[en] - Modding Corner > Showcase

RotWKreplays.org Map Contest


Hello mappers of the Edain community!

I'm an event host from the Gamereplays.org RotWK section and I'd like to invite anybody whose interested in our map making contest of this March.

Seeing so many great creations in this and other showcase forums, I thought it would be a nice opportunity to have a little cross-community event where everybody can show his talent.

In this contest we're looking for a ladder suitable 1v1 map for competitive play. I should also mention that only vanilla textures and objects are allowed  ;)
The prize will include a 40€ Amazon gift coupon that's still possible to rise due to donations, and much more!

For more info and sign-ups, visit:https://www.gamereplays.org/riseofthewitchking/portals.php?show=page&name=rotwkreplays.org-map-contest-rotwk

Want to inquire about the information you have published that I can study myself or do you have good advice for me?


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