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Which is your favourite faction?


Autor Thema: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3  (Gelesen 9145 mal)

Ealendril der Dunkle

  • Gast
Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« am: 11. Apr 2016, 11:44 »
Greetings, Companions of Edain!

In version 4.3 you have 7 factions available and, of course, we are interested in your opinion. Feel free to use the thread for discussions.
There are a maximum of 2 votes.
« Letzte Änderung: 11. Apr 2016, 11:48 von DieWalküre »


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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #1 am: 11. Apr 2016, 12:17 »
Simply said: my favourite faction will always be Lothlórien for known reasons, but I also appreciated so much the radical overhaul of the Dwarves (especially the Iron Hills). That faction really deserved to be adapted to the new Edain 4.0 spirit, of which the Hobbit trilogy is a fundamental part. Yes, the journey has not been always so easy, and the Dwarven matters caused a quite troublesome atmosphere in the past.
Eventually, though, it's so wonderful that you have opted for the change, and that you also implemented some of the Community's valuable suggestions.

I think we are very closed to see the Edain Mod quite complete, almost totally converted into the new rational essence and with every faction being differentiated and unique in itself.
I hope the Journey will continue this way  ;)


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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #2 am: 11. Apr 2016, 12:54 »
Similarly to DieWalkure my favorite faction will always be Mordor. However I definitely did enjoy seing Angmar brought to life by the Edain Team. This is especially true since it can be truly seen that it is a reflection of their own mindset. As always it is truly enjoyable to conquer the land of the free people of Arda. Especially with the power of a faction that feels deeply lore accurate despite the little amount of lore available. Well done again xD
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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #3 am: 11. Apr 2016, 13:41 »
Lothlorien leads at the moment personally, but Imladris will probably usurp them when they come out. But after that, I'd have to say Angmar. I really like the men of Carn Dum and their designs, and the heroes are fun and interesting.
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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #4 am: 11. Apr 2016, 13:45 »
This took me a while to come up with an answer.  Because conceptually, I like pretty much every faction equally.  Each faction shows how much time and effort the Edain Team put into them, especially that factions that were not represented in BFME2, such as Rohan (yes, they technically are in BFME2 somewhat, but Men of the West is really just Gondor with Rohirrim and Rohan Heroes).  It is just impossible for me to choose based on what the Faction is in general, because they are all so well made.

So, these choices were based on what factions I like to play the most.  And these 2 are Mordor and Angmar.  I like them the best because I prefer the Factions that try to swarm the enemy with hordes of units, as well as how diverse both of them are, having the most units in the game.  Plus, I like their unit quotes the most.  Something makes me feel good when I hear "Ah.  A New Horde of Orc.", or "Do you not know death when you see it, old man?", or "We Rule the Forest!".  (Though I still think that Gimli has the best quotes).  I also love the Hero roster for these 2 factions.


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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #5 am: 11. Apr 2016, 15:46 »

I share the same opinion as Hamanathnath. It is very hard to choose a favourite faction, because all of them have their own unique quirks and tricks that make the factions stand out and very identifiable in the process. You could say that already choosing two favourite factions is very generous of the team, yet I would choose all the factions if I could xD.

Nonetheless, if I really had to pick two, I would pick one good faction and one evil faction based mostly on personal gameplay experience and meta observation:
1. Rohan for the good faction: Their playstyle just gets me. Trampling your enemies under a wave of horses sounds amazing. I also think that Kryptik worded it better than I probably ever could: ''They are just normal people, with a strong love for horses, surrounded in a world by mythical creatures and horrors, magical powers, wizards, immortals etc, yet they still manage to kick butt, with their bravery and selfless/heroic deeds.'' Also, a large, versatile hero roster and their Anglo-Saxon inspired appearance greatly contributes in favour to my choice. With the fact that Rohan is often seen as the black sheep of competitive play, I have a soft spot for it. Stand up for oppressed Rohan! In all seriousness, the recent changes might give Rohan another chance at competitive play, and hopefully finally grant it a place inbetween the competitive lategame giants such as Gondor and Mordor.

2. Isengard for the evil faction: Their playstyle just fits the RTS concept in my opinion. You have to master your economy first, before mastering the creation of a versatile army. The Uruk-Greatshields are among some of my favourite evil units, turning squads into walking tanks and deviating from this image that Evil factions cannot organise legions of lethal warriors, unlike Mordor, where most of the troops are poorly organised, and unlike Angmar, where only a handful of elite keep everything together (In the concept at least). Because of this, and Isengard's use of explosives, and last but not least, Christopher Lee (RIP), I mean Saruman, what is there not to enjoy?

Honourable mentions:
1. If Gondor/Arnor would receive a visual overhaul with some of its units, to better match the current level of the artstyle that ET now employs, especially regarding pivotal units such as Tower Guards, Citadel Guards, and Men of the White Company for Gondor and the default, non-elite troops for Arnor, the choice would have been that much harder to make. They did not make the cut mostly because of that haha.
2. Lothlorien was also pretty close, because of their unique design. The base is so neatly made, and their spells/heroes are very fun to use. The raining arrows playstyle is interesting too I suppose.

Other comments:
I apologise for this whole blob of text, but I just felt like I had to do it, to make sure I justify the other factions as well. Angmar is interesting and well-made, but I find it much too early and the faction is still too young and fresh, with relatively little meta exposure, to truly express my opinion about the faction.

Mordor feels like that moment after having gone out, being dehydrated, sweaty and starving from all the clubbing and drinking, and then seeing that delicious, fat snack online, or at the snackbar/in the fridge. You know it's bad for you, and you know it's the bastard child of the mod and a little bad for the health of the game, but you enjoy it nonetheless. The easiest to play faction, with the spamming being somewhat counterproductive to strategic play, but the faction still has its cool features and unique quirks such as Sauron's magnificent level system (Which is the biggest enticement for playing Mordor for me) and its monstrous creatures.

Finally, Dwarves are kind of like the overhyped faction, getting a ton of attention from the fans due to the Hobbit Trilogy being the most recent LOTR work, and the whole MOTY extravaganza on Moddb leading to a serious influx of fresh faces on the forums.  Also, the fact that Dwarves were utter hell to face in vanilla gameplay give me a very slight negative bias to the Dwarves. Nonetheless, the realms system being the most interesting feature, with the tunnel system being somewhat of a 50/50 fun mechanic, the travel camp and mithril mail system being unique, and finally, the insane siege that they have are some factors that make the Dwarves a fun faction to play still. Oh, how could I forget, the new models for 4.3 look flipping amazing. Seriously, have you seen the Dwarven Elite units? 0.o

Well, that was more typing that I had expected it to be. Me? I'm just waiting for the eventual Imladris to kick Rohan from its spot.

If you read all of this, triple huzzahs for you!

Kind regards,

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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #6 am: 11. Apr 2016, 16:37 »
GONDOR because I love Boromir, Faramir, Aragorn and they are my favorite fantasy kingdom of men nothing will ever come close for me.
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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #7 am: 11. Apr 2016, 17:50 »
Pff that's a tough question. As said, every faction is unique and equally fun to play in their own way. However I will choose 1 good and 1 evil faction. My favorite good faction would be Gondor, just because they are, in my opinion, the greatest representatives of the glory of the race of Men. They basically are the greatest barrier between Sauron and the rest of Middle-Earth, and this is greatly represented in the Edain mod.

As for the evil faction, I would choose Mordor. The diversity in their armies with all the types of Orcs, Uruks, Trolls and even Evil Men makes them so much fun to play. Also they make the perfect bad guys for all factions: if I play against Lorien or the Dwarves, I will use the Dol Guldur outpost, if I fight Gondor or Rohan, I will use the Morgul outpost. There are just so many great choices to make, and Sauron himself is like the cherry on the pie.

Ofcourse I love the other factions as much as my favorites, however if there were to be a Rhun (or Evil Men) faction, I guess that one will be my favorite evil faction :P.


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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #8 am: 11. Apr 2016, 21:21 »
Easy question right now: Dwarves. ^^ Because of Gimli... and because ... just dwarves. :) But I have to give you the credits. I didn't like dwarves at all in 3.8.1 but with the changes coming along 4.0, they turned epic, and 4.3 made them close to perfect.

My second choice is for Mordor because I also like spamming. (btw the day Misty Mountains is released is also the day dwarves move to the 2nd place). And you did a great job with Mordor. :)
I was hesitant between Mordor and Gondor or Lorien. Gondor feels so right and although I usually don't like elves, you did one hell of a job with Lorien.  ;)

On the other hand, Angmar is still fresh, but they totally might compete with Mordor. Isengard is a great faction but they don't fit my playstyle. As for Rohan, I personally think the faction could use some more work, gameplay wise and balance wise.

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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #9 am: 13. Apr 2016, 16:59 »
The interesting thing here is that many people have decided based on 1 hero.


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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #10 am: 15. Apr 2016, 04:56 »
Hello to all Edain Companions! :-)

Now it is quite obvious that my favourite Faction is the Dwarven one,but since it is devided in 3 I will say which one of them it is.

My most favorite of all time is none other than the Mighty Dwarven Kingdom of Iron Hills followed most closely by the Great Dwarven Kingdom of Erebor.

Iron Hills is my favorite because of it's cool and epic looking designs,and having one of the coolest and  strongest Heroes in Game . I enjoy the most playing with the unique Ram Riders and the Heavy Armor Style is perfect for my defensive playing Style. They looks great,they are tough and can take any other Kingdom without much trouble. Nearly same reasons go for my close first Erebor.

Greetings from the Lord of the Iron Hills! :-)
"I will not stand down before any Elf,not least this Faithless Woodland Sprite,he wishesh nothing but ill upon my people...To Battle,to Battle Sons of Durin!!!..."

"You,think I give a dead dog about your threats you Pointy Ear Princess...Hear now lads,we are on...Let's give those bastards a good Hammering!!!..."


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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #11 am: 15. Apr 2016, 11:59 »
I usually a dwarf player and I like Ered Luin Dwarves best. They are fast and I like the Guardian's design.


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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #12 am: 15. Apr 2016, 14:19 »
I choose Angmar but i love to play with evil factions...so i like Mordor as well..!! they have the best quotes in the game  from the lord of the rings trilogy , especially Mordor with all these awesome heroes ..!!!
In Angmar i like the uniqueness with the tribute carts and the variety of heroes and strategies to play.
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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #13 am: 15. Apr 2016, 19:54 »
I've always been a Dwarf guy. And I feel so much more comfortable to say that since the 4.3 release. So yeah, baruk Khazâd!


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Re: Poll: Your favourite faction in Edain 4.3
« Antwort #14 am: 16. Apr 2016, 18:50 »
I like Imladris a lot :P
But in the current version i have to go with the Dwarves (Ered Luin to be more specific)