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Conversations in Doriath: Discussion and Feedback

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--- Zitat von: Fine am 28. Sep 2016, 10:21 ---So once again, we are in full agreement. :)

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We are connected, as Melian and Galadriel  8-)

Hopefully, I will write my first post of the game this evening. After university classes, I'm having a lot of spare time to spend while journeying back home. There already is a main idea, and I just have to finalise some aspects  :)

I really liked your start with Nerwen, as she is at that time truly that: a fighter, a fiery-hearted maiden, no lesser a warrior than her brothers. Excellent.

In my last post, I attempted to separate the surrounding characters (Thingol and sons of Finarfin) from our two protagonists so we could start a more secluded conversation. I hope that is all right with you - I am of course always open to suggestions and will gladly make changes if they are required.

Carving a more intimate space from the main happenings of the visit is surely a wise choice. We are then able to immerse ourselves into their conversations right from the start. I would really like to maintain a friendlier and more informal tone between the two as time passes  :)

I could have chosen her father-name Artanis ('noble maiden'), but I opted for her mother-name Nerwen ('man-maiden') to stress the fiery characterisation of Galadriel I was referring to. Galadriel was the name given to her by Celeborn, when they fell in love in Doriath (after that event, I will start using her usual name as we commonly know her).

I think we need to discuss some important aspects: Will Galadriel return to Hithlum with her brothers, after this first visit? Will Galadriel reveal to Melian, during this first encounter, part of the truth concerning the arrival of the Noldor in Middle-earth?

Elwë and Melian obviously suspect something and far rumours throughout the territories of Beleriand had told that the coming of the blessed Eldar might have been caused by something else than the mere desire of ruling over new lands. Also, they don't still know why the Valar had created the Sun and the Moon, appointed to journey through the skies of Arda and bring new light to the World. Needless to say, very little do the King and the Queen even know about the curse of Mandos and their guests' exile from Aman.

P.S. Just an insight into the words sung by Galadriel in front of Melian: in my interpretation, those inscriptions were a famous poem/song (poetry and singing are very much connected in the Elven culture) relating to the Valar and their realm. It was commonly known by the inhabitants of Aman and it stood as a symbol of the Powers' authority.

In this case, the song represents Galadriel's nostalgia for Valinor; a feeling that contrasts with the longing for revenge and her ambitions. This is what I exactly want to express, as she is deeply torn between regret and desire. Those lines shall forever remain memories of pure happiness of her merry life in the Undying Lands.

Another trivial fact, I was quite inspired to write that 'poem' by two songs of Enya that I was listening to the other day. It was not a matter of lyrics, but more a matter of melody and atmosphere (joy with some shades of multicoloured emotions of which regret and sadness are indeed a part, as a sort of 'aware happiness'). I personally find really interesting the idea of experimenting with poems/songs during the narration, which is also a recurrent theme in the Silmarillion. It would definitely be an enrichment if we were to explore more of that aspect  :)

Songs: Pale Grass Blue and The Loxian Gate


--- Zitat von: DieWalküre am  5. Okt 2016, 12:03 ---I think we need to discuss some important aspects: Will Galadriel return to Hithlum with her brothers, after this first visit? Will Galadriel reveal to Melian, during this first encounter, part of the truth concerning the arrival of the Noldor in Middle-earth?

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Well, as I am sort of stuck right now on deciding what to write for Melian, I think it would be best for Galadriel to remain in Doriath at least a bit longer than her brothers who (I assume) would return to forge their individual realms within Beleriand, as Thingol gave them permission to do.
Also, Galadriel's reveal about the events at Alqualonde should wait, I think, until she has talked more with Melian (and Thingol), because I do not think this secret is something that even a Maia can perceive, if Galadriel is unwilling to reveal it herself. Once it is revealed and Elwe learns of it, he summons Finrod (if I recall correctly) and questions him about it, while Galadriel is also present.


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