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Autor Thema: Antique Lyrics of Arda  (Gelesen 183898 mal)


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Antique Lyrics of Arda
« am: 21. Mär 2017, 18:03 »

A collection comprising fragments of wisdom, grief, jubilee or sorrow. And all the other tales in the eyes of whom they involved. Remnants of a past which is no more, sketches of an ever-stringent present or glimpses of a future so difficult to foretell. Regardless of the fashion of the very words, one may here contemplate the happenings within the halls of Eä in the most multicoloured of the perspectives.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #1 am: 22. Mär 2017, 02:04 »
Title: The Two Shores

Author: Attributed to the Sindar of Lothlórien, as a part of compositions dedicated to Galadriel.

Topic: The two shores of the Anduin on the eve of the White Council's strike, each of the two being the domain of a mighty presence.

The Two Shores that the Anduin divides
Two mighty fortresses where two great forces lie,

One clouded in shadows and by malice bewitched
The other bathing in light and by vast forests concealed,

Their two rulers endeavour and fight
So that hope is lost or filth is cleansed,

A nameless Shadow hides within
May the Lady cure what is ill and eventually over darkness win.

The above-mentioned indications are obviously at anyone's discretion. The absence of information might give the poem (fragment) an even more antique touch, as a scattered relic from the past.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #2 am: 26. Mär 2017, 21:06 »
Topic: A very brief composition, without any title appointed to that. It seems that it consists of a general feeling of fear, coming from the rustic people of Rohan who live in the vicinity of the Golden Wood's borders.

Thou ought not to force thy path through the forest of gold
Lest thou meet whom of that magic is the source
One who doesn't know death and mistress of what is old


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #3 am: 27. Mär 2017, 10:46 »
Title: Valinórë

Topic: These lyrics are sacred inscriptions which were carved into the colossal gates at the entrance of Valinor, where the chain of the Pelóri divides Eldamar (Kôr) from the very Blessed Realm of the Valar. Written both in Quenya and Valarin, these words describe the wonders of Valinor and each King's or Queen's powers and domain.

Source: This poem was presumably composed by the very Valar in the far Years of the Trees, during the foundation of Valinor itself. It was sung by Galadriel in front of Melian the Maia, while the Noldorin princess was sojourning in Doriath.

Thou shalt enter the domain of the Powers of Arda. Be it a wise Maia or a mighty Vala, its rule thou shalt obey.

Across golden halls and evergreen fields, a holy power the eternal life of this realm sustaineth. The untrodden paths of Valinórë throughout many places shalt take thee. The flourishing Pastures of Yavanna their divine wheat shalt offer along with many of her green creations, the luxuriant Woods of Oromë many beasts hideth, in the Gardens of Lórien may the grey Estë the toil of thy heart cure and Irmo kind dreams thy sleep assure. Of Vána the ever-present Spring is the most beloved gift and Nessa even the fastest deers in the wild outrunneth.

The golden Valmar at the centre of all, of its great wonders surely thou were told. The Thrones of the Kings and the Queens lie not afar, upon which they decide the fate of ours to be. Ezellohar of Laurelin and Telperion the hallowed seat is, and the Two Trees we much bless for anything growing their radiance needeth. The skilled Aulë is father of many things and of crafting the true master is. The valiant Tulkas proud in his halls resideth, the Champion who the Dark Vala eventually won.

In the blue depths of Ekkaia Ulmo dwelleth and all the waves of the seas he dominateth. Námo within the caverns of Mandos silently remaineth and from his hidden Gaol none may escape, while Vairë the long History of the World in tapestry weaveth. Nienna near the very edges of Arda wandereth and by the sad westernmost shores for the wounds of the World she mourneth.

Manwë and Varda the entire Eä rule, and from the apex of the supreme Oiolossë every mortal deed and heartfelt plea they see and hear. The King all sorts of winds commandeth alongside every flying creature of the Air and the authority to lead upon him only was bestowed. Snow-white Varda, the most beautiful, of all Light the source is and since the obscure days even the darkest lands her ancient Stars in the firmament with hope enlightened.

Forswear any doubt and fear, thou willing to live in such bliss, for no evil is to be found within the mighty Pelóri.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #4 am: 30. Mär 2017, 18:18 »
Topic: These lyrics are believed to be a composition of the Vanyar, depicting Manwë sending Eönwë in Beleriand as his own plenipotentiary herald.

''My command shall be thy command. Make it reach even the deepest cavern of the mortal continent''

Thus spoke the King of the realm that can't wither
And so the valiant herald went thither.

Manwë sends his herald as his own plenipotentiary envoy. The personification of the very will of the King of Arda in Middle-earth. The second part of the Vala's sentence prophesies what eventually occurred: albeit Melkor's attempt, the might of Valinor descended into the deepest pits of Angband, devastating its halls and defeating the Enemy.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #5 am: 8. Apr 2017, 15:37 »
Title: The Birth of the Two Trees.

YAVANNA: ''Ye, bright Telperion and radiant Laurelin, shall now be given life. The mightiest wonder of all the deeds of the Powers. With my song I command you grow tall and loose from the burdens of Arda. The sole of thy kind that shall not wither nor suffer the decay of mortality.''

NIENNA: ''Be my tears and sorrow the nourishment of thy roots. Be the grief of the World thy strength and armour, so ye might be taught forgiveness and mercy.''

VARDA: ''And I shall gift Light to you, so that the fields of Valinórë may be blessed by an ever-lasting day, while night embraces the outer lands which lie far away from the Wall of Aman. Ye shall surpass in splendour even the fairest and oldest stars, that stand immortal across the cold sidereal depths of Eä: the white of eternity which fills the whole firmament.

The vast plains of this realm shall be bathing in joy and light for all the long years that still await us.''


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #6 am: 9. Apr 2017, 01:58 »
Title: Unknown. This brief composition comprises scattered lyrics that would sometimes be heard among the Elves.

Three Rings, crafted under the starred sky
Fire, Water and Air an incredible power grant them
Their craftsman in them his whole art poured
And malice never touched them and they then endured.

Time stops its implacable path
An inviolable shield or hope which naught could extinguish
Bliss and beauty that shall not cease
A reflection of Eressëa that lies beyond the seas.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #7 am: 13. Apr 2017, 19:54 »
An Elven saying.

There we shall fain head
Where naught withers or wanes
The Powers undaunted, in their sunny domain
Spirits whom the One in grace had.

There we shall fain head
A fell force which slowly awakens
Let us hope the mortal World won't be forsaken
The Kings and Queens govern in its stead.

No menace shall ever reach those shores
Lest Arda only ruins from the shadows will have to defend.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #8 am: 15. Apr 2017, 00:21 »
Whispers from the First Age.

The tyrant dwells in an iron prison
Where many died in great agony

The Western Princes failed to end the tragedy
One must not enter there for any reason.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #9 am: 15. Apr 2017, 01:22 »
Title: The Two Angels

Topic: This is a poem based on an Elven tale clouded by the mystery of the Years of the Trees. Prior to the coming of the gallant Noldor, Beleriand was left in the darkness and they say something really exceptional took place during those perilous times. The Elves of the Woods (not the Sindar) talk about a mighty confrontation between two Angels, of which they had witnessed the course from afar, hidden in the vast forests of the eastern territories of Beleriand.

The Two Angels

A mighty clash throughout the vastness of the dark sky,
So much dreadful and violent, so that even Varda's Jewels faltered and for a moment went away from the sight,
Thunders and storms the wide blue marred and wounded, as Arda itself was being shattered utterly from the very foundations,
Heinous results of the indescribable fight,
Much we prayed and Manwë begged, for the mayhem to cease and for the Good to prevail in the end.

Tales say that the Demon a sacred border dared to violate,
His evil fire woods burned and many valiant Eldar slaughtered,
Yet an Angel was there to guard the realm and those people to rule,
A noble figure veiled in holy light, a so alien of a spectacle for these weary mortal shires,
The foe she vanquished and in majesty greatly triumphed.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #10 am: 17. Apr 2017, 23:20 »
Title: Hymn to Varda

Topic: Scattered remnants of a composition of the Vanyar.

She, grandest of the Aratar
Lights kindleth in the night

Held in love by the One
Its prowess she was given

Loathed by the fell as all the Valar
For the Nameless she is the fiercest knight

Every Elven heart she won
May the stains of the Eldar be forgiven.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #11 am: 18. Apr 2017, 18:37 »
Topic: Nameless fragments, recollected from the tales and sayings of the Eldar.

Once the mightiest of all
Ambition he conceived in the ancestral halls
Many akin spirits he lured
Who would make the people of Arda mourn.

The Powers have his wrath borne
Until he was in chains and has his designs forsworn
His malice had the Two Trees die in agony
Hail an Elda, and he shall tell thee the tragedy.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #12 am: 24. Apr 2017, 10:39 »
Topic: Fragments of Elven poems about Eldamar, the only true home for all Eldar.

Encircled by rough peaks and rocks
Long shores over the mortal seas

Left in the night during the time of the Trees
Here lies Kôr and its mighty towers of diamond.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #13 am: 24. Apr 2017, 10:49 »
Topic: Antique words that could be heard among the people of Eldamar, regarding the nameless shadows inhabiting the southern shores of Avathar.

Vast shores in the South of Aman
Far from the jubilant people beyond the Wall of Valinórë

They say Shadow does lie there
Which light devours and even hungrier grows.


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Re: Antique Lyrics of Arda
« Antwort #14 am: 28. Apr 2017, 01:08 »
Commemorative lyrics regarding the victory of the Lady of Lórien over the Goblins, during the war between them and the Galadhrim.

The wisest Queen longed to free lands from terror, and the restoration of the past realm much she yearned,
The Prince of Doriath, in silver armoured, led undaunted the host unto the ends of the river and the fell commander of hordes was finally slain,
The gallant Galadhrim shattered their foes and the weather too in wrath responded,
Until the filth was purged and the Lady's rule was further extended.

To thee, noble Amroth, victory is consecrated.