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Autor Thema: Conversations in Doriath  (Gelesen 36738 mal)


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #60 am: 24. Aug 2017, 16:31 »
MELYANNA: ''You hold such impeccable wisdom in your heart, Princess. I now come to understand the fine quality of intellect that your House is very much renowned for. And I suppose you came to know other things of the Ainur during your previous dwelling in Aman, because the angelic kind is not often fond of revealing much in relation to their life before time and Eä itself. And not for secrecy or for other ill-natured purposes, but due to the grand complexity of the world that was prior to our arrival in this universe. And such tales might confound minds or be used by other ones for improper scopes, as many of your fellows believed in the phoney narration of Melkor and his lies could thus spread among the weak consciences which little knowledge had. Yet, Princess, you seem to be aware of much that is mostly imperceptible for the large majority. Conversing with you is thus a source of fascination and good spirit for me, and, these days, the finding of good companions with whom one may speak gets harder each moment passing.

Aye, I was with the One when Eä was not yet. I was with IT, almighty force and ever-burning flame. We resided in halls eternal and still as eternity itself, and every attempt to portray these images with words would probably fail, for one should sense and feel, in order to get into the Angels' mind. And words were never spoken in the One's domain, as all consisted of pure thought and of an infinite stream of ideas. The most various and numerous kinds of ideas, that would then be formulated, shaped or dismissed. I do not know myself whether we rested there for millennia or millions of years; who might determine that correctly? I only remember that birth at a certain moment I was granted, from the immortal thought that reigned over those unquantifiable spaces. Along with the Valar who first had had origin, we were all given the gift of free-thinking and therefore of true existence, whose nature and secret could never be replicated by none yearning such a blasphemous desire.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #61 am: 20. Sep 2017, 02:11 »
NERWEN: ''Aye, Her Excellency, much used I was to the company and acquaintance of thy sacred kind. Thy akin spirits have taught me the wonders of piety and wisdom, as much as my mind was able and ready to learn. Among the mazes of the blissful gardens of Valinórë I found wellness and wellbeing only, Queen. Their friendship and vicinity made me love and hold this world in great care; the very world ye have crafted from primordial obscurity, belonging to times of which very little, as thou hast said, might be told. Yet the bonds I created with the Angels of Aman is ever-lit in my heart and not seldom my mind may pass yonder, over the sea, seeking to rekindle my memory with vision of beloved shires and merry friends. Especially, the Maiar of Aman fancied a fine lot the joyful ways of Valimar, supreme city of Arda and dwelling of a large number of jubilant Ainur. And I would too wander and walk thither in the midst of such paradise in the middle of the Blessed Realm; my mother is one of the fair Vanyar who prefer the eternal light of the immortal reign which none but immortal ones hath permission to reside in. Naturally, I have myself beheld the mighty Powers whom all worship and pray in tales. The Archangels who keep Arda and never falter. Naught of them is flawed or could barely seem to be; each of them is king or queen of their own domain blessed and hallowed. The High Ones were endowed with this superior title due to their formidable prowess among the very Valar: governors of what Eä is made of and of what our thoughts guideth. To them only the imperative task was entrusted, which is the defence of these halls under the starred blue, after so much agony and sorrow that thou must have vast experience of. And I saw them, I may recall. Treading the common paths, sometimes, or sat on their diamond-made thrones in the Ring of Doom, at the outskirts of the holy citadel. Thither, they go and assemble; rare is the privilege to enter those majestic places. And I had it, when my wise father was summoned one day for information and counsel. There, they lead the fate of all. There, the thread of destiny is made and sewn. Ultimate judgement is the result of such a titanic assembly of almighty lords. Wrong is rectified and becometh right; punishment is decided and sentenced for whom dareth menace peace and harmony even outside the enormous Pelóri. Perpetrators need expiate a very harsh of a conclusion; ruthless yet ever-just, as ever-just are those who rule the lands which neither wither nor die. Sole case of crime was the Fallen Vala himself, whom I would see in rare occasions, when the end of captivity arrived. He underwent the worst penalty of all, being caged and chained in a gaol under the government of Mandos, and he was not freed from prison unto the passing of three long ages of the Trees. Never hath a single word between us been spoken, and I and my House had declined any sort of parlaying with such a terrible bane. We were right and our wit foretold plain truth. None might ever trust the origin of hell for us all within the realm of Manwë Cloud-Leader and Varda Snow-White.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #62 am: 5. Okt 2017, 17:43 »
MELYANNA: ''You have spoken words of wisdom, Princess of Kôr. Vengeance and grudge is so much alien to the Powers. Their command is guided by the most thoughtful and insightful purpose, and never do they intend to deliver senseless punishment without a just cause, for punishment requires a fault. Their mind is clear from resentful desires of any sort, as one would often experience out of the sacred kingdom of the Archangels. None ought in fact to mistake justice for cruelty, for no evil is to be found in any of their imperative decisions. Wrathful they may be, certainly, and furious, when they behold the ruins left by the mayhem originated from the Enemy of Arda himself. Violence, fury and dreadful resolve, yet ever-conscious and right. No way would the Ainur feel pleasure in wreaking harsh havoc or in waging war against their disgraceful foes, unless you are to contest the ones who blessed were and had afterwards elected the hopeless path of malice. The Powers know well and plain, that any conflict has consequences of grave kind on this earth. Earth which mourns and wails for destruction and carnage; always it was so and forever it shall be. This is the law of Eä, noble maiden, to which all must conform.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #63 am: 11. Okt 2017, 18:58 »
MELYANNA: ''Aye, you know well and sure, Princess of Kôr, among sharp cliffs and hills. You were not born yet, and neither was my daughter, Lúthien. Far in the past, at the dawn of the Firstborns. A great war had been launched for the sake of your very race. Young race that needed be rescued and saved from the future of darkness under the rule of the Enemy of Arda, calamitous figure and of all evil source. A dreadful conflict, from whence the world came out grievous and critically wounded, for the Powers are not to grant the privilege of mercy so easily. And justness is not to be viewed as cruelty or unexplainable anger, because no anger exists within Valimar, if not for the malice which we loathe. Joy reigns supreme among the ways of the Lit Earldom. Magnificent centre and heart of the realm, this is Valimar the Radiant and Splendid. Its palaces and high towers not of mere stone were made; magic raised those buildings and together them it keeps. The Supreme City was raised when the old Two Trees were still new the world, prior to the coming of the Eldar to the sunny continent of the Ainur. Prior to this age. And I remember bells resounding while felicity spread from the pulsing seat of the Valar's kingdom. The melody of Manwë, our king, and of the other Archangels whom we always worship in our pleas. Diamond and gold, I recall the matter of those shires. I reminisce about the grandness I had decided to leave, dear Nerwen, for joyful things I had to bring to this continent as well, and here another fate, unknown to me, awaited me with lonesome patience.

It was in those years, blessed and consecrated by the lost light of the Trees, that the vanquished Enemy was chained and at the behest of the Powers he had to ask for pardon. The others of his akin mighty kind were not in favour of any compromise, for any thought of his was venom for Arda and any act a horrendous crime against all. Then, they decreed that for three eras of the Trees he had to be gaoled, knelt and bound by Aulë's most resilient chain. In captivity, at the border of the very earth, lone and trapped in his own solitude. The most terrible of the punishments to which one could ever be subjected. In no way was it cruel, though. It is just justice and how it must be enforced. And I'm confident that the ban now existing between the two shores shall be in the end lifted for the good. I don't feel like condoning rebellious decisions, noble maiden, yet I see no wicked proposition or furious temper in you and your wise kin. Problems will be solved and bridges be rebuilt, unless others are the faults of the Noldor, of which you have not told all.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #64 am: 19. Okt 2017, 18:42 »
MELYANNA: ''No stain of grudge in the divine intelligence which all guides. The chariot of governance is ever-stable and never goes astray from its path. You and your wise kin have little to fear, maiden of honour. I may see it in your eyes. I may sense it in your thoughts. I know this. Your House is not burdened by the toil of guilt, apart from the sad exile that has been your final choice. The route you longed to take. The path that has led you hither, to the shores of the Hither-Lands. Thick mists cover the waters of the western blue now, because this is the absolute decree of the Powers: their holy realm had to be concealed and hidden from your sight. The sight of the exiled kind. The gates of Valinórë must be shut and so shall they remain, until the Valar's design is made manifest. What they wish and want. What should be fulfilled. In which manners the Eldar may remedy their faults and how such terrible oath can be cancelled, for it is now a grave testimony of sedition and a compelling factor that new troubles is to cause. The Noldor must be careful and on the alert: those words of hatred, sworn and spoken at the behest of vengeance, shall be doom for whom has pronounced them. The goblet of grief has yet to pour sorrows over our fate. Grim times are ahead, and tragic. This we are to await. Further I cannot foresee, for none knows all ends.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #65 am: 27. Nov 2017, 15:53 »
NERWEN: ''My Queen, thy sight is the sight of the Angels and with thy wisdom of what need be for good I am for the most content. It is indeed an honour to speak such words and predictions in the company of one of the Ainur, blessed and clear from flaws. Future shall test all, at one point of the journey, and it might be that a broader truth will be presented to thee, Thy Majesty. Before such pending revelation, I shall wait and beg for little more time still. My mind hath turned into the dreariest maze and my heart is not up yet to the task of reminiscing what was. Yet, gracious Melyanna, even though I fail at words now and wander in the path of uncertainty, thou shalt be told the tale thou wantest to hear, and then the portrait will be full and complete in its fashion; plain to fathom and see through, with eyes keen and sharp as thine. Lances that all pierce and unveil. He who demandeth shall be given just response. He who seeketh shall find the object of the quest. The mourning maiden is to wail and despair, unto the time of pleading aid and rescue, for the ill-made will be restored anew in the gravest hour of all and the palace shall burn deep, down to the roots, prior to the landing of hope.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #66 am: 13. Dez 2017, 17:14 »
MELYANNA: ''Is this what your eyes have seen, Princess? It seems to me that your sight is wider and keener than when you and your noble court had made for the path of exile, here. It is thus true that strife and battle, violence and grief might make one wiser of the world. And you are to see further, joyful maiden. You bear a power in your heart. You harbour yearnings and longings that shall lead your way far and through the meanders of this sad earth of ours. A very grim present. And even now, your words sounded lapidary and plain as the common divination of my People of Aman. You might have foreseen what is to be of these territories beyond the sea. You may have predicted frames and gleams of a future that is still unclear for us all. It is a sign of destiny! It means you were verily meant to experience the bitterness of the ice, so that you would come to the lands of sorrow; in my kingdom, for a pupil I have always desired. One that carries on the legacy of our old wit and the memory of these carved halls. One who is apt for learning the secret of magic and incantations. One that is strong and may endure; and you are strong indeed, Princess, the mightiest of your kin. Despite the fog of doom that encroaches these perilous ways, you saw and beheld the final verdict of all, even though you cannot fully comprehend now. The portrait is still incomplete. Yet, it was the proof I longed for and needed. You are welcome to stay, gracious lady, if that is what your heart wants the most.

In your words, the fumes of the Evil shall eventually cover all, until hope finally comes, but it shall only come via routes of water and sundering waves.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #67 am: 17. Dez 2017, 16:46 »
NERWEN: ''It is so, I reckon now. My vision seemed not a maze of mine; maze of thoughts, fears or joys. It was indeed a manifestation of what is to await us all, albeit me failing still to grasp the kernel of such divination. I hope I shall read into my dreams and foreseeing; foreseeing that felt ominous and harbinger of troubles. And thy words have spoken possible fate, my Queen. Are we to suffer and wail at that extent, unto the solving of our plight? I trust the rule dwelling in the blessed lands of Aman; certain I am that forgiveness shall move the hand of the Powers once again, so that the exile will have end for good. And my noble family shall fight fiercely and set out with the firmest will; most of these efforts are to drive our fortunes in tempestuous tides, as are the tides separating us from the continent in which naught is made to fade. Much is yet to be fathomed, I guess, for our knowledge of this new world need be broadened still. Thus, should thou favour my pleasant response, I shall accept the invitation and I thank thee with full gratitude. May thy halls in the stone avail our doing and purpose, for much wit ever aideth those who seek to succeed.

Her Majesty hath granted me the best of the gifts, within the defence of a kingdom of old. Endurance, science and arcane riddles. Joyful spirit and courteous manners inside a palace of might. I praise your mood, people of Doriath. Ye will linger in Arda, I am sure, in memories or tales, even if luck is turned into tragedy and your walls fall down in ruinous sort. I shall bear you all in the fortress of my heart, where lie ambitions, dread and reminiscences of the Eternal Day which is no more!''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #68 am: 29. Jan 2018, 23:06 »
MELYANNA: ''Truly, your sight has grown keener since your arrival, here, within my kingdom and in these shires of grief. You saw something that might be. You foresaw a tiny fraction of the future events we are bound to live through, whether it be in good or lesser fortune. And sight is the highest among the powers of knowledge; the veil of doubts shall be pierced by one's gaze and anything that acquires strength in the shadow is to have its woeful schemes uncovered. Ruin shall you predict, from afar, and even when the vision lacks clear shape, you will fathom the founding meaning of such epiphany, beyond the mazes of time as they befall. This is the prowess that is seldom bestowed upon the ones who are not counted among the Angels who were prior to the first dawn of Eä; thus, a very rare of a gift, Princess. You ought to honour that miraculous privilege. And yours is a faculty destined to be rendered greater throughout the ages of the world, for I saw not death nor void in your future being; I did not, wise guest. You are born as strongest of your kin and fairest in equal manner, blessed by a day that ceased not, into the Immaculate Reign that is now forbidden to your court. Also, you were born as maiden of vigour and mightiest in the lore of Aman. And in the ancient lore shall you dwell for other centuries still.

My Princess, your science will be given the chance to get wider and open to the arts of magic, should you elect the staying in our stone-made halls.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #69 am: 31. Jan 2018, 17:22 »
Lúthien approaches and joins the conversation.

LÚTHIEN: ''I knew I would find you here. The new Moon shines brighter tonight, as if it knew that many are in need of light, when the shadow is cast upon our shires.

I think not that the coming of your noble kind shall be only plagued by woes, gentle Nerwen. You are the proof that wisdom and a pious soul may indeed change the course of events for the better, and your family is greatly renowned for such splendid qualities even across the sea that once divided our paths. And I suppose we came into the world around the same age, Princess, albeit you being delighted and blessed to have commenced your life in the eternal Day of Valinórë, which I saw not, for Beleriand was as it is today, and clearly I may remember that birds would sing melodies of joy at my passage among the woods of this kingdom. What differed from the present, however, was that the Enemy was safely behind the bars of the gaols of Aman and none would dare think that he could escape one day, after having spread such venom in the very dwelling of the Archangels. And I do sense your pain, grand maiden. I feel how much hard was to take the route across the deadly ice of the world; death-bringing routes, verily, if not for the mighty Powers or kindred spirits. And I may imagine that departure from your beloved parents was the greatest wound you have had to take so far, leaving paradise and heading to the shores of suffering, as the Eldar of the Undying Lands have named our territories. This saddens me, that such a marvellous guest has to undergo the pain and gloomy remembrance of the past, bearing it as heavy burden on the shoulders of innocent ones. Yet, if you say that the Evil had to be chased and hunted down at all costs, even to the detriment of divine trust, I feel like believing such compelling words of yours. Because none better than us know that the flower growing amidst adversity is the fairest of all, although the risk of death is ever-present and good things do remain so, if one is truly ready to protect them. Thus the reason for our defensive means, which are deed of my mother, and the reason why anything of value should be safeguarded behind a curtain of security, whether it be through sharp blades or uncanny spells. And so I may comprehend why your court has deemed it well to pass the border of law and chase the vicious one unto our very place, in order to give just retribution to the worst of the crimes, for the light that once was is now lost and none who beheld it not may again. Beside the reasons of such quest, my sight is not enough keen to pierce that veil of unknown visions and seek for truth, yet I do dream, sometimes, and get the utmost thought that something greater guides our doing and that this new era shall end as you told us, Princess. It shall end with resolution of some sort, good or ill, but a resolution nonetheless. Too many woes create the condition for decisive wars and events, which unfold later and bring about the consequences of one's choices. We just have to pray that all is not to crumble below our feet and that victory shall not be with much tragedy as well. But clear predictions are often vain parlance, at a so early time. We shall try to live through the trouble and survive.

If there is much that ought to be confronted, you shall see that Middle-earth harbours much love too, which is ancient love and perhaps older than your halls beyond the wavering blue. Many Immortals have elected the way of lingering hither, in a wild continent. And their love for the world is as deep as the deep of the sea, as you will have the chance to experience. Our homes on this earth we want to defend and dearest to us are all fond dwellings, built and kept with care, even if everything we made could fall, one day, as though a curse haunts the destiny of our kind, so that naught that is shall resist the test of time, unless it rests safe within the dominion of the Lords of the West, to whom we abide and give our foremost prayers. Only, noble friend, we are not yet to part from these lands of struggle which have lain for millennia under the darkness, without guards but our own strength. Maybe, never shall we be to bid farewell to this land, I fear. Never will we depart from the mystery of this marred shore. Never will we forsake the love we have been sowing until now, before some of the fruits of our endeavour we will have reaped for the good.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #70 am: 14. Feb 2018, 14:56 »
MELYANNA: ''My daughter spoke well, princess of Aman. With a girdle I rounded these woods and my power pervades anything dwelling here, in the realm of Doriath. And it shall be so until a mightier force comes forth and challenges mine, for among the Angels I am counted, but not all the spirits of Arda I may command. Foul danger or a fate which cannot be swayed towards a chosen goal.

Yet, a shield these shires needed to have. You have seen the slithering evil that always desires to enter our quiet halls, unnoticed. Spies among the Eldar there are not, but much we fear beasts and other sorts of minions in the thrall of the Enemy. And they may not pass through, however, as the barrier searches in every being's deepest will, so that truth is eventually unearthed from tricks or intricate schemes. In one's secret shall my blessing hear and see, to the woe of fell ones, whose rule is hidden in grinding chill.''


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Re: Conversations in Doriath
« Antwort #71 am: 21. Feb 2018, 13:39 »
NERWEN: ''Gracious maiden, it's always a splendid occasion to speak with thee and folks of thy akin kind. Thou art ever a joy, both for the mind and the eyes, for thy beauty cannot be surpassed by any other immortal maid I have ever beheld across the halls of this world. Indeed, I believe it is so due to the blood flowing in thy veins, which is the blood of the bright Angels governing us and our fate. And thy visage of splendour must really hide an equal potency and wisdom. This I may sense with a quite fair amount of ease and I rejoice at the idea of such noble realm being made even merrier by thy presence, Lúthien of Singing Birds. And I hope that doom, should it actually befall as my and thy words have foreseen, shall spare this kingdom among perils, because the gem that dwelleth in adversity is the fairest of all. And thou and thy people have gifted my kind with the greatest reception possible. One that kings and queens are granted to. I also accept the offer ye have made, and that I do fain.

I would like to remain here, with you. So that I may see the events of this continent unfolding and showing their real colour, which is the right meaning that all hath, at the end of the tale. To see grand armies battling each other for the conquest of soil, and from here shall I pray for our force; may the hosts of the Eldar withstand the challenge and keep the darkness at bay. Until much might is gathered and apt they are for the ultimate strike. The act that is to make the gates of Angband tremble and fall. Before the entrance of hell, whence none hath ever returned, where captives are still held in agony and whither we shall head, one day, for the freeing of this marred earldom of ours. Magic I shall also learn and by the teachings of one belonging to the People serving the Powers and their utmost decree. So that my eyes shall seek new horizons to gaze at, searching through the wonders of this old earth. As long as destiny is willing to permit; as long as the defences of decent ones may hold and bear the brunt. Unto the moment in which terror will be given access to all shires, and this shall be harbinger of a last concluding war.''