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Companions of Edain Census

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Saruman der Bunte:
Augsburg, Germany.

I've got some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that Wikia terminated the world maps system and therefore the map with all the pins was lost. The good news is that the custom map system is still active. Therefore we're in the process of talking all the people who have replied with their coordinates on this thread and creating news pins on the map here. If you directly pinned yourself on the previous map without stating the location on the thread you can either go pin yourself on the new map and confirm again or you can just drop the location as a reply here. We'll do our best to move over all the locations as quickly as possible. I've also updated the link in the Original post.

Hey Necro, is the map still active?  :) i'm not able to find it via your link

Sadly not. To my great dismay, and anger, the Wikis Staff took down the map system without replacing for another so therefore the data and ability to add data were both lost in addition to a couple other maps we had.


--- Zitat von: The_Necromancer0 am 12. Feb 2018, 09:05 ---Sadly not. To my great dismay, and anger, the Wikis Staff took down the map system without replacing for another so therefore the data and ability to add data were both lost in addition to a couple other maps we had.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Really sad it was a great idea  :(. I hope they're going to create a new map system in near future.
Btw, thank you very much for reply and keep up the work on Edain Wiki, it's very useful and magnificent!  :)


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