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Enhancement Submod (The wisdom of elves: Imladris 2nd update + arnor pdf)

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First of all I'm alone to work on, if someone can help I would happily welcome him (looking for someone to help on the writing of the news, creating images and more if you think you can help...)


--- Zitat ---
I begin a mod to add a lot of new units and variety on the factions, some factions will get some new elite units other will get some new basic units, and militias, powers, heroes and so on,...
I would be very happy with all propositions you could make,... I'm particulary looking for nice suggestions for dwarves and Lothlorien,... i have a little beginning of idea but well,...
In general i would prefer if good factions have the choice between some upgrades where each give units hero or powers,... like it does for Arnor.
for evil factions it will approximately work on the same way,... (exept mordor that won't get new building on their plots cuz they allready have a varius choice of units)
As you can expected, a such mod will add a lot of new units, then i would like to know if some people would be interesting to be a balance tester, if yes then PM me and if someone can help on one or another way i would gladly welcome him,...
I'm looking for someone that could make nice icons, it takes a long time to make something that is "small" in the game BUT important and i would like to work more intensively on code and models,...

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           -mini plots:

              -the recruitment camp:
                   In time of need, every men able to fight are mobilized to protect the
                   kingdom,... Even the mercenaries are recruited to save the king,... But
                   these men are nothing more than militias and the battle is far more
                   dangerous for unexperimented men,...

(Images of units and detailed information about upgrades and units will follow)
Alternative Arnor symbol:


In this mod, the men fortress will be able to choose an upgrade between 4 different factions where each will give a special power, hero and a heroic unit
--- Zitat ---
--- Zitat ---Description:
During the war of Arnor, Argeleb, a lord of Arnor tried to take back the Amon-Sûl fortress form realm of Angmar. He took the Palantir and the finest archers of all over the Arnor with him,... Newly called the Watch of Amon-Sûl,... This tentative project didn't work, hence Argeleb had to abandon his project and came back to Fornost.

--- Zitat ---
Look on the palantir:
From the tower of Amon-Sûl, on the highest roof. Argeleb, captain of the fortress use the power of palantir to spy the enemy's camp

Reveal choosen area for one minute

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--- Zitat ---Amon-Sûl Watch: the finest archers of all over the Arnor, lead by Argeleb... These marksmen are the elite of Arnor who can even compete with elven bowmen,...

they are able to change between bows and swords. Moreover they have a healing aura.

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--- Zitat ---Argeleb: Argeleb is a hero of Arnor,... He thought that Amon-Sûl was too important to left it in ruin, he tried to repair,... He took with him the palantir,... But the evil was allready too strong which forced him to return to Fornost.

his abilities are still needed to be choose

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--- Zitat ---
--- Zitat ---Description:
Imladris always was the closest ally to Arnor and now Elrond will help the kingdom by leading his mighty elven warriors to battle.

--- Zitat ---
Earnur Ally:
When Earnur asked Elrond for help, it was Glorfindel - one of the greatest elves ever born who led the elves to the war.
summon three battalions of wind rider with Glorfindel for a time

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--- Zitat ---Imladris swordmasters: SAME AS IN RIVENDELL FACTION


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--- Zitat ---
--- Zitat ---Description:
Lindon will support the Kingdon of Arnor whenever it will be in need. When Arthedain asked for their help Cirdan answered by leading some of the best archers of Lindon to help the realm .

--- Zitat ---
Last Ship:
From the Grey Heavens, Cirdan, one of the oldest elves of middle earth construct the ships which allow the elves to go to the Immortal Land of Aman.

For one minute, every unit on the map is invulnerable but can't deal any damage

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--- Zitat ---Lindon archers: SAME AS IN RIVENDELL FACTION

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--- Zitat ---
--- Zitat ---Description:
During the War, Manargil, the greatest swordman, archer and rider of all over the Arnor chose to reform the Order of Annuminas Guard. An extinct brotherhood of the finest warriors which were supposed to guard the most important points in the city. Now, they protect the king and the capital, the Fornost.

--- Zitat ---
Elite's Exemple:
The strength of the Annuminas Guard is admired in the whole kingdom and their aura inspire the other units on the battlefield.

For one minute, every unit on the map has +50% of attack and defense.

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--- Zitat ---Annuminas Knight: Counted as one of the best warriors, Annuminas Knights are experimented in using sword and bow as well as in riding... Their strength is admired in the whole kingdom and even in the armies of the Evil,...

These units will be able to switch between bows, horses, and swords,... because of that they won't be heroic units as the others but elites in all of these capacities,... They'll maybe have an aura,...

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--- Zitat ---Manargil: The finest fighter of all Arnor, Manargil choses to train himself a new generation of the Annuminas Guard,... He gave his life to allow his king to leave Fornost at his fall against the witch king,...


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I need someone to help me to write the news in a better English, could someone help me ? ^^ I would give him the beta of the mod ;)

I can help you with news but it depends on how frequently you want to publish them.

Not every day XD when I'll have something to say ;)


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