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Dagor Dagorath: Ascension of Melkor

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The Witch-king and the reborn Angmar are part of the League of the Unaffiliated, as Elite's lore tells. Though their fate is yet to be determined, the fact that they are not under Sauron's rule doesn't necessarily equal that they turned or could turn completely good. One could easily remain evil, even if not bound anymore to follow Melkor and his allies.

Haman was also referring to Valinor and its allies: the very Good. I don't know how the story is to develop, but, if I am to choose Valinor's side (and then define its acts in the conflict), I'm not going to treat Saruman or Angmar differently from what I would do in regards of Melkor; even less likely the idea of readmitting them among the Good's ranks. I would personally grant them a last opportunity to finally redeem, but only in the very end.


Elite KryPtik:
The idea with the League of the Unaffiliated is that they are going to be developed by the players. Of them, The Witch King does lean the most towards good and desires peace, although he is still a very corrupted individual and struggles to cleanse himself of his past deeds, Ar-Pharazon is basically neutral and wants all the gods dead, and Saruman has the most evil delusions of grandeur and desire to rule Middle Earth through stealing some of the Secret Fire himself.

It really comes down to how people develop them, they are a bit of a wildcard. Obviously they are the weakest contenders in the Dagor Dagorath, having the smallest territory and armies, but they also hold their own because the main forces of Good and Evil expend so much against eachother, they sort of forget about the league.

Elite KryPtik:
Alright, I think we have gained all the people we will be gaining. So I think its time for a role call. The major characters that need filling are:

Nameless Ainur who assist Eru
Fraule, Geldorin and Horinth, Melkors corrupted Maiar who help him break the doors of night.

Minor characters who will either be killed or incapacited fairly quickly:

I will take the role of Eru if that's ok with everyone, and I can also do the Ainur, so we preferably at least 5 people, 1 for all the minor characters as well as the 3 maiair, and then 4 for the rest of the evil characters. Or we could have somebody take control of all of Melkor's minions somebody take control of Melkor, and then somebody take control of the minor good characters. More would be better here I think though :)

As I have mentioned previously I'd like to take control of Sauron. But if the need come I'll also take control of any forces of evil left without a master by the end of the role call. Of course, anybody can still pick any of the Evil characters if they wish (apart from Sauron), I'm just putting forward my candidacy incase nobody shows up in the end. :)

I pick Varda. When she has her powers completely drained, I will probably take the part of the Ainur assisting Ilúvatar in the Timeless Halls. Though I couldn't be capable of coming up with suitable names in Quenya or in Valarin for them, I'm thinking about finding other solutions: like using descriptive titles, for example.

Of course, if someone willing to support the Good is interested in picking some of those Ainur as well, I will be more than happy to have additional auxiliaries on my own side  :)


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