand this is would not be a high priority, I'm just wondering if this is simply a placeholder for now.

As far as I know, they are permanent.  The problem is that Theodred has no lines in the films at all because he dies early on in the Two Towers.  With that said, I actually like the lines they gave Theodred.  Yes, they do make me think of Braveheart when I hear them, but they fit him pretty well, at least in my opinion.   

Is it because the sounds are disturbing, marred or any other issue of this sort? Otherwise, I don't really think that a sound set will ever be changed due to subjective opinions as yours; they are legitimate opinions, but I can't honestly recall anyone else ever complaining about his lines (at least, not questioning their appropriateness in the game)  :)

Keep in mind that sounds are changed if there are serious technical problems affecting them. If there aren't, they are not generally replaced, unless there are really many people displeased by them.
Not all sounds can be perfect, especially the ones we have no reference to in the films. I think, though, that the current rendition is quite satisfying and fitting.

True, he has no dialogue in the films and I agree, the lines are good lines, it's just really hard not to always picture William Wallace when he speaks. And he has a scottish accent and no one else does in Rohan  :D

For the dialogue from the films, I actually meant someone else's dialogue, such as a minor character not represented in the Mod. You could probably use Faramir's Ranger Captain's from the film, seeing as they are not currently represented in the Mod.

I don't think such minor characters have so epic and distinctive lines (significant characteristics for a sound set). The priority is more looking for distinctive quotations, rather than implementing every sound from the films at all costs.

Sometimes, you just have to accept things  :D
For example, Helegwen needed to have appropriate lines as her current lines from Snow White and the Huntsman; otherwise, nothing could have been appropriately used from the films.


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