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Youtuber Pages

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I think so too, the wiki is about Edain after all :P I wouldn't mind having their most watched videos of all time, but having the Edain ones is more fitting.

I would say to keep everything Edain-related too. Also, it's definitely a good idea to focus on those who create Edain content: I imagine so many people discovered the Mod itself by bumping into YouTube videos.

It's also very interesting to notice how the number of Edain-related videos has risen significantly and the improvement in quality, if we look back to how it used to be just two years ago; speaking about the English Community, at least.

I've added the video and a description to the page and added the new section header to the original post.

I've added a new section header to the RuudDevil page as a test: Known Habits. This is just to see what we can habits we can pinpoint about the youtuber. It's a fun little section where people can learn fun stuff about their favorite youtuber.

One thing I haven't talked about which is very vital on the topic of the Youtuber pages is privacy. On this matter I will be ruthless, unless the Youtuber has repeatedly shown that specific aspect of their private life and/or mentioned they don't mind people knowing, all pieces of private or IRL information is to remain private this includes but is not limited to:
-IRL name
-Links to private accounts
-Anything health-related
-Anything family-related
-and more

Remember in doubt abstain from posting the information. The Wiki is a place where fans, new and old, can learn more about the Edain Youtubers, not where every Youtuber's piece of information is exposed.

Since everybody seems okay with the layout, I'll give this post 48hr and then declare it official wiki policy. If anybody would like to feedback some more, do it within that time or, if you don't have enough time at the moment but still want to feedback, leave a note so I'll know not to make this wiki policy just yet.


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