[en] Edain Mod > [Edain] Rohan Suggestions

Grima Ring Hero


I wasn't sure if I should revive the old thread or start a new one. I'm a long time reader first time poster but I had an idea on how Grima's ring hero mechanic could be improved. I am well aware this doesn't have a lore basis but neither does Grima getting the ring so I think we can ignore that reason for why this couldn't be implemented.  First we could implement all of The Necromancer's suggestions from the old thread. Now my idea was just involving traitors. My suggestion would fix the Rohan infantry problem as well I believe. My idea is what if when Grima gets the ring the units from the farm and archery range become traitor versions permanently for an increased cost but you would no longer be able to use rohirram for as long as Grima has the ring. To fix the cavalry issue maybe traitors can mount as was previously suggested. So basically the Rohan Peasants, Rohan Farmhands, Archers, and Spear Throwers would get stronger traitor versions but you'd lose Rohirram. Feel free to critisize and give thoughts.

To clarify basically Necromancer's suggestions in the old thread so Grima's buffs would be stronger and the leadership would be global. My idea is only for the traitor section. So you would be able to train traitor versions of all non rohirram units from the normal building for that troop type. So peasants and farmhands from farms would be traitor swordsman and traitor pikeman. The yeoman and spear throwers would be traitor yeoman and traitor spear throwers. These would have an added cost that you guys can discuss but I was thinking maybe an added 100-200 resources added to their base cost since their stats will be better. I don't know if traitors can receive upgrades normally or not but these ones would be able to I think since you are losing the rohirram units. I think this acurately shows how those loyal to Theoden wouldn't serve anymore after Grima is ruling.

Considersing Grima [Ring Hero Corrupted Theoden] i would make ability Grima's Traitors have pernament traitors battalion and automatically make this battalion level 5 also passive ability Grima's Puppet give them 2x bigger bigger boost than standart troops with exception traitors would be resistant to fear.


This ability is not working correctly becouse even tho have bigger range it is alwys selected one battalion of Peasents


Thanks for the Reply Stalwart. I figured with the 4.5 release coming out soon maybe we could get Grima fixed so people will even consider him as an option.


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