[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Lothlorien Suggestions

The Axe of Doriath

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In the game: Galadriel gives Grimbeorn a new axe that was forged in Doriath during the First Age, in order to contest the Evil. The gift grants Grimbeorn a new AOE attack and will strengthen all Beornings in his vicinity.

The people of Doriath suffered greatly the constant pressure of Morgoth and of Fëanor's Sons at their borders; the weapon will just symbolise the same determination to contest the darkness as the one of the Skin-changers during the Third Age of Arda. Endurance was exactly one of the most fundamental traits of this millenary realm.

--- Zitat ---''Grimbeorn, thou bearest grave tasks on thy shoulders. The Lady desireth to bestow upon thee the blessing of her people. Accept this as a gift, gallant guard of the forest. It is a silver axe of Doriath. Don't fall prey of prejudice, for its simple fashion hideth more. An ancient queen of millennia ago bewitched its blade and on the metal cast her powerful magic. Naught the axe suffereth from the passing of time, nor doth it rust as the other arts of the mortal kind. May it avail thee much in battle. Were thou to meet the Evil on thy path, thou shalt cut it apart.''
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Ealendril (he agrees with the general idea)
Eomer der Verbannte
Beautiful Darkness
Saruman der Verfluchte123
The Witch-King of Angmar
Bilbo Backings
Tiberius Ogden

This thread sprouted from the user Secret Keeper who suggested the concept of allowing Grimbeorn to be affected by Galadriel's "Gifts of Lorien". Below was my suggestion to the concept:

--- Zitat von: The_Necromancer0 am  9. Okt 2016, 16:50 ---I like this idea, let me try to give my perspective. Galadriel knows of what has happened to Grimbeorn's people and should gift him with some power or weapon that would allow him to preserve the remains of his people. Here are the possible gifts of Galadriel:

Blessing of Galadriel:
Galadriel blesses Grimbeorn with the power of Nenya and gives him the power to preserve his people. All Beornings and Homsteads gain an health and armor boost.

Sindar Axe:
Galadriel gifts to Gimbeorn an ancient Sindar axe from the first age which with every strike strengthen nearby Beornings and allows him to regain some health.

Here are my two suggestions to the idea, I find the concept interesting and definitely worth some exploring.

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Those were my thoughts on the matter back there but they have changed a bit due to the feedback from other users and I've now changed it a bit to this:

Axe from Doriath
Galadriel gives Grimbeorn an ancient axe from the First Age forged with the sole purpose to oppose evil. The Axe is large but light allowing Grimbeorn to strike with an AOE along with that it's magic properties strengthen nearby Beornings, making them more resistant (increase in armor and health).

Edited by DieWalküre

A very wise choice to have opened a new thread. I will quote my own remark about the possibility of this suggestion and my view. Albeit not feeling like participating in the discussion in very gameplay or balance precise terms, I really appreciate the conceptual reference to Doriath and so to the Elder Days of Arda. I deem it a very sound basis to start from.

--- Zitat ---Although I'm not really sure about the propriety of granting Galadriel's gifts even to characters that aren't Elves or Hobbits (members of the Fellowship, by the way), if we were to consider a suitable concept, I would choose the latter one too: Galadriel hands to Grimbeorn an old axe belonging to the lost kingdom of Doriath (or to the ancient Nandor of Beleriand), which will serve him to fight the Evil as it had done in the Elder Days (in the hands of valiant Elven warriors). The people of Doriath suffered greatly the constant pressure of Morgoth at their borders; the weapon will just symbolise the same determination to contest the darkness as the one of the Skin-changers during the Third Age of Arda.
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Even if I never use Grimbeorn in a match, this looks like a nice minor addition, so I agree to give him the Axe from Doriath^^


--- Zitat ---Galadriel gives Grimbeorn an ancient axe from the First Age forged with the sole purpose to oppose evil. The Axe is large but light allowing Grimbeorn to strike with an AOE along with that it's magic properties strengthen nearby Beornings, making them more resistant (increase in armor and health).

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Thats great idea finally Grimbeorn get a gift from Lady Galadriel but i have some question .This means Grimbeorn get new weapon or his weapon gets some aura (blue for example) around it?
AOE bonus sounds good but i think armor and health bonus would be too much . How about resistance to trample for Beornings and his heal spell heal all Beornings around as a bonus ?

I think this is a great idea.  +1.  :) :) :)


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