[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Rohan Suggestions

Several ideas for Rohan

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Good afternoon Edayn community! I have a couple of ideas for danogo character and wanted to share with you about them! Sorry for my English !

Rahan probably fraction with the lower defects. It is aggressive and mobile. The only thing of what so is not enough for Rohan these are capacities to finish the enemy. This deficiency of power consists in the following:
1) Weak heroes! At Rohan one of the weakest heroes in fashion. Therefore I suggest to add constant or draft Helm's hero molotoruky.
2) To remove from the book of spells ability for 10 points camp!. I will just sharpen that it is duplicated with camp from the Outpost!
3) To increase defensive abilities of the camp / Outpost.
4) As the option can be added and the Outpost Vestfold
5) To change couple of abilities from the book of a spell (for example it is possible to add Gandalf as the draft hero instead of Galadrim  with Haldir.)
6) To add pedestrian elite! It so is not enough for it.
7) To slightly change abilities of heroes especially of Theoden and Eumer
8) To add horse group with copies (are strong against spearmen and monsters)
9) To add to elite group a feature to exchange astride a horse / or pedestrian group

Thank you for your attention ! I hope these ideas (or at least used part) you like!

Elite KryPtik:

--- Zitat von: Dain@ am  8. Dez 2016, 11:38 --- 1) Weak heroes! At Rohan one of the weakest heroes in fashion. Therefore I suggest to add constant or draft Helm's hero molotoruky.
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Their heroes are not weak, they synergize extremely well with eachother, and if you Banish them they are a deadly force, each of them having the damage of a hero killer.

--- Zitat von: Dain@ am  8. Dez 2016, 11:38 --- 2) To remove from the book of spells ability for 10 points camp!. I will just sharpen that it is duplicated with camp from the Outpost!
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This is a terrible idea, the 10 point power of Rohan is one of the strongest in the game. It gives you unlimited, elite cavalry, fully upgraded who can switch to bows, for FREE. Putting this on an outpost would be unbelivably broken.

--- Zitat von: Dain@ am  8. Dez 2016, 11:38 --- 3) To increase defensive abilities of the camp / Outpost.
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If you mean the Exile Camp, it is not meant to defend itself. It gives an amazing leadership, you should be using troops to defend it.

--- Zitat von: Dain@ am  8. Dez 2016, 11:38 --- 4) As the option can be added and the Outpost Vestfold
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If you mean to add a Westfold Outpost for Rohan, you should post it under the Rohan Outpost Suggestions board. Also, I believe something along those lines was already suggested and rejected some time back.

--- Zitat von: Dain@ am  8. Dez 2016, 11:38 --- 5) To change couple of abilities from the book of a spell (for example it is possible to add Gandalf as the draft hero instead of Galadrim  with Haldir.)
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Since Gandalf is your only proposal here, I disagree with it because Haldir fits nicely into the faction. If you have any other spell replacement ideas I'm interested in hearing them.

--- Zitat von: Dain@ am  8. Dez 2016, 11:38 --- 6) To add pedestrian elite! It so is not enough for it.
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I don't understand this.

--- Zitat von: Dain@ am  8. Dez 2016, 11:38 --- 7) To slightly change abilities of heroes especially of Theoden and Eumer
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Theoden already has one of the best ability rosters in the game, the problem isn't his abilities, its his health and how long it takes to level him up. As for Eomer, I will agree that his ability set is lacking, but I don't know what abilities could make it better. Have you any ideas?

--- Zitat von: Dain@ am  8. Dez 2016, 11:38 --- 8) To add horse group with copies (are strong against spearmen and monsters)
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I would support this with the goal of making Rohan a cavalry faction, the problem is that then there would be no counter to Rohan. Having a unit that is strong against its counter is incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to balance.

--- Zitat von: Dain@ am  8. Dez 2016, 11:38 --- 9) To add to elite group a feature to exchange astride a horse / or pedestrian group
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I think having an entire tier of troops who can mount and dismount would be really broken, as you can trample the enemy, dismount to fight, or quickly remount to trample again. This wouldn't work.

--- Zitat von: Dain@ am  8. Dez 2016, 11:38 --- Thank you for your attention ! I hope these ideas (or at least used part) you like!

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Thanks for your post, but I would suggest putting more thought into your ideas and presenting reasoning why the faction should have your changes next time. Also, if possible, try to improve your English a little bit ;) Welcome to the forums! :)


--- Zitat von: Elite KryPtik am  8. Dez 2016, 22:54 ---
--- Zitat von: Dain@ am  8. Dez 2016, 11:38 --- 6) To add pedestrian elite! It so is not enough for it.
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I don't understand this.

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I think he means the Rohan captains.

Elite KryPtik:
In that case, they just need to fix it so the swordsmen don't run through units and its fine.

This thread is about several ideas so i think i share my own here to because in brief sugesstion thread no one gives a damn.So i starting with my first suggestion which makes Rohan version on Cloud Brake more important more friendly to movies and diffrent than Gondor Version.
So beside standart fear effect this Spell give Leadership to cavalry units on battlefield .
Cloud Break is spectacular moment in LOTR TT and ROTK where in second movie Rohhirim charge Pikeman with Gandalf on thier side and in thrid movie Great Rohhirim Charge on fields of Pelennor .I want make this moments great in Edain Mod and being them rememberd  and i think there is no better place than Rohan SpellBook Cloud Break spell.Rohan have powerfull early game but this spell is in thrid row and need some diffrent unique effect making it diffrent than Gondor one .

So after i said why i want this idea to be implemented i think it is time to make effect /boost /morale that improve Rohan Cavalry in quite short time.

For 1 minute all Rohan Mounted units get 50% more armor vs pikeman .
I u have have ideas to make this effect better everything can be discussed . Afer all only thats why i suggest ideas need postive feddback to be inplemented by team.

2)Haldir summon currently use Lothlorien sound i come up with something not only unique but fit that was used in Lotr Two Towers when Haldir and his Galadhrim arrive
There you have it ^^



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