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Autor Thema: The Battle for Middle-earth 2: Patch 1.06  (Gelesen 35091 mal)

Lord of Mordor

  • Edain Ehrenmember
  • Bewahrer des roten Buches
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The Battle for Middle-earth 2: Patch 1.06
« am: 5. Jun 2016, 22:34 »

Here, you can download the last official update for The Battle for Middle-earth 2, version 1.06. You need to install this patch before installing the Edain Mod. In addition, you also need patch 2.01 for Rise of the Witch-king.

Download Now ( Downloads)

Filetype: [exe]
Size: 25 MB
Base Game: The Battle for Middle-earth 2

« Letzte Änderung: 5. Jun 2016, 22:37 von Lord of Mordor »
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