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Voting Thread (November)

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--- Zitat von: OakenShield224 am 15. Nov 2016, 22:37 ---
--- Zitat von: Gandalf7000 am 15. Nov 2016, 19:50 ---My Suggestions:
Featured Quote: "The world is not in your books and maps, it’s out there!" (Gandalf)
Featured Poll: Favorite Evil Ring Hero.

I'll post the ideas for the rest as I think of them. In the meantime everyone is free to post their ideas for the featured content for December.

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I like that quote considering how the main news from the Edain Team has been the new maps. Could the image be something creature-related if we go along that theme  of categorisation for Wiki pages?

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That is why I chose this quote! ;)
I agree on the Creature-related stuff for image, now we have to decide which one it will be.

Just before the voting begins I'll drop my suggestions:
Article: I suggest the recently created (and still a bit incomplete) production buildings category page. With the most recent article we've seen that some major changes are upcoming and should be given top importance.

Image: One of the map images so either:
The Last Bridge
Eryn Vorn

Now has come the time to vote. Everybody will have 4 votes and can spend each one on one of the suggestions for either featured image, featured quote, featured article or featured poll.


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